PDK API Guide for J721E
HeapP.h File Reference


Heap management module for the RTOS Porting Interface.


Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  HeapP_Params
 Basic HeapP Parameters. More...
struct  HeapP_MemStats
 Structure used to pass information about the heap out of HeapP_getHeapStats(). More...


#define HeapP_BYTE_ALIGNMENT   (256U)
 Minimum alignment for heap allocations, in units of bytes. More...


typedef void * HeapP_Handle
 Opaque client reference to an instance of a HeapP. More...


enum  HeapP_Status { HeapP_OK = 0, HeapP_FAILURE = (-(int32_t)1) }
 Status codes for HeapP APIs. More...


void HeapP_Params_init (HeapP_Params *params)
 Initialize params structure to default values. More...
HeapP_Handle HeapP_create (const HeapP_Params *params)
 Create a user defined heap. More...
HeapP_Status HeapP_delete (HeapP_Handle handle)
 Delete the user defined heap. More...
void * HeapP_alloc (HeapP_Handle handle, uint32_t allocSize)
 Alloc memory from user defined heap. More...
HeapP_Status HeapP_free (HeapP_Handle handle, void *ptr, uint32_t size)
 Free memory from user defined heap. More...
HeapP_Status HeapP_getHeapStats (HeapP_Handle handle, HeapP_MemStats *stats)
 Get detailed heap statistics. More...