AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.03.00

Detailed Description

Complex IO configuration.

Data Fields

CSIRX_ComplexioLanesConfig lanesConfig
 lanes configuration More...
CSIRX_ComplexioLanesIntr enableIntr
 enable/disable lanes interrupts More...
bool isPowerAuto
 If true, automatically switches between ULP and ON states based on ULPM signals from complex IO. More...

Field Documentation

◆ lanesConfig

CSIRX_ComplexioLanesConfig CSIRX_ComplexioConfig::lanesConfig

lanes configuration

◆ enableIntr

CSIRX_ComplexioLanesIntr CSIRX_ComplexioConfig::enableIntr

enable/disable lanes interrupts

◆ isPowerAuto

bool CSIRX_ComplexioConfig::isPowerAuto

If true, automatically switches between ULP and ON states based on ULPM signals from complex IO.