

The Ultrasonic Sensing Design Center (USSDC) front-end is split into seven main sections:

Logging information and system requirements are explained here:


The Logging chapter explains the logging capabilities supported by USSDC.

System Requirements

The System Requirements chapter includes the Operating System and Java requirements.

Communication Protocol Specification

The Communication Protocol Spec chapter introduces the command details and protocol used between USSDC and the target.

Revision History

The Revision History chapter tracks changes in the Ultrasonic Design Center and Ultrasonic Software Library.

Getting Started

The GUI requires connection to a target board via USB. To connect or disconnect to a device, either use the Communications tab at the top (Alt + C), then click Connect or Disconnect. Alternatively, use F1 to connect and F2 to disconnect.

The current connection status and target at the bottom left corner of the screen.

HID Connection Bar

Fig. 2 HID Connection Bar

For more detailed information on getting started with Design Center, please see the links below:

For more information