AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Detailed Description

ALE configuration.

This data structure contains configuration items related to the ALE_CONTROL register fields.

Data Fields

uint32_t modeFlags
CpswAle_PolicerGlobalCfg policerGlobalCfg
CpswAle_AgingCfg agingCfg
CpswAle_InitVlanCfg vlanCfg
CpswAle_NetworkSecurityCfg nwSecCfg
CpswAle_PortCfg portCfg [CPSW_ALE_NUM_PORTS]

Field Documentation

◆ modeFlags

uint32_t CpswAle_Cfg::modeFlags

ALE Control fields. Bit mask based on CPSW_ALE_CFG_MASK

◆ policerGlobalCfg

CpswAle_PolicerGlobalCfg CpswAle_Cfg::policerGlobalCfg

ALE Policer configuration

◆ agingCfg

CpswAle_AgingCfg CpswAle_Cfg::agingCfg

Aging config

◆ vlanCfg

CpswAle_InitVlanCfg CpswAle_Cfg::vlanCfg

VLAN config

◆ nwSecCfg

CpswAle_NetworkSecurityCfg CpswAle_Cfg::nwSecCfg

Network security related configuration of ALE

◆ portCfg

CpswAle_PortCfg CpswAle_Cfg::portCfg[CPSW_ALE_NUM_PORTS]

ALE Port configs