metaonly module ti.sysbios.rta.Agent

The Agent module provides target support for the CCS RTA tools

The Agent module includes configuration parameters to help set up the SYS/BIOS logging on the target. [ more ... ]
XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/sysbios/rta/Agent.xdc
var Agent = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.rta.Agent');
module-wide config parameters
The Agent module includes configuration parameters to help set up the SYS/BIOS logging on the target.
Earlier versions of the Agent provided support for transfer of data during runtime. Runtime support has been removed and the Agent now only supports "stop mode" updates. Log data is stored in buffers in RAM and only updated on the host with the target is halted.
Runtime support is now handled via the System Analyzer and UIA products.
config Agent.configureSystemLog  // module-wide


XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.configureSystemLog = Bool true;
config Agent.loadLoggerBufferSection  // module-wide

Section to place the Load LoggerBuf's buffer

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.loadLoggerBufferSection = String "[Default]";
config Agent.loadLoggerSize  // module-wide

Size (in MAUs) of logger used for the Load module Log events

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.loadLoggerSize = SizeT 512;
To specify the size in number of records, instead of MAUs, use the following code:
  var Agent = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.rta.Agent');
  var LoggerBuf = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf');
  // Set the load logger size to 50 records.
  Agent.loadLoggerSize = 50 * LoggerBuf.Entry.$sizeof();

  // Print the final size to see how much memory is used.
  print("Load Logger Size (MAUs): " + Agent.loadLoggerSize);
config Agent.loadLogging  // module-wide

Enable the Load module event logging

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.loadLogging = Bool true;
If this is false, the events will be disabled and cannot be enabled at runtime (ALWAYS_OFF). If this is true, the events will be enabled and can also be modified at runtime (RUNTIME_ON).
config Agent.loadLoggingRuntimeControl  // module-wide

Specify whether load logging can be enabled / disabled at runtime

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.loadLoggingRuntimeControl = Bool true;
This determines what diags settings are applied to the module's diags mask. If 'false', the diags bits will be configured as ALWAYS_OFF or ALWAYS_ON, meaning they can't be changed at runtime. If 'true', the bits will be configured as 'RUNTIME_OFF' or 'RUNTIME_ON'.
config Agent.mainLoggerBufferSection  // module-wide

Section to place the Main LoggerBuf's buffer

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.mainLoggerBufferSection = String "[Default]";
config Agent.mainLoggerSize  // module-wide

Size (in MAUs) of logger used for main and non-XDC modules Log events

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.mainLoggerSize = SizeT 1024;
To specify the size in number of records, instead of MAUs, use the following code:
  var Agent = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.rta.Agent');
  var LoggerBuf = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf');
  // Set the main logger size to 50 records.
  Agent.mainLoggerSize = 50 * LoggerBuf.Entry.$sizeof();

  // Print the final size to see how much memory is used.
  print("Application Logger Size (MAUs): " + Agent.mainLoggerSize);
config Agent.mainLogging  // module-wide

Enable main and non-XDC modules event logging

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.mainLogging = Bool true;
config Agent.mainLoggingRuntimeControl  // module-wide

Specify whether main logging can be enabled / disabled at runtime

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.mainLoggingRuntimeControl = Bool true;
This determines what diags settings are applied to the module's diags mask. If 'false', the diags bits will be configured as ALWAYS_OFF or ALWAYS_ON, meaning they can't be changed at runtime. If 'true', the bits will be configured as 'RUNTIME_OFF' or 'RUNTIME_ON'.
config Agent.sysbiosHwiLogging  // module-wide

Enable SYSBIOS Hwi module's event logging

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.sysbiosHwiLogging = Bool false;
config Agent.sysbiosHwiLoggingRuntimeControl  // module-wide

Specify whether Hwi logging can be enabled / disabled at runtime

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.sysbiosHwiLoggingRuntimeControl = Bool false;
This determines what diags settings are applied to the module's diags mask. If 'false', the diags bits will be configured as ALWAYS_OFF or ALWAYS_ON, meaning they can't be changed at runtime. If 'true', the bits will be configured as 'RUNTIME_OFF' or 'RUNTIME_ON'.
config Agent.sysbiosLoggerBufferSection  // module-wide

Section to place the SYS/BIOS LoggerBuf's buffer

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.sysbiosLoggerBufferSection = String "[Default]";
config Agent.sysbiosLoggerSize  // module-wide

Size (in MAUs) of the logger used for the SYS/BIOS modules' Log events

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.sysbiosLoggerSize = SizeT 4096;
To specify the size in number of records, instead of MAUs, use the following code:
  var Agent = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.rta.Agent');
  var LoggerBuf = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.LoggerBuf');
  // Set the SYS/BIOS logger size to 50 records.
  Agent.sysbiosLoggerSize = 50 * LoggerBuf.Entry.$sizeof();

  // Print the final size to see how much memory is used.
  print("SYS/BIOS Logger Size (MAUs): " + Agent.sysbiosLoggerSize);
config Agent.sysbiosSwiLogging  // module-wide

Enable SYSBIOS Swi module's event logging

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.sysbiosSwiLogging = Bool false;
config Agent.sysbiosSwiLoggingRuntimeControl  // module-wide

Specify whether Swi logging can be enabled / disabled at runtime

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.sysbiosSwiLoggingRuntimeControl = Bool false;
This determines what diags settings are applied to the module's diags mask. If 'false', the diags bits will be configured as ALWAYS_OFF or ALWAYS_ON, meaning they can't be changed at runtime. If 'true', the bits will be configured as 'RUNTIME_OFF' or 'RUNTIME_ON'.
config Agent.sysbiosTaskLogging  // module-wide

Enable SYSBIOS Task module's event logging

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.sysbiosTaskLogging = Bool true;
config Agent.sysbiosTaskLoggingRuntimeControl  // module-wide

Specify whether Task logging can be enabled / disabled at runtime

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Agent.sysbiosTaskLoggingRuntimeControl = Bool true;
This determines what diags settings are applied to the module's diags mask. If 'false', the diags bits will be configured as ALWAYS_OFF or ALWAYS_ON, meaning they can't be changed at runtime. If 'true', the bits will be configured as 'RUNTIME_OFF' or 'RUNTIME_ON'.
generated on Thu, 01 Mar 2012 16:58:16 GMT