AM263x MCU+ SDK  10.01.00
gpmc.h File Reference


GPMC Driver API/interface file.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  GPMC_nandCmdParams
 Data structure to set NAND command parameters. More...
struct  GPMC_Transaction
 Data structure to set transaction type parameters. More...
struct  GPMC_Params
 GPMC driver instance parameters. More...
struct  GPMC_AddrRegion
 GPMC Address Region. More...
struct  GPMC_Object
 GPMC driver object. More...
struct  GPMC_timingParams
 GPMC timing parameters. More...
struct  GPMC_HwAttrs
 GPMC instance attributes. More...
struct  GPMC_Config
 GPMC Driver configuration structure. More...


#define GPMC_CS_TIMING_CONFIG(CSWrOffTime, CSRdOffTime, CSExtDelayFlag, CSOnTime)
 This macro used to make the conf value which is used to configure the CS signal timing configuration. More...
#define GPMC_ADV_TIMING_CONFIG(ADVAADMuxWrOffTime, ADVAADMuxRdOffTime, ADVWrOffTime, ADVRdOffTime, ADVExtDelayFlag, ADVAADMuxOnTime, ADVOnTime)
 This macro used to make the conf value which is used to configure the ADV# signal timing configuration. More...
#define GPMC_WE_OE_TIMING_CONFIG(WEOffTime, WEExtDelayFlag, WEOnTime, OEAADMuxOffTime, OEOffTime, OEExtDelayFlag, OEAADMuxOnTime, OEOnTime)
 This macro used to make the conf value which is used to configure the WE# and OE# signal timing configuration.
. More...
#define GPMC_RDACCESS_CYCLETIME_TIMING_CONFIG(rdCycleTime, wrCycleTime, rdAccessTime, pageBurstAccessTime)
 This macro used to make the conf value which is used to configure the read access and cycle time timing configuration.
. More...
#define GPMC_CYCLE2CYCLE_BUSTURNAROUND_TIMING_CONFIG(cycle2CycleDelay, cycle2CycleDelaySameCSCfg, cycle2CycleDelayDiffCSCfg, busTAtime)
 This macro used to make the conf value which is used to configure the cycle to cycle and bus turn around time timing configuration.
. More...
 size in bytes More...
 GPMC CHIP select base address shift value. More...
#define GPMC_ECC_WRAP_MODE1   (1)
 GPMC ECC Wrap mode for ECC value computation. More...
 Invalid value for params initialisation. More...
#define GPMC_MEM_TYPE_NAND   (0)
#define GPMC_MEM_TYPE_PSRAM   (1)
GPMC CHIP select

Macros which can be used as to select CHIP select instance for GPMC.

#define GPMC_CHIP_SELECT_CS0   (0U)
#define GPMC_CHIP_SELECT_CS1   (1U)
#define GPMC_CHIP_SELECT_CS2   (2U)
#define GPMC_CHIP_SELECT_CS3   (3U)
GPMC Interupt status flags

Macros which can be used as 'interupt' parameter to GPMC_interuptStatusGet, GPMC_interuptStatusClear APIs.

GPMC Interupt Flags

Macros which can be used as 'mode' parameter to GPMC_prefetchPostWriteConfigEnable API.

GPMC ECC algorithm

Macros which can be used to set GPMC ECC engine algorithm.

GPMC ECC error correvel level.

Macros which can be used to set GPMC ECC engine error correction level.

GPMC ECC Result Register

Macros which can be used to select ECC result register for GPMC ECC engine.

GPMC ECC Size Config

Macros which can be used to set length of used and unsued bytes in the ECC value.

#define GPMC_ECC_SIZE_0   (0U)
#define GPMC_ECC_SIZE_1   (1U)
GPMC ECC Result Register Size

Macros which can be used to set ECC size for ECC result register.

#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_1   (1U)
#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_2   (2U)
#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_3   (3U)
#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_4   (4U)
#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_5   (5U)
#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_6   (6U)
#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_7   (7U)
#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_8   (8U)
#define GPMC_ECC_RESULT_9   (9U)

Macros which can be used to get BCH syndrome polynomial in GPMC_eccBchResultGet API.

#define GPMC_BCH_RESULT0   (0U)
#define GPMC_BCH_RESULT1   (1U)
#define GPMC_BCH_RESULT2   (2U)
#define GPMC_BCH_RESULT3   (3U)
#define GPMC_BCH_RESULT4   (4U)
#define GPMC_BCH_RESULT5   (5U)
#define GPMC_BCH_RESULT6   (6U)

Macros which can be used to set chip select address size.

#define GPMC_CS_MASK_ADDR_SIZE_256MB   (0x00U)
#define GPMC_CS_MASK_ADDR_SIZE_128MB   (0x08U)
#define GPMC_CS_MASK_ADDR_SIZE_64MB   (0x0cU)
#define GPMC_CS_MASK_ADDR_SIZE_32MB   (0x0eU)
#define GPMC_CS_MASK_ADDR_SIZE_16MB   (0x0fU)


typedef void * GPMC_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a GPMC_open() call. More...
typedef void(* GPMC_CallbackFxn) (GPMC_Handle handle, GPMC_Transaction *transaction)
 The definition of a callback function used by the GPMC driver when used in GPMC_OPERATING_MODE_CALLBACK mode. More...


enum  GPMC_nandEccAlgo {
 GPMC ECC engine algoritms. More...
 GPMC driver operating modes. More...
 GPMC data transfer modes. More...
 Type of the GPMC transaction for read and write. More...
enum  GPMC_TransactionStatus {
 Transaction status codes that are set by the GPMC driver. More...


static void GPMC_Params_init (GPMC_Params *params)
 Function to initialize the GPMC_Params struct to its defaults. More...
void GPMC_init (void)
 This function initializes the GPMC module. More...
void GPMC_deinit (void)
 This function de-initializes the GPMC module. More...
GPMC_Handle GPMC_open (uint32_t index, const GPMC_Params *prms)
 This function opens a given GPMC peripheral. More...
void GPMC_close (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to close a GPMC peripheral specified by the GPMC handle. More...
uint32_t GPMC_getInputClk (GPMC_Handle handle)
 This function returns the input clk frequency GPMC was programmed at. More...
GPMC_Handle GPMC_getHandle (uint32_t driverInstanceIndex)
 This function returns the handle of an open GPMC Instance from the instance index. More...
void GPMC_writeNandCommandParamsInit (GPMC_nandCmdParams *cmdParams)
 Function to initialise GPMC_nandCmdParams structure to default values. More...
int32_t GPMC_writeNandCommand (GPMC_Handle handle, GPMC_nandCmdParams *cmdParams)
 Function to write NAND command parameters. More...
void GPMC_transactionInit (GPMC_Transaction *trans)
 Function to initialise GPMC_Transaction structure to default values. More...
int32_t GPMC_nandReadData (GPMC_Handle handle, GPMC_Transaction *trans)
 Function to read data from NAND flash using DMA or CPU prefetch/post write engine. More...
int32_t GPMC_nandWriteData (GPMC_Handle handle, GPMC_Transaction *trans)
 Function to write data to NANDflash using CPU prefetch/post write engine. More...
int32_t GPMC_setDeviceSize (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to set device width for GPMC instance connected to external device. More...
int32_t GPMC_setDeviceType (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to set device type (NANDLIKE OR NORLIKE) for GPMC instance connected to external device. More...
int32_t GPMC_configureTimingParameters (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to configure GPMC timing parameters. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccValueSizeSet (GPMC_Handle handle, uint32_t eccSize, uint32_t eccSizeVal)
 Function to set ECC used and unused bytes size in nibbles. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccBchConfigureElm (GPMC_Handle handle, uint8_t numSectors)
 Function to configure ELM module for error correction. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccEngineBCHConfig (GPMC_Handle handle, uint32_t eccSteps)
 Function to configure GPMC ECC engine for BCH algorithm. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccEngineEnable (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to enable GPMC ECC engine. More...
void GPMC_eccResultRegisterClear (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to clear GPMC ECC result register. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccBchFillSyndromeValue (GPMC_Handle handle, uint32_t sector, uint32_t *bchData)
 Function to fill BCH syndrome value per sector to ELM module. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccBchStartErrorProcessing (GPMC_Handle handle, uint8_t sector)
 Function to start error processing for a sector by ELM module. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccBchCheckErrorProcessingStatus (GPMC_Handle handle, uint32_t sector)
 Function to get error processing status for a sector by ELM module. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccBchSectorGetError (GPMC_Handle handle, uint32_t sector, uint32_t *errCount, uint32_t *errLoc)
 Function to get number of errors per sector by ELM module. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccCalculateBchSyndromePolynomial (GPMC_Handle handle, uint8_t *pEccdata, uint32_t sector)
 Function to compute BCH syndrome polynomial for NAND write operation. More...
int32_t GPMC_eccGetBchSyndromePolynomial (GPMC_Handle handle, uint32_t sector, uint32_t *bchData)
 Function to get BCH syndrome polynomial per sector NAND read operation. More...
int32_t GPMC_configurePrefetchPostWriteEngine (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to configure GPMC PREFETCH read and POST write engine. More...
int32_t GPMC_disableFlashWriteProtect (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to disable WRITE protect line. More...
int32_t GPMC_enableFlashWriteProtect (GPMC_Handle handle)
 Function to disable WRITE protect line. More...
uint8_t * GPMC_norMakeAddr (uint8_t busWidth, uint32_t blkAddr, uint32_t offset)
 Function to create correct address based on bus width. More...
void GPMC_norMakeCmd (uint8_t busWidth, uint32_t cmd, void *cmdBuf)
 Function to create correct NOR cmd based on bus width. More...
int32_t GPMC_norReadData (GPMC_Handle handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Function to read data from norlike device. More...
int32_t GPMC_norWriteData (GPMC_Handle handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 Function to write data to norlike device. More...


GPMC_Config gGpmcConfig []
 Externally defined driver configuration array. More...
uint32_t gGpmcConfigNum
 Externally defined driver configuration array size. More...