System Requirements

System Requirement Information

Operating Systems

Ultrasonic Sensing Solution Design Center is supported on Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS X 10.10.1+, and 64-bit Linux.

HID communication should work out of the box with non-Linux systems. For Linux systems, verification has only been completed on Ubuntu 14.04. Please perform the one-time setup steps below:

  • Create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/ti_hid.rules
  • Add the lines below to the file and save it
# Allow open access to any USB device with the default Texas Instruments MSP
# Vendor Id of 0x2047
ATTRS{idVendor}=="2047", MODE="0666"

Java Requirements

Java 1.7 or higher is required to run the GUI. To install Java, please consult Oracle’s download documentation located here.

Runtime Recommendations

While no minimum processor capability or RAM limit is enforced, it is recommended to have at least 4 GB of RAM and 2 processors to run the GUI. To achieve maximum speed performance, especially with respects to the ADC continuous capture at very high rates (10+ Hz), a 4 processor system is recommended. These requirements will allow the system to perform well at high HID polling rates.

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