Files | |
file | canfd.h |
This is the header file for the CANFD driver which exposes the data structures and exported API which can be used by the applications to use the CANFD driver. | |
Data Structures | |
struct | CANFD_MCANLoopbackCfgParams |
struct | CANFD_MCANBitTimingParams |
struct | CANFD_MCANTdcConfig |
struct | CANFD_MCANGlobalFiltConfig |
struct | CANFD_MCANMsgRAMCfgParams |
struct | CANFD_MCANECCConfigParams |
struct | CANFD_MCANErrCntStatus |
struct | CANFD_MCANProtocolStatus |
struct | CANFD_MCANECCErrForceParams |
struct | CANFD_MCANECCErrStatus |
union | CANFD_ErrStatusResp |
struct | CANFD_Attrs |
struct | CANFD_OptionTLV |
struct | CANFD_OpenParams |
struct | CANFD_Object |
struct | CANFD_Config |
struct | CANFD_DmaMsgConfig |
struct | CANFD_DmaRxBuf |
struct | CANFD_MessageObject |
struct | CANFD_MCANMsgObjectStats |
struct | CANFD_DmaConfig |
typedef void * | CANFD_Handle |
A handle that is returned from a CANFD_open() call. More... | |
uint32_t | gCANFDConfigNum |
Externally defined driver configuration array size. More... | |
Return status | |
#define | MCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS ((int32_t)0) |
#define | MCAN_STATUS_FAILURE ((int32_t)-1) |
Return status when the API execution was not successful due to a failure. More... | |
Transfer Mode | |
This determines whether the driver operates synchronously or asynchronously In CANFD_TRANSFER_MODE_BLOCKING mode CANFD_write() blocks code execution until the transaction has completed In CANFD_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK CANFD_write() does not block code execution and instead calls a CANFD_TransferCallbackFxn callback function when the transaction has completed | |
CANFD_write() blocks execution. This mode can only be used when called within a Task context More... | |
CANFD_write() does not block code execution and will call a CANFD_TransferCallbackFxn. This mode can be used in a Task, Swi, or Hwi context More... | |
Operating Mode | |
Values used to determine the CANFD driver operation. | |
#define | CANFD_OPER_MODE_DMA (2U) |
The section has a list of all the data structures which are exposed to the application. More... | |
Extended ID Filter Element Size. More... | |
#define | MCAN_MSG_HEADER_SIZE (8U) |
MCAN Header size in Bytes. More... | |
#define | MCAN_FRAME_TYPE_FD (1U) |
MCAN Frame type FD. More... | |
#define | MCAN_MSG_RAM_TX_RX_ELEM_SIZE (18U) |
Tx/Rx Element Size. 18 words = 18 * 4 = 72 bytes: 8 bytes of header and 64 bytes of data. More... | |
#define | XTD_MSGID_MASK (0x1fffffffU) |
Message Identifier Masks. More... | |
#define | STD_MSGID_MASK (0x7ffU) |
#define | STD_MSGID_SHIFT (18U) |
#define | MCAN_MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES (64U) |
Maximum payload supported by CAN-FD protocol in bytes. More... | |
#define | MCAN_MAX_RX_BUFFERS (64U) |
Maximum number of Rx buffers. More... | |
#define | MCAN_MAX_TX_BUFFERS (32U) |
Maximum number of Tx buffers. More... | |
#define | CANFD_UTILS_ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) |
Macro to get the size of an array. More... | |
#define | CANFD_UTILS_GETARRAYINDEX(member, array) (member - &array[0]) |
Get the index of the given element within an array. More... | |
#define | CANFD_UTILS_ARRAYISMEMBER(member, array) |
Macro to determine if a member is part of an array. More... | |
#define | MCAN_INTR_MASK |
Defines all the interrupt are enabled. More... | |
completion type for Tx in dma mode - Intermediate completion More... | |
completion type for Tx in dma mode - Final completion More... | |
completion type for Rx in dma mode - Intermediate completion More... | |
completion type for Rx in dma mode - Final completion More... | |
#define | CANFD_MAX_DLC_MAPPING (16U) |
Maximum data to DLC mapping supported. Refer MCAN_DataLengthSize. More... | |
CANFD Driver State | |
This macros defines the values used to represent the CANFD driver state | |
CANFD Element Size | |
CANFD Operation Mode | |
Enumerates the values used to represent the MCAN mode of operation | |
enum | CANFD_MCANOperationMode { CANFD_MCANOperationMode_NORMAL = 0U, CANFD_MCANOperationMode_SW_INIT = 1U } |
CANFD Direction | |
This enumeration defines the values used to set the direction of message object | |
enum | CANFD_Direction { CANFD_Direction_RX, CANFD_Direction_TX } |
CANFD Identifier Type | |
This enumeration defines the values used to represent the CAN Identifier Type | |
enum | CANFD_MCANXidType { CANFD_MCANXidType_11_BIT, CANFD_MCANXidType_29_BIT } |
CANFD Frame Type | |
enum | CANFD_MCANFrameType { CANFD_MCANFrameType_CLASSIC, CANFD_MCANFrameType_FD } |
CANFD Time out select | |
This enumeration defines the MCAN timeout counter configuration | |
enum | CANFD_MCANTimeOutSelect { CANFD_MCANTimeOutSelect_CONT = 0U, CANFD_MCANTimeOutSelect_TX_EVENT_FIFO = 1U, CANFD_MCANTimeOutSelect_RX_FIFO0 = 2U, CANFD_MCANTimeOutSelect_RX_FIFO1 = 3U } |
CANFD ECC error type | |
typedef uint32_t | CANFD_MCANECCErrType |
This enumeration defines the MCAN ECC Error Types. More... | |
CANFD Loopback mode | |
enum | CANFD_MCANLoopBackMode { CANFD_MCANLoopBackMode_INTERNAL = 0U, CANFD_MCANLoopBackMode_EXTERNAL = 1U } |
CANFD Communication State | |
CANFD Error Code | |
CANFD reason | |
This enumeration describes a list of all the reasons for which the driver will invoke application callback functions. | |
enum | CANFD_Reason { CANFD_Reason_RX = 0x1, CANFD_Reason_TX_COMPLETION = 0x2, CANFD_Reason_TX_CANCELED = 0x3, CANFD_Reason_ECC_ERROR = 0x4, CANFD_Reason_BUSOFF = 0x5, CANFD_Reason_PROTOCOL_ERR_DATA_PHASE = 0x6, CANFD_Reason_PROTOCOL_ERR_ARB_PHASE = 0x7 } |
CANFD Option | |
This enumeration defines the values used to represent the GET/SET options
| |
typedef void * | CANFD_DmaHandle |
typedef void * | CANFD_DmaChConfig |
CANFD Option TLV | |
Specifies the option type, length, value. | |
typedef void(* | CANFD_TransferCallbackFxn) (void *args, CANFD_Reason reason) |
The definition of a callback function used by the CANFD driver when used in CANFD_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK. More... | |
typedef void(* | CANFD_ErrorCallbackFxn) (void *args, CANFD_Reason reason, CANFD_ErrStatusResp *errStatusResp) |
The definition of a callback function used by the CANFD driver when used in CANFD_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK in case of error. More... | |
CANFD Message Handle | |
CANFD message object handle returned by the CANFD_createMsgObject() API call. | |
typedef CANFD_MessageObject * | CANFD_MsgObjHandle |
CANFD Dma Config | |
CANFD DMA Configuration, these are filled by SysCfg based on the DMA driver(EDMA/UDMA) that is selected | |
void | CANFD_init (void) |
This function initializes each driver instance object and create a driver lock. More... | |
void | CANFD_deinit (void) |
This function de-initializes each driver instance object and delete a driver lock. More... | |
CANFD_Handle | CANFD_open (uint32_t index, CANFD_OpenParams *openPrms) |
This function opens a given CANFD peripheral. More... | |
void | CANFD_close (CANFD_Handle handle) |
Function to close a CANFD peripheral specified by the CANFD handle. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_configBitTime (CANFD_Handle handle, const CANFD_MCANBitTimingParams *bitTimeParams) |
Function configures the bit time parameters for the CANFD module. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_createMsgObject (CANFD_Handle handle, CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj) |
Function configures the receive or transmit message object. It also enables Tx completion and Tx cancelation interrupts . The callback function will be invoked on data transmit complete for transmit message objects OR upon receiving data for receive message objects. The application MUST then call CANFD_read() API to process the received data. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_createRxRangeMsgObject (CANFD_Handle handle, CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj) |
Function configures a receive message objects for a range of message identifiers. It also enables Rx interrupts. The callback function will be invoked upon receiving data for receive message objects. The application MUST then call CANFD_read() API to process the received data. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_deleteMsgObject (CANFD_MsgObjHandle handle) |
Function deletes a message object. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_write (CANFD_MsgObjHandle handle, uint32_t id, CANFD_MCANFrameType frameType, uint32_t numMsgs, const uint8_t *data) |
Function used by the application to transmit data. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_writeCancel (CANFD_MsgObjHandle handle) |
Function used by the application to cancel a pending data transmit. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_writeDma (CANFD_MsgObjHandle handle, uint32_t id, CANFD_MCANFrameType frameType, uint32_t numMsgs, const void *data) |
Function used by the application to initiate transmit data in dma mode. DMA mode is recommended to be used when multiple msgs needs to be transmitted. This will transmit first msg and configure the dma to copy subsequent msgs in message ram. Once first msg transfer is completed the CANFD_dmaTxCompletionCallback function is called. Application needs to call the API CANFD_writeDmaTriggerNext to trigger transmission of subsequent msgs. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_writeDmaTriggerNext (CANFD_MsgObjHandle handle) |
Function used by the application to start transmission of next msg in dma mode. Transfer should be initiated using the API CANFD_writeDma before calling this function. This should be called after the previous transfer is completed and CANFD_dmaTxCompletionCallback is called. More... | |
uint32_t | CANFD_getFilterEventConfig (uint32_t eventNum) |
int32_t | CANFD_read (CANFD_MsgObjHandle handle, uint32_t numMsgs, uint8_t *data) |
Function is used by the application to get the CAN message from message RAM using a receive message object. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_readDmaConfig (CANFD_MsgObjHandle handle, const void *data, uint32_t numMsgs) |
Function is used by the application to configure reading the received msgs from message ram. This API will configure the DMA to copy msg from MCAN message ram to application buffer. For every message received the CANFD_dmaRxCompletionCallback will be called by driver by pointing to the latest msg in the data buffer. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_getOptions (CANFD_Handle handle, const CANFD_OptionTLV *ptrOptInfo) |
Function is used by the application to get the error and status information from the driver. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_setOptions (CANFD_Handle handle, const CANFD_OptionTLV *ptrOptInfo) |
Function is used by the application to configure the driver options. More... | |
void | CANFD_int0Isr (void *args) |
The function is the registered interrupt 0 ISR for the CANFD Driver. More... | |
void | CANFD_int1Isr (void *args) |
The function is the registered interrupt 1 ISR for the CANFD Driver. More... | |
void | CANFD_transferCallBack (void *args, CANFD_Reason reason) |
Application specified callback function which is invoked by the CANFD driver once transmit is complete or data has been received for the specified message object. More... | |
void | CANFD_errStatusCallBack (CANFD_Handle handle, CANFD_Reason reason, CANFD_ErrStatusResp *errStatusResp) |
Application specified callback function which is invoked by the CANFD driver on error or status change. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_dmaOpen (CANFD_Handle canfdHandle, CANFD_DmaChConfig dmaChCfg) |
API to open an CANFD DMA channel. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_dmaClose (CANFD_Handle canfdHandle) |
API to close an CANFD DMA channel. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_createDmaTxMsgObject (const CANFD_Object *ptrCanFdObj, CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj) |
API to configure dma for the Tx message object. Called from the API CANFD_createMsgObject. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_deleteDmaTxMsgObject (const CANFD_Object *ptrCanFdObj, const CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj) |
API to delete dma configuration for the Tx message object. Called from the API CANFD_deleteMsgObject. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_configureDmaTx (const CANFD_Object *ptrCanFdObj, CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj, uint32_t dataLengthPerMsg, uint32_t numMsgs, const void *data) |
API to enable dma event transfer for the Tx. Called from the API CANFD_writeDma. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_cancelDmaTx (const CANFD_Object *ptrCanFdObj, const CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj) |
API to disbale dma event transfer for the Tx to cancel the transfer. More... | |
void | CANFD_dmaTxCompletionCallback (CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj, const void *data, uint32_t completionType) |
Callback function for the Tx completion. This is called for each message in the array of msgs provided in CANFD_configureDmaTx. data will point to the current transmitted message. For intermediate message transfer completion the completionType will be set to CANFD_DMA_TX_COMPLETION_INTERMEDIATE for last message transfer completion the completionType will be set to CANFD_DMA_TX_COMPLETION_FINAL. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_createDmaRxMsgObject (const CANFD_Object *ptrCanFdObj, CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj) |
API to configure dma for the Rx message object. Called from the CANFD_createMsgObject. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_deleteDmaRxMsgObject (const CANFD_Object *ptrCanFdObj, const CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj) |
API to delete dma configuration for the Rx message object. Called from the CANFD_deleteMsgObject. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_configureDmaRx (const CANFD_Object *ptrCanFdObj, CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj, uint32_t dataLengthPerMsg, uint32_t numMsgs, const void *data) |
API to enable dma event transfer for the Rx. Called from the API CANFD_readDma. More... | |
void | CANFD_dmaRxCompletionCallback (CANFD_MessageObject *ptrCanMsgObj, const void *data, uint32_t completionType) |
Callback function for the Rx completion. This is called for each message in the array of msgs provided in CANFD_configureDmaRx. data will point to the current received message. For intermediate message transfer completion the completionType will be set to CANFD_DMA_RX_COMPLETION_INTERMEDIATE for last message transfer completion the completionType will be set to CANFD_DMA_RX_COMPLETION_FINAL. More... | |
int32_t | CANFD_isDataSizeValid (uint32_t dataSize) |
Function to verify the the data Size is valid or not. More... | |
#define MCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS ((int32_t)0) |
#define MCAN_STATUS_FAILURE ((int32_t)-1) |
Return status when the API execution was not successful due to a failure.
CANFD_write() blocks execution. This mode can only be used when called within a Task context
CANFD_write() does not block code execution and will call a CANFD_TransferCallbackFxn. This mode can be used in a Task, Swi, or Hwi context
#define CANFD_OPER_MODE_DMA (2U) |
The section has a list of all the data structures which are exposed to the application.
Standard ID Filter Element Size
Extended ID Filter Element Size.
MCAN Header size in Bytes.
#define MCAN_FRAME_TYPE_FD (1U) |
MCAN Frame type FD.
Tx/Rx Element Size. 18 words = 18 * 4 = 72 bytes: 8 bytes of header and 64 bytes of data.
#define XTD_MSGID_MASK (0x1fffffffU) |
Message Identifier Masks.
#define STD_MSGID_MASK (0x7ffU) |
#define STD_MSGID_SHIFT (18U) |
Maximum payload supported by CAN-FD protocol in bytes.
#define MCAN_MAX_RX_BUFFERS (64U) |
Maximum number of Rx buffers.
#define MCAN_MAX_TX_BUFFERS (32U) |
Maximum number of Tx buffers.
#define CANFD_UTILS_ARRAYSIZE | ( | x | ) | (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) |
Macro to get the size of an array.
#define CANFD_UTILS_GETARRAYINDEX | ( | member, | |
array | |||
) | (member - &array[0]) |
Get the index of the given element within an array.
#define CANFD_UTILS_ARRAYISMEMBER | ( | member, | |
array | |||
) |
Macro to determine if a member is part of an array.
#define MCAN_INTR_MASK |
Defines all the interrupt are enabled.
completion type for Tx in dma mode - Intermediate completion
completion type for Tx in dma mode - Final completion
completion type for Rx in dma mode - Intermediate completion
completion type for Rx in dma mode - Final completion
Maximum data to DLC mapping supported. Refer MCAN_DataLengthSize.
CANFD controller not initialized
CANFD controller started
CANFD controller stopped
CANFD controller in sleep mode
ECC Single Error Correction
ECC Single Error Detection
typedef void* CANFD_Handle |
A handle that is returned from a CANFD_open() call.
typedef uint32_t CANFD_MCANECCErrType |
This enumeration defines the MCAN ECC Error Types.
typedef void* CANFD_DmaHandle |
typedef void* CANFD_DmaChConfig |
typedef void(* CANFD_TransferCallbackFxn) (void *args, CANFD_Reason reason) |
The definition of a callback function used by the CANFD driver when used in CANFD_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK.
void* | void pointer |
reason | Cause of the interrupt which prompted the callback. |
typedef void(* CANFD_ErrorCallbackFxn) (void *args, CANFD_Reason reason, CANFD_ErrStatusResp *errStatusResp) |
The definition of a callback function used by the CANFD driver when used in CANFD_TRANSFER_MODE_CALLBACK in case of error.
void* | void pointer |
reason | Cause of the interrupt which prompted the callback. |
typedef CANFD_MessageObject* CANFD_MsgObjHandle |
enum CANFD_MCANElemSize |
enum CANFD_Direction |
enum CANFD_MCANXidType |
enum CANFD_MCANFrameType |
enum CANFD_MCANCommState |
enum CANFD_MCANErrCode |
enum CANFD_Reason |
enum CANFD_Option |
Enumerator | |
CANFD_Option_MCAN_ERROR_COUNTER | Used to get the MCAN Tx and Rx error counters
NOTE: The length in the TLV should be sizeof(CANFD_MCANErrCntStatus) for this option. |
CANFD_Option_MCAN_PROTOCOL_STATUS | Used to get the MCAN protocol status
NOTE: The length in the TLV should be sizeof(CANFD_MCANProtocolStatus) for this option. |
CANFD_Option_MCAN_MSG_OBJECT_STATS | Used to get the MCAN message object software maintained statistics
NOTE: The length in the TLV should be sizeof(CANFD_MCANMsgObjectStats) for this option. Application must fill in the message object handle for which the statistics is requested. |
CANFD_Option_MCAN_MODE | Used to put the MCAN module in init or operational state
NOTE: The length in the TLV should be 1 byte for this option. Valid values: Refer to (CANFD_MCANOperationMode) |
CANFD_Option_MCAN_LOOPBACK | Used to enable or disable internal/external loopback mode
NOTE: The length in the TLV should be sizeof(CANFD_MCANLoopbackCfgParams) for this option. |
CANFD_Option_MCAN_POWER_DOWN | Used to request a local power down or wakeup from a local power down
NOTE: The length in the TLV should be 1 byte for this option. Valid values are 1 - MCAN Sleep 0 - MCAN Wakeup |
void CANFD_init | ( | void | ) |
This function initializes each driver instance object and create a driver lock.
void CANFD_deinit | ( | void | ) |
This function de-initializes each driver instance object and delete a driver lock.
CANFD_Handle CANFD_open | ( | uint32_t | index, |
CANFD_OpenParams * | openPrms | ||
) |
This function opens a given CANFD peripheral.
index | Index of config to use in the CANFD_Config array |
openPrms | Pointer to open parameters. If NULL is passed, then default values will be used |
void CANFD_close | ( | CANFD_Handle | handle | ) |
Function to close a CANFD peripheral specified by the CANFD handle.
handle | CANFD_Handle returned from CANFD_open() |
int32_t CANFD_configBitTime | ( | CANFD_Handle | handle, |
const CANFD_MCANBitTimingParams * | bitTimeParams | ||
) |
Function configures the bit time parameters for the CANFD module.
handle | Handle to the CANFD Driver |
bitTimeParams | Bit time configuration parameters |
int32_t CANFD_createMsgObject | ( | CANFD_Handle | handle, |
CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj | ||
) |
Function configures the receive or transmit message object. It also enables Tx completion and Tx cancelation interrupts . The callback function will be invoked on data transmit complete for transmit message objects OR upon receiving data for receive message objects. The application MUST then call CANFD_read() API to process the received data.
handle | Handle to the CANFD Driver |
ptrCanMsgObj | Pointer to Message Object configuration parameters |
int32_t CANFD_createRxRangeMsgObject | ( | CANFD_Handle | handle, |
CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj | ||
) |
Function configures a receive message objects for a range of message identifiers. It also enables Rx interrupts. The callback function will be invoked upon receiving data for receive message objects. The application MUST then call CANFD_read() API to process the received data.
handle | Handle to the CANFD Driver |
ptrCanMsgObj | Pointer to Message Object configuration parameters |
int32_t CANFD_deleteMsgObject | ( | CANFD_MsgObjHandle | handle | ) |
Function deletes a message object.
handle | Handle to the message object |
int32_t CANFD_write | ( | CANFD_MsgObjHandle | handle, |
uint32_t | id, | ||
CANFD_MCANFrameType | frameType, | ||
uint32_t | numMsgs, | ||
const uint8_t * | data | ||
) |
Function used by the application to transmit data.
handle | Handle to the message object |
id | Message Identifier |
frameType | Frame type - Classic or FD |
numMsgs | Number of msgs to be transmitted Only applicale in DMA Mode. |
data | Data to be transmitted |
int32_t CANFD_writeCancel | ( | CANFD_MsgObjHandle | handle | ) |
Function used by the application to cancel a pending data transmit.
handle | Handle to the message object |
int32_t CANFD_writeDma | ( | CANFD_MsgObjHandle | handle, |
uint32_t | id, | ||
CANFD_MCANFrameType | frameType, | ||
uint32_t | numMsgs, | ||
const void * | data | ||
) |
Function used by the application to initiate transmit data in dma mode. DMA mode is recommended to be used when multiple msgs needs to be transmitted. This will transmit first msg and configure the dma to copy subsequent msgs in message ram. Once first msg transfer is completed the CANFD_dmaTxCompletionCallback function is called. Application needs to call the API CANFD_writeDmaTriggerNext to trigger transmission of subsequent msgs.
handle | Handle to the message object |
id | Message Identifier |
frameType | Frame type - Classic or FD |
numMsgs | Number of msgs to be transmitted |
data | Data to be transmitted. This should be a 2d array of uint8[numMsgs][dataLengthPerMsg] |
int32_t CANFD_writeDmaTriggerNext | ( | CANFD_MsgObjHandle | handle | ) |
Function used by the application to start transmission of next msg in dma mode. Transfer should be initiated using the API CANFD_writeDma before calling this function. This should be called after the previous transfer is completed and CANFD_dmaTxCompletionCallback is called.
handle | Handle to the message object |
uint32_t CANFD_getFilterEventConfig | ( | uint32_t | eventNum | ) |
int32_t CANFD_read | ( | CANFD_MsgObjHandle | handle, |
uint32_t | numMsgs, | ||
uint8_t * | data | ||
) |
Function is used by the application to get the CAN message from message RAM using a receive message object.
handle | Handle to the message object |
numMsgs | Number of message count. Applicale only for DMA Mode, for other modes, provide 0. |
data | Received data. |
int32_t CANFD_readDmaConfig | ( | CANFD_MsgObjHandle | handle, |
const void * | data, | ||
uint32_t | numMsgs | ||
) |
Function is used by the application to configure reading the received msgs from message ram. This API will configure the DMA to copy msg from MCAN message ram to application buffer. For every message received the CANFD_dmaRxCompletionCallback will be called by driver by pointing to the latest msg in the data buffer.
handle | Handle to the message object |
data | Array of CANFD_DmaRxBuf to receive the data from message ram. This should be an array of type CANFD_DmaRxBuf and length numDmaRxBuf |
numMsgs | Number of messages to transmit |
int32_t CANFD_getOptions | ( | CANFD_Handle | handle, |
const CANFD_OptionTLV * | ptrOptInfo | ||
) |
Function is used by the application to get the error and status information from the driver.
handle | Handle to the CANFD Driver |
ptrOptInfo | Option info in TLV format which is populated with the requested information |
int32_t CANFD_setOptions | ( | CANFD_Handle | handle, |
const CANFD_OptionTLV * | ptrOptInfo | ||
) |
Function is used by the application to configure the driver options.
handle | Handle to the CANFD Driver |
ptrOptInfo | Option info in TLV format which is used to configure the driver |
void CANFD_int0Isr | ( | void * | args | ) |
The function is the registered interrupt 0 ISR for the CANFD Driver.
void CANFD_int1Isr | ( | void * | args | ) |
The function is the registered interrupt 1 ISR for the CANFD Driver.
void CANFD_transferCallBack | ( | void * | args, |
CANFD_Reason | reason | ||
) |
Application specified callback function which is invoked by the CANFD driver once transmit is complete or data has been received for the specified message object.
args | void pointer basically Message object handle for which the callback function is invoked. |
reason | Cause of the interrupt which prompted the callback. |
void CANFD_errStatusCallBack | ( | CANFD_Handle | handle, |
CANFD_Reason | reason, | ||
CANFD_ErrStatusResp * | errStatusResp | ||
) |
Application specified callback function which is invoked by the CANFD driver on error or status change.
handle | Handle to the CANFD Driver |
reason | Cause of the interrupt which prompted the callback. |
errStatusResp | Response structure populated with the value of the fields that caused the error or status interrupt. Processing of this structure is dependent on the callback reason. |
int32_t CANFD_dmaOpen | ( | CANFD_Handle | canfdHandle, |
CANFD_DmaChConfig | dmaChCfg | ||
) |
API to open an CANFD DMA channel.
This API will open a DMA Channel using the appropriate DMA driver callbacks and the registered via Sysconfig
canfdHandle | CANFD Handle |
dmaChCfg | CANFD Channel config |
int32_t CANFD_dmaClose | ( | CANFD_Handle | canfdHandle | ) |
API to close an CANFD DMA channel.
canfdHandle | CANFD handle returned from CANFD_open |
int32_t CANFD_createDmaTxMsgObject | ( | const CANFD_Object * | ptrCanFdObj, |
CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj | ||
) |
API to configure dma for the Tx message object. Called from the API CANFD_createMsgObject.
ptrCanFdObj | pointer to the CANFD driver object |
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
int32_t CANFD_deleteDmaTxMsgObject | ( | const CANFD_Object * | ptrCanFdObj, |
const CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj | ||
) |
API to delete dma configuration for the Tx message object. Called from the API CANFD_deleteMsgObject.
ptrCanFdObj | pointer to the CANFD driver object |
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
int32_t CANFD_configureDmaTx | ( | const CANFD_Object * | ptrCanFdObj, |
CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj, | ||
uint32_t | dataLengthPerMsg, | ||
uint32_t | numMsgs, | ||
const void * | data | ||
) |
API to enable dma event transfer for the Tx. Called from the API CANFD_writeDma.
ptrCanFdObj | pointer to the CANFD driver object |
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
dataLengthPerMsg | data length in bytes for each message |
numMsgs | Number f messages to transmit |
data | pointer to the data buffer to transmit |
int32_t CANFD_cancelDmaTx | ( | const CANFD_Object * | ptrCanFdObj, |
const CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj | ||
) |
API to disbale dma event transfer for the Tx to cancel the transfer.
ptrCanFdObj | pointer to the CANFD driver object |
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
void CANFD_dmaTxCompletionCallback | ( | CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj, |
const void * | data, | ||
uint32_t | completionType | ||
) |
Callback function for the Tx completion. This is called for each message in the array of msgs provided in CANFD_configureDmaTx. data will point to the current transmitted message. For intermediate message transfer completion the completionType will be set to CANFD_DMA_TX_COMPLETION_INTERMEDIATE for last message transfer completion the completionType will be set to CANFD_DMA_TX_COMPLETION_FINAL.
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
data | pointer to current completed message |
completionType | specifie completion type for the callback |
int32_t CANFD_createDmaRxMsgObject | ( | const CANFD_Object * | ptrCanFdObj, |
CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj | ||
) |
API to configure dma for the Rx message object. Called from the CANFD_createMsgObject.
ptrCanFdObj | pointer to the CANFD driver object |
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
int32_t CANFD_deleteDmaRxMsgObject | ( | const CANFD_Object * | ptrCanFdObj, |
const CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj | ||
) |
API to delete dma configuration for the Rx message object. Called from the CANFD_deleteMsgObject.
ptrCanFdObj | pointer to the CANFD driver object |
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
int32_t CANFD_configureDmaRx | ( | const CANFD_Object * | ptrCanFdObj, |
CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj, | ||
uint32_t | dataLengthPerMsg, | ||
uint32_t | numMsgs, | ||
const void * | data | ||
) |
API to enable dma event transfer for the Rx. Called from the API CANFD_readDma.
ptrCanFdObj | pointer to the CANFD driver object |
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
dataLengthPerMsg | data length in bytes for each message |
numMsgs | Number f messages to transmit |
data | pointer to the data buffer to transmit |
void CANFD_dmaRxCompletionCallback | ( | CANFD_MessageObject * | ptrCanMsgObj, |
const void * | data, | ||
uint32_t | completionType | ||
) |
Callback function for the Rx completion. This is called for each message in the array of msgs provided in CANFD_configureDmaRx. data will point to the current received message. For intermediate message transfer completion the completionType will be set to CANFD_DMA_RX_COMPLETION_INTERMEDIATE for last message transfer completion the completionType will be set to CANFD_DMA_RX_COMPLETION_FINAL.
ptrCanMsgObj | pointer to the CANFD message object |
data | pointer to current recieved message |
completionType | specifie completion type for the callback |
int32_t CANFD_isDataSizeValid | ( | uint32_t | dataSize | ) |
Function to verify the the data Size is valid or not.
dataSize | CANFD data Size |
extern |
Externally defined driver configuration array size.