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VCD Structs and Types

Data Structures

struct  VCD_ConfigStructDef
struct  VCD_RecoStructDef
struct  VCD_ModelInfoStructDef
struct  VCD_ParamsStructDef


typedef struct VCD_ConfigStructDef VCD_ConfigStruct
typedef struct VCD_ObjStructDef * VCD_Handle
typedef enum VCD_MessageEnumDef VCD_MessageEnum
typedef enum VCD_ModelTypesEnum VCD_ModelTypesEnum
typedef enum VCD_RecoResultEnumDef VCD_RecoResultEnum
typedef struct VCD_RecoStructDef VCD_RecoStruct
typedef VCD_RecoStructVCD_Reco
typedef struct
typedef VCD_ModelInfoStructVCD_ModelInfo
typedef struct VCD_ParamsStructDef VCD_ParamsStruct
typedef VCD_ParamsStructVCD_Params


enum  VCD_MessageEnumDef {
  VCD_MsgNone = 0, VCD_MsgFail = 1, VCD_MsgNoMemory = 2, VCD_MsgState = 3,
  VCD_MsgValidModel = 4, VCD_MsgInvalidModel = 5, VCD_MsgKeywordFound = 6, VCD_MsgEnrollTooShort = 7,
  VCD_MsgEnrollTooLong = 8, VCD_MsgUpdateNoMatch = 9, VCD_MsgRecoVAD = 10, VCD_MsgRecoRunning = 11,
  VCD_MsgRecoComplete = 12, VCD_MsgRecoEnd = 13, VCD_MsgInvalidParameters = 14
enum  VCD_ModelTypesEnum { VCD_LeftToRight = 0, VCD_Mixture = 1 }
enum  VCD_RecoResultEnumDef { VCD_RecoSuccess = 0, VCD_RecoLowScore = 1, VCD_RecoKeyPrune = 2 }

Detailed Description

Structures and types used in performing the tasks of the top-level user interface functions of VCD.

Typedef Documentation

VCD configuration structure. For VCD initialization, the application program must allocate the proper sized memory arrays, fill this structure with the proper values and pointers to the memory arrays, and pass a pointer to this structure in the VCD_init function call.

typedef struct VCD_ObjStructDef* VCD_Handle

A handle to the VCD_ObjStructDef structure holding recognizer state data.

The VCD library API functions establish an instance of the recognizer and perform all operations through this handle. The VCD_init function returns a handle.

Enumeration of VCD API function return values. This enumeration defines the possible return results of VCD API function calls. The application designer must take the proper course of action based on the return status.

Enumeration of model types. Enumerates the allowable types of models that can be used during recognition.

Enumeration which defines result of recognition. These enumerators are provided in the recognition result returned in VCD_RecoStruct.

A structure that holds the results of recognition. The structure is filled by calling VCD_getResult.

Pointer to a VCD_RecoStruct to hold recognition results.

A structure that holds information for a model. The structure is filled on a call to VCD_getModelInfo.

Pointer to the VCD_ModelInfoStruct that holds model information

A structure holding run-time parameters to tune the recognizer. These parameters are used to alter operation and tune recognizer performance. These parameters are initialized to default values when the VCD recognizer is initialized, and can be retrieved and set using the VCD_getParams and VCD_setParams function calls.

Pointer to a VCD_ParamsStruct

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration of VCD API function return values. This enumeration defines the possible return results of VCD API function calls. The application designer must take the proper course of action based on the return status.


No error


A general failure message


No memory available


VCD function not called in proper order


Valid model data


Corrupt model data, or invalid model specified


Keyword successfully found during enroll or update


Enroll or update phrase spoken was too short to be acceptable


Enroll or update phrase spoken was too long


Unable to update enrolled model with new data


Recognition search currently searching for beginning of speech


Recognition search is currently running


Recognition search has just completed, a result is available


Recognition search ran out of data Usually this only occurs when recognizing data from a file, and there is no more audio data left.


Invalid parameters specified

Enumeration of model types. Enumerates the allowable types of models that can be used during recognition.


Left to right model structure. The model in which the states of the model can transition by staying in the same state, progressing left-to-right, or transitioning forward by skipping the next adjacent state. The speech phrases to be recognized are modeled using this model type.


Single state multi-mixture structure. This model type is primarily used to implement filler models. Currently you can not enroll or update this type of model.

Enumeration which defines result of recognition. These enumerators are provided in the recognition result returned in VCD_RecoStruct.


Successfully recognized a phrase


The recognized phrase score indicates low confidence


The keyword model has been eliminated as a possible result

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