BLE-Stack APIs
_hciEvt_BLEConnComplete_u_ | LE Connection Complete Event |
_icall_alloc_args_t | ICall_allocMsg or ICall_malloc arguments |
_icall_create_semaphore_args_t | ICall_createSemaphore argument |
_icall_create_task_args_t | ICall_createTask argument |
_icall_enroll_service_args_t | ICall_enrollService arguments |
_icall_entity2service_args_t | ICall_entityId2ServiceId arguments |
_icall_fetch_msg_args_t | ICall_fetchServiceMsg and ICall_fetchMsg arguments |
_icall_free_args_t | ICall_freeMsg or ICall_free arguments |
_icall_func_args_hdr_t | Common service function arguments |
_icall_get_entity_id_args_t | ICall_getEntityId arguments |
_icall_get_local_msg_entity_id_args_t | ICall_getLocalMsgEntityId arguments |
_icall_getbool_args_t | ICall_pwrIsStableXOSCHF arguments |
_icall_getuint32_args_t | ICall_getTicks , ICall_getTickPeriod and ICall_getMaxMSecs arguments |
_icall_intnum_args_t | ICall_enableInt and ICall_disableInt arguments |
_ICall_LiteCmdStatus_ | ICall Lite Command Status |
_icall_post_semaphore_args_t | ICall_postSemaphore argument |
_icall_pwr_bitmap_args_t | ICall_pwrConfigActivityCounterAction , ICall_pwrRequire and ICall_pwrDispense arguments |
_icall_pwr_get_transition_state_args_t | ICall_pwrGetTransitionState arguments |
_icall_pwr_get_xosc_startup_time_args_t | ICall_pwrGetXOSCStartupTime arguments |
_icall_pwr_notify_data_t | Power state transition notify function data object type |
_icall_pwr_register_notify_args_t | ICall_pwrRegisterNotify arguments |
_icall_pwr_upd_activity_counter_args_t | ICall_pwrUpdActivityCounter arguments |
_icall_register_app_args_t | ICall_registerApp arguments |
_icall_register_isr_args_ext_t | ICall_registerISR_Ext arguments |
_icall_register_isr_args_t | ICall_registerISR arguments |
_icall_remote_task_arg_t | Data type of the first argument passed to the entry point of an image which contains a remote task |
_icall_send_args_t | ICall_sendServiceMsg and ICall_send arguments |
_icall_set_timer_args_t | ICall_setTimer arguments |
_icall_signal_args_t | ICall_signal arguments |
_icall_signal_events_args_t | ICall_signal arguments |
_icall_stop_timer_args_t | ICall_stopTimer arguments |
_icall_thread_serves_args_t | ICall_threadServes argument |
_icall_wait_args_t | ICall_wait arguments |
_icall_wait_match_args_t | ICall_waitMatch arguments |
_icall_wait_semaphore_args_t | ICall_waitSemaphore argument |
_serviceCBsList | Service callbacks list item |
attAttrBtType_t | Attribute Type format (2-octet Bluetooth UUID) |
attAttribute_t | GATT Attribute format |
attAttrType_t | Attribute Type format (2 or 16 octet UUID) |
attErrorRsp_t | Error Response format |
attExchangeMTUReq_t | Exchange MTU Request format |
attExchangeMTURsp_t | Exchange MTU Response format |
attExecuteWriteReq_t | Execute Write Request format |
attFindByTypeValueReq_t | Find By Type Value Request format |
attFindByTypeValueRsp_t | Find By Type Value Response format |
attFindInfoReq_t | Find Information Request format |
attFindInfoRsp_t | Find Information Response format |
attFlowCtrlViolatedEvt_t | ATT Flow Control Violated Event message format |
attHandleBtUUID_t | Handle and its 16-bit Bluetooth UUIDs |
attHandlesInfo_t | Handles Information format |
attHandleUUID_t | Handle and its 128-bit UUID |
attHandleValueInd_t | Handle Value Indication format |
attHandleValueNoti_t | Handle Value Notification format |
attMsg_t | ATT Message format |
attMtuUpdatedEvt_t | ATT MTU Updated Event message format |
attPacket_t | Attribute Protocol PDU format |
attPrepareWriteReq_t | Prepare Write Request format |
attPrepareWriteRsp_t | Prepare Write Response format |
attReadBlobReq_t | Read Blob Request format |
attReadBlobRsp_t | Read Blob Response format |
attReadByGrpTypeReq_t | Read By Group Type Request format |
attReadByGrpTypeRsp_t | Read By Group Type Response format |
attReadByTypeReq_t | Read By Type Request format |
attReadByTypeRsp_t | Read By Type Response format |
attReadMultiReq_t | Read Multiple Request format |
attReadMultiRsp_t | Read Multiple Response format |
attReadReq_t | Read Request |
attReadRsp_t | Read Response |
attWriteReq_t | Write Request format |
authReq_t | |
encParams_t | Encryption Params |
gapAdvDataToken_t | GAP Advertisement/Scan Response Data Token |
gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t | GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT message format |
gapAdvertisingParams_t | Advertising Parameters |
gapAuthCompleteEvent_t | GAP_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE_EVENT message format |
gapAuthParams_t | Authentication Parameters |
gapBondCompleteEvent_t | GAP_BOND_COMPLETE_EVENT message format |
gapBondEccKeys_t | Public and Private ECC Keys |
gapBondMgrCBs_t | Callback Registration Structure |
gapBondOobSC_t | Secure Connections Out of Band |
gapCentralRoleCB_t | Central GAPRole Callback Structure |
gapCentralRoleEvent_t | Central Event Structure |
gapDevDiscEvent_t | GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT message format |
gapDevDiscReq_t | Type of device discovery (Scan) to perform |
gapDeviceInfoEvent_t | GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT message format |
gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t | GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT message format |
gapDevRec_t | Type of device discovery (Scan) to perform |
gapEndDiscoverableRspEvent_t | GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT message format |
gapEstLinkReq_t | Establish Link Request parameters |
gapEstLinkReqEvent_t | GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT message format |
gapEventHdr_t | GAP event header format |
gapLinkUpdateEvent_t | GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT message format |
gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t | GAP_MAKE_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT message format |
gapMultiRoleEvent_t | Multi GAPRole Event Structure |
gapPairingReq_t | Pairing Request fields - the parsed fields of the SMP Pairing Request command |
gapPairingReqEvent_t | GAP_PAIRING_REQ_EVENT message format |
gapPasskeyNeededEvent_t | GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT message format |
gapPeriConnectParams_t | Connection parameters for the peripheral device |
gapRandomAddrEvent_t | GAP_RANDOM_ADDR_CHANGED_EVENT message format |
gapRole_updateConnParams_t | Multi GAPRole Parameter Update Structure |
gapRolesCBs_t | Peripheral GAPRole Callback structure |
gapSignUpdateEvent_t | GAP_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_EVENT message format |
gapSlaveSecurityReqEvent_t | GAP_SLAVE_REQUESTED_SECURITY_EVENT message format |
gapTerminateLinkEvent_t | GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT message format |
gapUpdateLinkParamReq_t | Update Link Parameters Request parameters |
gapUpdateLinkParamReqEvent_t | GAP_UPDATE_LINK_PARAM_REQ_EVENT message format |
gapUpdateLinkParamReqReply_t | Update Link Parameters Request Reply parameters |
gattAttrType_t | GATT Attribute Type format |
gattCharCfg_t | Structure for Client Characteristic Configuration |
gattCharFormat_t | GATT Structure for Characteristic Presentation Format Value |
gattClientCharCfgUpdatedEvent_t | GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UPDATED_EVENT message format |
gattEventHdr_t | GATT Server App event header format |
gattFindByTypeValueReq_t | GATT Find By Type Value Request format |
gattMsg_t | GATT Message format |
gattMsgEvent_t | GATT GATT_MSG_EVENT message format |
gattReadByTypeReq_t | GATT Read By Type Request format |
gattReliableWritesReq_t | GATT Reliable Writes Request format. Do not change the order of the members |
gattService_t | GATT Service format |
gattServiceCBs_t | GATT Structure for service callback functions |
gattServiceCBsInfo_t | GATT Structure to keep CBs information for each service being registered |
gattWriteLongReq_t | GATT Write Long Request format. Do not change the order of the members |
hciDataPacket_t | HCI Data Packet |
hciEvt_AptoExpired_t | Authenticated Payload Timeout Expired Event |
hciEvt_BLEAdvPktReport_t | LE Advertising Packet Report Event |
hciEvt_BLEConnComplete_t | LE Connection Complete Event |
hciEvt_BLEConnUpdateComplete_t | LE Connection Update Complete Event |
hciEvt_BLEDataLengthChange_t | LE Data Length Change Event |
hciEvt_BLEEnhConnComplete_t | LE Enhanced Connection Complete Event |
hciEvt_BLEGenDHKeyComplete_t | LE Generate DHKey Complete Event |
hciEvt_BLELTKReq_t | LE Long Term Key Requested Event |
hciEvt_BLEPhyUpdateComplete_t | LE Phy Update Complete Event |
hciEvt_BLEReadP256PublicKeyComplete_t | LE Read P256 Public Key Complete Event |
hciEvt_BLEReadRemoteFeatureComplete_t | LE Read Remote Used Features Complete Event |
hciEvt_BLERemoteConnParamReq_t | LE Remote Connection Parameter Request Event |
hciEvt_BLEScanReqReport_t | VS LE Scan Request Report Event |
hciEvt_BufferOverflow_t | Data Buffer Overflow Event |
hciEvt_CmdComplete_t | Command Complete Event |
hciEvt_CommandStatus_t | Command Status Event |
hciEvt_DevInfo_t | LE Advertising Report Event |
hciEvt_DisconnComplete_t | Disconnection Complete Event |
hciEvt_EncryptChange_t | LE Encryption Change Event |
hciEvt_HardwareError_t | Hardware Error Event |
hciEvt_NumCompletedPkt_t | Number of Completed Packets Event |
hciEvt_VSCmdComplete_t | Vendor Specific Command Complete Event |
hciPacket_t | HCI Packet event |
hciRetParam_LeReadBufSize_t | Data structure for HCI Command Complete Event Return Parameter |
keyDist_t | |
l2capChannelEstEvt_t | L2CAP_CHANNEL_ESTABLISHED_EVT message format |
l2capChannelInfo_t | Local channel information format |
l2capChannelTermEvt_t | L2CAP_CHANNEL_TERMINATED_EVT message format |
l2capCmdReject_t | Command Reject format |
l2capCoCInfo_t | Connection oriented channel information format |
l2capConnectReq_t | Connection Request format |
l2capConnectRsp_t | Connection Response format |
l2capCreditEvt_t | L2CAP_OUT_OF_CREDIT_EVT or L2CAP_PEER_CREDIT_THRESHOLD_EVT message format |
l2capDataEvent_t | OSAL L2CAP_DATA_EVENT message format |
l2capDisconnectReq_t | Disconnection Request format (src/dst CIDs are relative to sender of request) |
l2capDisconnectRsp_t | Disconnection Response format (src/dst CIDs are relative to sender of request) |
l2capFlowCtrlCredit_t | Flow Control Credit format |
l2capInfo_t | Information Response Data field |
l2capInfoReq_t | Information Request format |
l2capInfoRsp_t | Information Response format |
l2capInvalidCID_t | Invalid CID in Request format |
l2capNumCtrlDataPktEvt_t | L2CAP_NUM_CTRL_DATA_PKT_EVT message format |
l2capPacket_t | L2CAP packet structure |
l2capParamUpdateReq_t | Connection Parameter Update Request format |
l2capParamUpdateRsp_t | Connection Parameter Update Response format |
l2capPsm_t | L2CAP PSM structure. Allocated one for each registered PSM |
l2capPsmInfo_t | PSM information format |
l2capReasonData_t | Command Reject Reason Data format |
l2capSendSduDoneEvt_t | L2CAP_SEND_SDU_DONE_EVT message format |
l2capSignalCmd_t | Union of all L2CAP Signaling commands |
l2capSignalEvent_t | OSAL L2CAP_SIGNAL_EVENT message format |
l2capUserCfg_t | User configurable variables format |
linkDBInfo_t | LinkDB info |
linkDBItem_t | LinkDB item |
linkSec_t | SRK and Sign Counter |
osal_event_hdr_t | OSAL Event Header |
prepareWrites_t | Structure to keep Prepare Write Requests for each Client |
smDhKeyEvt_t | |
smEccKeys_t | |
smEccKeysEvt_t | |
smEventHdr_t | |
smIdentityInfo_t | |
smLinkSecurityReq_t | |
smNewRandKeyEvent_t | |
smSecurityInfo_t | |
smSigningInfo_t | |
ugBcastCBs_t | Set of Broadcaster callbacks - must be setup by the application |