Vision Apps User Guide
Build Environment Setup


  • Make sure you don't skip any of the non-optional steps mentioned below
  • ${PSDKR_PATH} refers to the path where Processor SDK RTOS (PSDK RTOS) is installed
  • ${PSDKL_PATH} refers to the path where Processor SDK Linux (PSDK Linux) is installed
  • All folders like, pdk, tiovx, vision_apps mentioned in the user guide are relative to ${PSDKR_PATH} unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  • The build is tested on Ubuntu (x86_64) 22.04 system and may not work on earlier or later Ubuntu systems.
  • 20GB of free space is required to install and build PSDK RTOS
  • Make sure you have sudo access

Step 1a: Download and Install PSDK RTOS

  • Download and untar PSDK RTOS Tarball ti-processor-sdk-rtos-${SOC}-evm-xx_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz on a Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64) machine.
    cd {path/to/file}
    tar xf ti-processor-sdk-rtos-${SOC}-evm-xx_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz

Step 1b: Download and Install PSDK RTOS Add-on to run in PC Emulation Mode (Optional, only needed for PC emulation mode)

  • Download and Run PSDK RTOS Add-on package installer file ti-processor-sdk-rtos-${SOC} on a Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64). This package contains performance datasheet documentation as well as PC compiled cmodel libraries for VPAC and DMPAC OpenVX nodes.
    The installer is available only through TI mySecure login.
    To Request access for PSDK RTOS Add-on Packages the first time: [LINK]
    mySecure SW Access Link (after access has been granted) : [LINK]
    This mySecureSW site also contains MCUSW AUTOSAR Configurator package installer
  • Follow instructions on screen to complete the installation.
    The Installation Directory should be given as the parent directory of ${PSDKR_PATH} (If you choose the Browse option, Make sure you are NOT creating a new folder in the parent directory)

Step 2a: Download and install PSDK Linux (Needed for Linux+RTOS mode or for QNX SPL mode)

  • PSDK RTOS needs PSDK Linux to build. Run the installer file ti-processor-sdk-linux-adas-${SOC}-evm-xx_xx_xx_xx-Linux-x86-Install.bin on the same Ubuntu 22.04 (x86_64) machine.
  • Follow instructions on screen to complete the installation
  • Copy below files (linux filesystem and linux boot files) from PSDK Linux folder to base folder of PSDK RTOS
    cp ${PSDKL_PATH}/board-support/prebuilt-images/boot-adas-${SOC}-evm.tar.gz ${PSDKR_PATH}/
    cp ${PSDKL_PATH}/filesystem/tisdk-adas-image-${SOC}-evm.tar.xz ${PSDKR_PATH}/

Step 2b: Download and Install PSDK QNX addon to run in QNX+RTOS mode (Optional, only needed for QNX+RTOS mode)

The PSDK QNX addon package is dependent on installation of packages from both QNX and Texas Instruments. Reference PSDK QNX Documentation on Getting Started, for details on download and installation.

Once PSDK QNX download and installation is complete, proceed with below steps.

Step 3: Proxy Setup

Skip this step if you are not using a proxy server

In order to download and compile some components from next step, it is required that your PC network proxy is setup properly. Below instructions show how the network proxy is setup assuming a proxy server named "" for the domain "". Modify these appropriately for your network.

Proxy for wget

  • To set the "wget" proxy add below lines in ~/.wgetrc

Proxy for http access

  • Setup HTTP proxy by adding below lines in your ~/.bashrc
    export HTTPS_PROXY=
    export https_proxy=
    export HTTP_PROXY=
    export http_proxy=
    export ftp_proxy=
    export FTP_PROXY=

Proxy for "apt-get"

  • Add below line in the file /etc/apt/apt.conf
    Acquire::http::proxy "";

Proxy for "git"

  • Install corkscrew
    sudo apt-get install corkscrew
  • Create a file ~/.gitconfig and add below content to it
    email = <myemail>
    name = <myname>
    gitproxy = none for
    gitproxy = /home/<username>/
    proxy =
    proxy =
  • Create a file ~/ and add below lines in it
    exec /usr/bin/corkscrew 80 $*
  • Make ~/ as executable
    chmod +x ~/

Proxy for "curl"

  • Add below line in ~/.curlrc file

Step 4: Download and install additional dependencies

'sudo' permission is required to run below script and install some components using apt-get In case you don't want to install packages with sudo permission pass below argument to this script
Open below setup_psdk_rtos file and install the packages installed with sudo apt install separately
In case you are only using QNX SBL in your development, you can skip any SPL-related installations by passing the below flag when running the setup_psdk_rtos script.
  • Do below to download and install additional dependencies needed to build PSDK RTOS
    cd ${PSDKR_PATH}
    Make sure to call the script from ${PSDKR_PATH} as shown above. DO NOT "cd" into sdk_builder/scripts and call the script