TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
RTLS Control Structures

Data Structures

struct  rtlsTof_t
 Aggregation of ToF structures needed for RTLS Control operation (saved in gRtlsData) More...
struct  rtlsTofCalib_t
 ToF calibration information. More...
struct  rtlsTofCalibParams_t
 ToF Calibration Parameters For NV. More...
struct  rtlsTofConfig_t
 Various ToF configurations. More...


typedef void(* pfnRtlsCtrlProcessMsgCb) (rtlsHostMsg_t *pMsg)
 RTLS Host application callback.


 Enumeration for AOA Results modes.
 Enumeration for Host Message types.
 Enumeration for ToF calibration states.
enum  tofResultMode_e { TOF_MODE_DIST, TOF_MODE_STAT, TOF_MODE_RAW }
 Enumeration for ToF Result Mode.
enum  tofRunMode_e { TOF_MODE_CONT, TOF_MODE_AUTO }
 Enumeration for ToF Run Mode.


struct __attribute__ ((packed))
 BLE Connection information. More...


 BLE Connection information.
 BLE Connection request information.
 BLE Scanning information.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

§ __attribute__()

struct __attribute__ ( (packed)  )

BLE Connection information.

RTLS terminate link request.

ToF Result - Statistics.

ToF Result - Raw Aggragation.

ToF Result - Raw.

ToF Result - On-chip calculation mode.

ToF Calibration.

ToF Enable command.

This will be used to distribute the ToF Security initial seed to the RTLS Passive nodes.

ToF Parameters - Received from RTLS Node Manager and passed onto RTLS Slave via formed connection.

ToF Calibration For NV.

TOF Calibration DaTA Structure.

AoA Raw Result.

AoA Antenna Pairs Result.

AoA Angle Result.

List of AoA parameters.

BLE Connection request information.

BLE Scanning information.

< Connection handle

< Return error code if failed to get conn info

< Connection interval time, range (7.5ms, 4s), 625us increments

< Hop value for conn alg 1, integer range (5,16), can also be used to tell if using alg 2 by sending special code not in normal hop range i.e. 0xff or 0x00.

< Master sleep clock accuracy code mapped based on BLE spec

< Next data channel

< Bitmap of used BLE channels

< Connection CRC initialization value

< BD Addr of the Slave

< Advertisement Type

< Address type

< Address of the advertisement or SCAN_RSP

< Advertisement or SCAN_RSP RSSI

< Length (in bytes) of the data field (evtData)

< Data field of advertisement or SCAN_RSP

< Address type

< Address of the advertisement or SCAN_RSP

< Connection interval time, range (7.5ms, 4s), 625us increments



< Configuration that will be passed to RTLS Application

< Connection handle

< AoA Angle Result

< RSSI for the reported samples

< Antenna the rssi was taken on

< The channel the samples were taken on

< Connection handle

< RSSI for the reported samples

< Antenna the rssi was taken on

< The channel the samples were taken on

< AoA Antenna Pairs Result

< Connection handle

< Rssi for this antenna

< Antenna array used for this result

< BLE data channel for this measurement

< Offset in RAW result (size of samples[])

< Expected length of entire RAW sample

< The data itself

< Frequency

< Clock's time between ticks

< Variance of tick value

< Num of Ok Recieved

< Calibration parameters

< Array to save calibration values

< ToF Role

< Number of Sync Words for each ToF run

< Number of frequencies

< Link Quality Index filter for ToF Slave

< LQI filter for ToF post processing

< Magnitude Ratio filter for ToF post processing

< ToF Configuration

< Frequencies

< ToF Security seed

< Enable or disable ToF

< Enable/disable calibration

< Amount of samples required per frequency until calibration is complete

< The distance at which calibration is being performed (will be subtracted from final result)

< Whether or not to write to NV with new cal data.

< Distance in meters

< Average rssi

< Time

< Index of frequency in configured frequency array

< Rssi of this measurement

< ToF Result - Raw Aggragation of offset

< ToF Result - Sample length

< ToF Result - Raw Aggragation samples

< Statistics for this frequency

< Time

< Variance between measurements

< Average rssi between measurements

< Number of valid measurements

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