4. SDK Components¶
The following table lists all the top-level folders in the SDK package and the component it represents.
Folder |
Component |
app_utils |
c7x-mma-tidl |
cg_xml_* |
edgeai-tiovx-apps |
imaging |
ivision |
mmalib_* |
mcu_plus_sdk_* |
psdk_rtos |
SDK Scripts and Documentation |
sdk_builder |
sdl |
tiadalg |
ti-perception-toolkit |
tiovx |
video_io |
vision_apps |
vxlib |
The following table lists all the packages that needs to downloaded separately or the script setup_psdk_rtos.sh will download these packages under /home/$USER/ti. Refer vision apps user guide [LINK].
Folder |
Component |
ti-cgt-arm_* |
ti-cgt-c7000_* |
4.1. HLOS Support (A53)¶
The vision apps demos assume and support either Linux or QNX running on the A53.
4.1.1. Processor SDK Linux J722S¶
This package contains Linux kernel, uboot, filesystem and other linux tools.
This package is NOT included in PSDK RTOS installer and needs to be downloaded separately
Either this package or QNX package MUST be downloaded to run vision apps, TI OpenVX demos.
Version | |
Release notes |
${PSDK_LINUX_PATH}/docs/linux/index.html |
User guide |
${PSDK_LINUX_PATH}/docs/linux/index.html |
4.1.2. Processor SDK QNX J722S¶
This package contains the QNX SDK components that include:
QNX resource manager for sci-client, udma, ipc and sharedmemory allocator
DEVNP driver for CPSW2G
Test examples and sample applications
This package is NOT included in PSDK RTOS installer and needs to be downloaded separately
Either this package or Linux package MUST be downloaded to run vision apps, TI OpenVX demos.
Version |
09_02_00 |
Release notes |
${PSDK_QNX_PATH}/docs/qnx/index.html |
User guide |
${PSDK_QNX_PATH}/docs/qnx/index.html |
4.2. SDK Builder¶
This package contains support for building different components.
Version |
09_02_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.3. Vision Apps¶
This package contains Camera, ADAS, vision, perception, OpenVX demos.
Version |
09_02_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.4. Edge AI TIOVX Apps¶
This package contains OpenVx based Edge AI applications
Version |
09_02_00 |
User guide |
4.5. Application Utilities (app_utils)¶
This package contains TI’s common abstraction layers that are used by TIOVX and Vision Apps.
Version |
09_02_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
This package contains device drivers, bootloaders, CSL for baremetal/RTOS.
Version |
09_02_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.7. System firmware (SYSFW)¶
This package provides services for clock, power and resource management. These services are accessed via the “sciclient” interface in PDK.
Version |
09_02_07 |
User guide |
4.8. TI OpenVX (TIOVX)¶
This package contains TI’s implementation of OpenVX.
Version |
09_02_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.9. Video Input/Output Kernels (video_io)¶
This package contains OpenVX kernels for CSI2RX, CSITX, and Display.
Version |
09_02_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.10. TI Deep learning Product (TIDL)¶
This package contains TI’s Deep Learning inference solution with many industry wide open source run time (TFLite Runtime, ONNX Runtime and TVM based run time) on ARM MPU with an optimized TIDL runtime back-end on C7x and MMA. It also contains necessary tools for DNN compilation and provides many examples in both python and C to exercise tools and inference solution. It also contains OpenVX kernels for TIDL and TVM.
Version |
09_02_05_02 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.11. MMALIB (C7x DSP)¶
This package contains MMA compute libraries
Version |
09_02_00_08 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.12. Imaging¶
This package contains auto-exposure, auto-whilte balance algorithms for TI ISP. It also contains image sensor drivers, tuning parameters, as well as OpenVX kernels for VPAC and DMPAC.
Version |
09_02_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.13. Perception Toolkit (PTK)¶
This package contains APIs and utilities for perception/fusion related functions and visualizations
Version |
01_05_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.14. TI Autonomous Driving Algorithms (TIADALG)¶
This package contains sample pre-processing, post processing and other algorithms for autonomous driving.
Version |
08_06_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.15. Software Diagnostics Library (SDL)¶
This package provides interfaces to safety mechanisms and features for the development of software applications involving Functional Safety
Version |
01_03_00 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.16. VXLIB¶
This package implements OpenVX v1.1 low level kernels cross compiled for C7x DSP
Version |
1_1_7_0 |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.17. CTools Library¶
CTools of Chip Tools contains a set of fundamental libraries to provide the debug facilities. CTools package is not included in PSDK RTOS installer and needs to be downloaded separately.
User Guide/Download Link |
https://software-dl.ti.com/emulation/esd/ctoolslib_k3/CToolsLib_K3.html |
4.18. RTOS¶
4.19. Code generation tools (CGT)¶
4.19.1. C7x code generation tools¶
This package contains C7x compiler, linker, host emulation mode libraries.
Version |
4.1.0.LTS |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.19.2. TI ARM R5F code generation tools¶
This package contains TI ARM R5F compiler, linker.
Version |
3.2.1.LTS |
Release notes |
User guide |
4.19.3. GCC ARM code generation tools¶
GCC tools are used to compile and link code on ARM A53.
Download link |
ARM64 CGT for A53 RTOS |
ARM64 CGT for A53 Linux |
ARM32 CGT for R5F U Boot |
These packages are NOT included in PSDK RTOS installer and needs to be downloaded separately.
The script setup_psdk_rtos.sh downloads these packages. Refer vision apps user guide [LINK].