AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Detailed Description

Policer global configuration parameters.

Data Fields

bool policingEn
bool yellowDropEn
bool redDropEn
CpswAle_PolicerYellowThresh yellowThresh
CpswAle_PolicerNoMatchMode policerNoMatchMode
CpswAle_UnregulatedTrafficPolicer noMatchPolicer

Field Documentation

◆ policingEn

bool CpswAle_PolicerGlobalCfg::policingEn

Enables the policing to color the packets. It also enables red or yellow drop capabilities

◆ yellowDropEn

bool CpswAle_PolicerGlobalCfg::yellowDropEn

Enables the ALE to drop yellow packets based on the yellow threshold value

◆ redDropEn

bool CpswAle_PolicerGlobalCfg::redDropEn

Enables the ALE to drop the red colored packets

◆ yellowThresh

CpswAle_PolicerYellowThresh CpswAle_PolicerGlobalCfg::yellowThresh

Yellow threshold value

◆ policerNoMatchMode

CpswAle_PolicerNoMatchMode CpswAle_PolicerGlobalCfg::policerNoMatchMode

Policing match mode

◆ noMatchPolicer

CpswAle_UnregulatedTrafficPolicer CpswAle_PolicerGlobalCfg::noMatchPolicer

Policing params for no hit (unregulated traffic). Must be valid if policerNoMatchMode is set to CPSW_ALE_POLICER_NOMATCH_MODE_UNREGULATED_TRAFFIC_POLICER