7. CCS Setup for J722S¶
Code Composer Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that supports TI’s Micro controller and Embedded Processors portfolio. It provides useful tools to develop and debug embedded applications.
Please visit Code Composer Studio product (https://www.ti.com/tool/ccstudio) for more information.
Below screen shots and examples show paths and instructions for Linux. The same applies for Windows except use Windows file/folder paths instead.
In Linux+RTOS mode, SPL/uboot bootloader loads the R5F, C7x, A53 binaries
CCS is needed to debug the software on R5F, C7x (and A53 when in RTOS mode).
In RTOS only mode, CCS is needed to load and run the binaries on different CPU cores in the SoC.
7.1. CPU names used in PSDK RTOS vs CCS¶
Below table shows the mapping of names in PSDK RTOS and CCS
CPU name in PSDK RTOS |
CPU name in CCS |
mcu1_0 |
WKUP_Cortex_R5_0 |
mcu2_0 |
MAIN_Cortex_R5_2 |
mpu1 |
CortexA53_0 |
c7x_1 |
C75x_0 |
c7x_2 |
C75x_1 |
7.2. Install CCS¶
Install CCS v12.5 or newer : CCS can be downloaded from https://www.ti.com/tool/download/CCSTUDIO/12.5.0
CCS installation details are available on https://dr-download.ti.com/software-development/ide-configuration-compiler-or-debugger/MD-J1VdearkvK/12.5.0/CCS_12.5.0_ReleaseNotes.htm
This release is tested on below CCS version
Fig. 7.1 CCS: IDE version¶
During installation, there is a ‘Setup’ step where you can select components. Be sure to select: “TDAx Driver Assistance SoCs & Jacinto DRAx Infotainment SoCs” as shown below:
Fig. 7.2 CCS: Download Components¶
Here after we’ll be referring to the CCS installation directory as ${CCS_INSTALL_PATH}
In Linux, this will be
In Windows, this will be
7.3. Debugging with HLOS running on A53 (Linux / QNX)¶
This section is applicable only if you are loading a HLOS (Linux or QNX) application.
CCS cannot be used to debug applications on the A53. Please use gdb for Linux and Momentics for QNX
7.3.1. Setup CCS target configuration¶
Install CCS and emulation packs as per Install CCS.
Create a CCS target config, you can name it “J722S_EVM_NO_GEL.ccxml”.
Select Connection as Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe, if you are using on board debugger (J3 usb connector)
Select the Board as JACINTOJ7AEN shown below
Fig. 7.3 CCS: Target Configuration¶
7.3.2. Load RTOS core firmware symbols thru CCS¶
Load the debug version of the firmware binaries on the HLOS file system, and boot device.
Launch the target config file created
Fig. 7.4 CCS: Target Configuration launched¶
Now you can connect to the required non-A53 core (i.e MAIN_Cortex_R5_2, C75x_0, C75x_1 etc) and load the symbols of the application binary.
Fig. 7.5 CCS: Load symbols in the connected non-A53 core¶
Now you can put breakpoints wherever required and debug as usual.