AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Detailed Description

High level structure with ALE network security configuration.

Data Fields

bool hostOuiNoMatchDeny
bool vid0ModeEn
CpswAle_MalformedPktSecurityCfg malformedPktCfg
CpswAle_IPPktSecurityCfg ipPktCfg
CpswAle_MacAuthCfg macAuthCfg

Field Documentation

◆ hostOuiNoMatchDeny

bool CpswAle_NetworkSecurityCfg::hostOuiNoMatchDeny

When set, any packet with a non-matching OUI source address will be dropped to the host unless the packet destination address matches a supervisory destination address table entry. When cleared, any packet source address matching an OUI address table entry will be dropped to the host unless the destination address matches with a supervisory destination address table entry

◆ vid0ModeEn

bool CpswAle_NetworkSecurityCfg::vid0ModeEn

Enable VLAN ID = 0 Mode, When cleared process the priority tagged packet with VID = PORT_VLAN[11:0]. When set process the priority tagged packet with VID = 0

◆ malformedPktCfg

CpswAle_MalformedPktSecurityCfg CpswAle_NetworkSecurityCfg::malformedPktCfg

Malformed packet configuration

◆ ipPktCfg

CpswAle_IPPktSecurityCfg CpswAle_NetworkSecurityCfg::ipPktCfg

IP packet security configuration

◆ macAuthCfg

CpswAle_MacAuthCfg CpswAle_NetworkSecurityCfg::macAuthCfg

MAC authentication configuration