Vision Apps User Guide
Stereo-based Obstacle / Freespace Detection Application


This application demonstrates obstacle / freespace detection solely using a disparity map from J7 SDE (Stereo Depth Engine) HWA. The disparity map can be created using either a single-layer SDE or a multil-layer SDE refinement with post-processing depending on configuration. This application estimates ground plane first from disparity map. After that, it detects obstacles and freespaces. For obstacles detected, the distances to obstacles are also computed. For freespace detected, the maximum drivable distance in front of vehicle is computed as well.

The application makes use of the below application libraries,

  1. Applib for SDE (Stereo Depth Engine)
  2. Applib for Multi-layer SDE (Stereo Depth Engine) Refinement
  3. Applib for Obstacle / Freesapce Detection using Streo Engine

Supported plaforms

Platform Linux x86_64 Linux+RTOS mode QNX+RTOS mode SoC
Support N0 YES NO J721e

Data flow

Shown below is the overall application data flow example output.

Application data flow

Steps to run the application

  1. Boot the EVM up.
  2. Run the following commands:
    source /opt/vision_apps/
    Pick option 9 for stereo obstacle / free space detection application

Sample Output

Shown below is the example output.

Obstacle / Free Space Detection Output