EtherCAT-IOLink Gateway
EC-IOL-Gateway Library API


API functions in the EtherCAT-IOLink-Library.


GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_storePortConfiguration (void)
 Store IOLink port configuration to NVRAM. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_restorePortConfiguration (void)
 Restore IOLink port configuration from NVRAM. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_storeIolmIdent (void)
 Store IOLink master identification to NVRAM. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_restoreIolmIdent (void)
 Restore IOLink master identification from NVRAM. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_storeEcatIdent (void)
 Store EtherCAT identification to NVRAM. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_restoreEcatIdent (void)
 Restore EtherCAT identification from NVRAM. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_formatNVRAM (void)
 Clear and format NVRAM, deleting all stored configuration etc. More...
uint32_t GW_API_getVersion (void)
 Get Gateway Library Version. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_setIOLVendorId (const uint16_t vendorID_p)
 Set IOL Master vendor. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_setIOLMasterId (const uint32_t masterId_p)
 Set IOL Master Identification. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_setIOLFeatures1 (const uint8_t features_p)
 Set IOL Master features. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_setIOLPortConfig (const uint8_t portcount_p, const uint8_t *pPortclass_p)
 Set IOL Number of ports and port classes. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_setGWHighestPriority (const uint8_t priority_p)
 highest priority of gateway threads More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_setIOLPRUInstance (const uint8_t pruInstance_p)
 Set PRU instance for IOL Master. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_setEcatPRUInstance (const uint8_t pruInstance_p)
 Set PRU instance for EtherCAT DTK. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_EC_API_setVendorId (const uint32_t vendorID_p)
 Set EtherCAT Slave vendor identification. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_EC_API_setProductCode (const uint32_t productCode_p)
 Set EtherCAT Slave device identification. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_EC_API_setRevision (const uint32_t revision_p)
 Set EtherCAT Slave revision identification. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_EC_API_setSerialNumber (const uint32_t serialNumber_p)
 Set EtherCAT Slave serial number. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_EC_API_setProductName (const char *const pNameStr_p)
 Set EtherCAT Slave product name. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_EC_API_setHWVersion (const char *const pHwVersion_p)
 Set EtherCAT Slave HW version string. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_EC_API_setSWVersion (const char *const pSwVersion_p)
 Set EtherCAT Slave SW version string. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_getExpPortConfiguration (const uint8_t portNr_p, GW_API_SPortExpConfig_t *const psExpPortConfig_p)
 get IOL-Device expected configuration More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_setExpPortConfiguration (const uint8_t portNr_p, const GW_API_SPortExpConfig_t *const psExpPortConfig_p)
 set IOL-Device expected configuration More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_getPortStatus (const uint8_t portNr_p, GW_API_SPortStatus_t *const psCurPortStatus_p)
 get IOL-Device current configuration and status More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_start (void)
 Customer Application is starting the GW Application. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_stop (void)
 Customer Application stops the GW Application. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_registerSMIClient (const uint8_t priority_p, const uint8_t accessRights_p, uint8_t *const pClientId_p, IOLM_SMI_CBGenericCnf cbClientCallBack_p)
 Register a SMIdirect client. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_deregisterSMIClient (const uint8_t clientId_p)
 Deregister a SMIdirect client. More...
GW_API_EErrorcode_t GW_API_smiGenericCommand (const uint8_t clientId_p, IOLM_SMI_SHeader *pHeader_p, uint8_t *pArgBlock_p)
 Send a SMI Generic request to IOL Master. More...