Setting Up Robotics Kit Environment

1. Requirements & Dependency

Supported Hardware Platforms

Platform Supported Devices Supported EVM

J7 Processor SDK RTOS

The Robotics SDK requires the pre-built package of J721E Processor SDK RTOS 7.3.0. The pre-built package contains Processor SDK Linux and libraries that are necessary for setting up the Robotics development environment.

Ubuntu PC

A Ubuntu (18.04 recommended) PC is required. For RViz visualization of ROS topics published from the J7 target, it is assumed that ROS (Melodic recommended) is installed on the PC. For ROS installation steps, please refer to this ROS wiki page.

USB Stereo Camera [Optional]

The Robotics SDK provides a OpenCV-based ROS driver for ZED stereo camera. All the demo applications can be tried out with a live stereo camera as well as a ROSBAG file provided. For configuration of a stereo camera, please see drivers/zed_capture/


Figure 1. Robotics Kit: Setup and Installation Steps

2. Set Up the J7 Target and Development Environment

Figure 1 shows the hardware setup and high-level installation steps on the J7 target and the Ubuntu PC.

Build SD Card

  1. From Ubuntu PC, download Processor SDK RTOS 7.3.0 pre-built package

  2. Install the pre-built package to a SD card (minimum 32GB high-performance) by referring to the instruction on this page

Connect Remotely to the J7 Target

  1. To find the IP address assigned to J7 EVM, use a serial port communications program (for example, sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSBx where /dev/ttyUSBx is the device for the UART serial port), log in with root account, and run ifconfig.

  2. From a terminal on the PC, open a SSH session to connect remotely to the J7 target:

    user@pc:~$ ssh root@<J7_IP_address>

    Note: It is recommended to use a static IP for the J7 EVM to make ROS network setting easy.

Clone Git Repository

  1. Set up the project directory and the catkin workspace:

    root@j7-evm:~$ WORK_DIR=$HOME/j7ros_home
    root@j7-evm:~$ CATKIN_WS=$WORK_DIR/catkin_ws
    root@j7-evm:~$ mkdir -p $CATKIN_WS/src
    root@j7-evm:~$ cd $CATKIN_WS/src
  2. Clone the project GIT repository:

    git clone

Download TIDL Model & ROSBAG File

  1. For convenience, set up a soft-link:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws/src$ cd $WORK_DIR
    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ ln -s $CATKIN_WS/src/jacinto_ros_perception/docker/Makefile
  2. To download data files, run the following in $WORK_DIR:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ make data_download

    Two tarballs (for deep-learning model artifacts, and a ROSBAG file) are downloaded and uncompressed under $WORK_DIR/data. If preferred, each tarball can be downloaded individually with make model_download and make rosbag_download, respectively.

Set Up Docker Environment

  1. Following this link, check that Docker and network work correctly on the J7 host Linux.

  2. To generate bash scripts for building and running a Docker image for the Robotics Kit:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ make scripts

    Make sure that two bash scripts, and, are generated.

    Note: The default Dockerfile installs ros-perception ROS package group in the Docker image. In case you want to minimize the size of Docker image by installing only minimal dependency required to build and run the ROS nodes under $CATKIN_WS/src, use the scripts generated with the following:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ make scripts_rosdep
  3. To build the Docker image, in $WORK_DIR run:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ ./

    It will take several minutes to build the Docker image. The Docker image built can be listed with docker images.

3. Set Up the Ubuntu PC for Visualization

Open another terminal on Ubuntu PC to set up environment for RViz visualization.

  1. Clone the GIT repository:

    user@pc:~$ CATKIN_WS=$HOME/j7ros_home/catkin_ws
    user@pc:~$ mkdir -p $CATKIN_WS/src
    user@pc:~$ cd $CATKIN_WS/src
    git clone
  2. Build the ROS nodes for visualization:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws/src$ cd $CATKIN_WS
    user@pc:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
  3. ROS network setting: For convenience, set up a soft-link:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ ln -s src/jacinto_ros_perception/

    Update the following lines in


    <J7_IP_address> can be found by running make ip_show on a J7 terminal.

    To set up the PC environment, run the following:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ source

4. Build and Run Demo Applications

Build the ROS Applications

  1. To run the Docker image:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ ./
  2. To build the ROS applications, inside the Docker container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash

Run Stereo Vision Application

  1. [J7] To launch ti_sde node with playing back a ROSBAG file, run the following in $WORK_DIR on the J7 host Linux:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ ./ roslaunch ti_sde bag_sde.launch

    Alternatively, you can run the following roslaunch command inside the Docker container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ti_sde bag_sde.launch

    To process the image stream from a ZED stereo camera, replace the launch file with zed_sde.launch in the above.

  2. [PC] For visualization, on the PC:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ti_sde rviz.launch

Run Stereo Vision Application with Point-Cloud Enabled

  1. [J7] To launch ti_sde node with playing back a ROSBAG file, run the following in $WORK_DIR on the J7 host Linux:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ ./ roslaunch ti_sde bag_sde_pcl.launch

    Alternatively, you can run the following roslaunch command inside the Docker container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ti_sde bag_sde_pcl.launch

    To process the image stream from a ZED stereo camera, replace the launch file with zed_sde.launch in the above.

  2. [PC] For visualization, on the PC (Make sure source ahead):

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ti_sde rviz_pcl.launch

Run CNN Semantic Segmentation Application

  1. [J7] To launch ti_semseg_cnn node with playing back a ROSBAG file, run the following in $WORK_DIR on the J7 host Linux:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ ./ roslaunch ti_semseg_cnn bag_semseg_cnn.launch

    Alternatively, you can run the following roslaunch command inside the Docker container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ti_semseg_cnn bag_semseg_cnn.launch

    To process the image stream from a ZED stereo camera, replace the launch file with zed_semseg_cnn.launch in the above.

  2. [PC] For visualization, on the PC:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ti_semseg_cnn rviz.launch

Run 3D Obstacle Detection Application

  1. [J7] To launch ti_estop node with playing back a ROSBAG file, run the following in $WORK_DIR on the J7 host Linux:

    root@j7-evm:~/j7ros_home$ ./ roslaunch ti_estop bag_estop.launch

    Alternatively, you can run the following roslaunch command inside the Docker container:

    root@j7-docker:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ti_estop bag_estop.launch

    To process the image stream from a ZED stereo camera, replace the launch file with zed_estop.launch in the above.

  2. [PC] For visualization, on the PC:

    user@pc:~/j7ros_home/catkin_ws$ roslaunch ti_estop rviz.launch