metaonly interface ti.catalog.msp430.peripherals.adc.ISD16

MSP430 ISD16 interface

XDCspec summary sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
metaonly interface ISD16 {  ...
instance:  ...
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
metaonly interface ISD16 inherits IPeripheral {
module-wide constants & types
        SD16BUF_0// Buffer disabled,
    enum SD16DF_t// SD16DF Bit {
        SD16DF_OFF// Offset binary,
        SD16DF// 2's complement
        SD16DIV_0// Divide by 1,
        SD16DIV_1// Divide by 2,
        SD16DIV_2// Divide by 4,
        SD16DIV_3// Divide by 8
        SD16GAIN_1// Multiply by 1,
        SD16GAIN_2// Multiply by 2,
        SD16GAIN_4// Multiply by 4,
        SD16GAIN_8// Multiply by 8,
    enum SD16IE_t// SD16IE Bit {
        SD16IE_OFF// Disabled,
        SD16IE// Enabled
    enum SD16IFG_t// SD16IFG Bit {
        SD16INCH_0// A0,
        SD16INCH_1// A1,
        SD16INCH_2// A2,
        SD16INCH_3// A3,
        SD16INCH_4// A4,
    enum SD16LP_t// SD16LP Bit {
        SD16OSR_256// SD16XOSR = 0,
        SD16OSR_128// SD16XOSR = 0,
        SD16OSR_64// SD16XOSR = 0,
        SD16OSR_32// SD16XOSR = 0,
        SD16OSR_512// SD16XOSR = 1,
        SD16REFON// Reference on
    enum SD16SC_t// SD16SC Bit {
        SD16SC// Start conversion
        SD16SNGL_OFF// Bipolar mode,
        SD16SNGL// Unipolar mode
        SD16SSEL_0// MCLK,
        SD16SSEL_1// SMCLK,
        SD16SSEL_2// ACLK,
    enum SD16UNI_t// SD16UNI Bit {
        SD16UNI_OFF// Bipolar mode,
        SD16UNI// Unipolar mode
        SD16VMIDON_OFF// Off,
        SD16VMIDON// On
        SD16XDIV_0// Divide by 1,
        SD16XDIV_1// Divide by 3,
        SD16XDIV_2// Divide by 16,
        SD16XDIV_3// Divide by 48
    typedef String StringArray// [];
        String register;
        Bool regForceSet;
module-wide functions
per-instance config parameters
enum ISD16.SD16AE0_t

SD16_A Analog Enable Bit 0

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16AE0_t {
    // External input disabled. Negative inputs are internally connected to VSS
    // External input enabled
enum ISD16.SD16AE1_t

SD16_A Analog Enable Bit 1

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16AE1_t {
    // External input disabled. Negative inputs are internally connected to VSS
    // External input enabled
enum ISD16.SD16AE2_t

SD16_A Analog Enable Bit 2

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16AE2_t {
    // External input disabled. Negative inputs are internally connected to VSS
    // External input enabled
enum ISD16.SD16AE3_t

SD16_A Analog Enable Bit 3

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16AE3_t {
    // External input disabled. Negative inputs are internally connected to VSS
    // External input enabled
enum ISD16.SD16AE4_t

SD16_A Analog Enable Bit 4

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16AE4_t {
    // External input disabled. Negative inputs are internally connected to VSS
    // External input enabled
enum ISD16.SD16AE5_t

SD16_A Analog Enable Bit 5

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16AE5_t {
    // External input disabled. Negative inputs are internally connected to VSS
    // External input enabled
enum ISD16.SD16AE6_t

SD16_A Analog Enable Bit 6

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16AE6_t {
    // External input disabled. Negative inputs are internally connected to VSS
    // External input enabled
enum ISD16.SD16AE7_t

SD16_A Analog Enable Bit 7

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16AE7_t {
    // External input disabled. Negative inputs are internally connected to VSS
    // External input enabled
enum ISD16.SD16BUF_t

SD16BUFx Bits

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16BUF_t {
    // Buffer disabled
    // Slow speed/current
    // Medium speed/current
    // High speed/current
enum ISD16.SD16DF_t

SD16DF Bit

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16DF_t {
    // Offset binary
    // 2's complement
enum ISD16.SD16DIV_t

SD16DIVx Bits

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16DIV_t {
    // Divide by 1
    // Divide by 2
    // Divide by 4
    // Divide by 8
enum ISD16.SD16GAIN_t

SD16GAINx Bits

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16GAIN_t {
    // Multiply by 1
    // Multiply by 2
    // Multiply by 4
    // Multiply by 8
    // Multiply by 16
    // Multiply by 32
enum ISD16.SD16IE_t

SD16IE Bit

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16IE_t {
    // Disabled
    // Enabled
enum ISD16.SD16IFG_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16IFG_t {
    // No interrupt pending
    // Interrupt pending
enum ISD16.SD16INCH_t

SD16INCHx Bits

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16INCH_t {
    // A0
    // A1
    // A2
    // A3
    // A4
    // A5 - (AVcc - AVss)/11
    // A6 - Temperature Sensor
    // A7 - Short PGA offset measurement
enum ISD16.SD16INTDLY_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16INTDLY_t {
    // Fourth sample causes interrupt
    // Third sample causes interrupt
    // Second sample causes interrupt
    // First sample causes interrupt
enum ISD16.SD16IV_SD16MEM0_t

SD16_A SD16MEMx overflow

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16IV_SD16MEM0_t {
    // No Interrupt pending
    // SD16MEM0 SD16IFG
enum ISD16.SD16IV_SD16OVIFG_t

SD16_A Interrupt

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16IV_SD16OVIFG_t {
    // No Interrupt pending
    // SD16OVIFG
enum ISD16.SD16LP_t

SD16LP Bit

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16LP_t {
    // Low-power mode is disabled
    // Low-power mode is enabled. The maximum clock frequency for the SD16_A is reduced
enum ISD16.SD16LSBACC_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16LSBACC_t {
    // SD16MEMx contains the most significant 16-bits of the conversion
    // SD16MEMx contains the least significant 16-bits of the conversion
enum ISD16.SD16LSBTOG_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16LSBTOG_t {
    // SD16LSBACC does not toggle with each SD16MEM0 read
    // SD16LSBACC toggles with each SD16MEM0 read
enum ISD16.SD16OSR_t

SD16OSRx Bits

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16OSR_t {
    // SD16XOSR = 0
    // SD16XOSR = 0
    // SD16XOSR = 0
    // SD16XOSR = 0
    // SD16XOSR = 1
    // SD16XOSR = 1
enum ISD16.SD16OVIE_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16OVIE_t {
    // Overflow interrupt disabled
    // Overflow interrupt enabled
enum ISD16.SD16OVIFG_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16OVIFG_t {
    // No overflow interrupt pending
    // Overflow interrupt pending
enum ISD16.SD16REFON_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16REFON_t {
    // Reference off
    // Reference on
enum ISD16.SD16SC_t

SD16SC Bit

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16SC_t {
    // No conversino start
    // Start conversion
enum ISD16.SD16SNGL_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16SNGL_t {
    // Bipolar mode
    // Unipolar mode
enum ISD16.SD16SSEL_t

SD16SSELx Bits

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16SSEL_t {
    // MCLK
    // SMCLK
    // ACLK
    // External TACLK
enum ISD16.SD16UNI_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16UNI_t {
    // Bipolar mode
    // Unipolar mode
enum ISD16.SD16VMIDON_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16VMIDON_t {
    // Off
    // On
enum ISD16.SD16XDIV_t

SD16XDIVx Bits

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16XDIV_t {
    // Divide by 1
    // Divide by 3
    // Divide by 16
    // Divide by 48
enum ISD16.SD16XOSR_t


XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
enum SD16XOSR_t {
    // Extended oversampling ratio. This bit, along with the SD16OSRx bits, select the oversampling ratio. See SD16OSRx bit description for settings
    // Extended oversampling ratio. This bit, along with the SD16OSRx bits, select the oversampling ratio. See SD16OSRx bit description for settings
typedef ISD16.IPeripheralArray
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
typedef IPeripheral.Instance IPeripheralArray[];
typedef ISD16.StringArray
XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
typedef String StringArray[];
struct ISD16.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t

Force Set Default Register

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
metaonly struct ForceSetDefaultRegister_t {
    String register;
    Bool regForceSet;
Type to store if each register needs to be forced initialized even if the register is in default state.
ISD16.getAll()  // module-wide

Find all peripherals of a certain type

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
The type of the peripherals returned is defined by the type of the caller.
Returns an array of IPeripheral instances
ISD16.getRegisters()  // module-wide

Find all registers defined by the peripheral

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
IPeripheral.StringArray getRegisters();
Returns an array of register names
config  // instance

Specific peripheral name given by the device

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
config String name;
Devices can have more than one peripheral of the same type. In such cases, device data sheets give different names to the instances of a same peripheral. For example, the name for a timer module could be TimerA3, and a device that has two such timers can name them TA0 and TA1.
config ISD16.owner  // instance

String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral

XDCspec declarations sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/adc/ISD16.xdc
config String owner;
generated on Mon, 02 May 2011 23:05:41 GMT