Vision Apps Release Notes
Version: 09.02.00
- Introduction
- Licensing
- Getting Started
- Documentation
- What's New
- Device Support
- Validation Information
- Fixed Issues
- Open Defects
- Known Issues
- Change Requests
- Technical Support
- Package Versioning
The Vision Apps package consists of ADAS, vision, deep learning, perception demos/applications for J722S platform
To run the demos in vision apps, the companion PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-J722S also needs to be downloaded separately.
Refer to Processor SDK RTOS manifest at top level [HTML]
Getting Started
The Vision Apps User Guide [HTML] provides the documentation and references necessary to begin development on TI's platforms using Vision Apps.
Refer to following documentation for further details:
Vision Apps User Guide | Build instructions, API Guide | [HTML] |
Release Notes Archive | Previous release notes | [FOLDER] |
What's New
New features in this release are highlighted in bold- OpenVX based demos for ADAS, Vision, deep learning applications
- Free RTOS on C7x and R5F and Linux or QNX on A53
- Integrates all major PSDK RTOS and PSDK Linux SW components like TIDL, MMALIB, MCU-PLUS-SDK, OpenVX, C7x algorithms, imaging/sensors, IPC, Linux, Free-RTOS, SPL/uboot.
- Integrates all major HW components like CSI2 camera, HDMI display, UART, I2C, SD card
- Deep Learning demos
- Image Classification demo
- File based
- Camera based
- Debug support for the ability to debug intermediate layer information from TIDL node
- ADAS/Vision demos
- Dense optical flow (DOF) demo
- Stereo disparity engine demo
- Single and multi camera CSI2RX + VISS + LDC + MSC + Display demo
- Multi channel codec demo utilizing CSI2RX + VISS + LDC + MSC + Display with Linux and QNX running on A53
- Edge AI TIOVX apps
- Multi-channel, Multi-instance TIDL based OpenVx demos
- Works with RTOS based capture and display OpenVx nodes
- Works with V4L2 based elements like H.264/H.265 encoder/decoder without buffer copies
- Easy to use config file to construct multi-input, multi-network, multi-output graphs
- Profiling, logging and other utility APIs
Device Support
Refer Processor SDK RTOS release notes [HTML]
Validation Information
The tools used to validate this package are listed in top level user guide [HTML]
Fixed Issues
ID | Summary |
NA | First release on J722S SoC |
Open Defects
ID | Summary |
ADASVISION-6265 | App multi-cam crashes during teardown on J722S |
ADASVISION-6254 | App C7x hangs on J722S |
ADASVISION-6243 | app_stereo does not show graphics or compile properly on J722S |
ADASVISION-6242 | app_dof does not work or compile properly on J722S |
Known Issues
ID | Summary | Workaround |
ADASVISION-4345 | SteamFIFO overflow observed in long run > 6hrs when using D3 IMX390 CM cameras | Upgrade to D3 IMX390 RCM cameras |
Change Requests
ID | Headline | Original Fix Version | New Fix Version |
NA | NA | NA | NA |
Technical Support
For technical support and additional assistance, contact local TI Field Application Engineer
Package Versioning
Each package version is composed of 4 period-delimited numbers - represented here by the letters M, m, p and b [M.m.p.b]
. The table below provides a descriptive reference regarding package version numbering.
Digit | Meaning | Description |
1 (M=Major) | Major revision | Incremented when the new version is substantially different from the previous For example, a new module added or an existing module's algorithm significantly altered. |
2 (m=minor) | Minor revision | Incremented when the new version has changed but not in a major way. For example, some minor changes in the API or feature set. |
3 (p=patch) | Patch number | Incremented for all other source code changes. This include any packaging support code. |
4 (b=build) | Build number | Incremented for each release delivery to CM. Reset for any change to M, m or p |
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