metaonly module ti.catalog.msp430.peripherals.timer.Timer_B7

MSP430 Timer_B7 timer

XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/catalog/msp430/peripherals/timer/Timer_B7.xdc
var Timer_B7 = xdc.useModule('ti.catalog.msp430.peripherals.timer.Timer_B7');
module-wide constants & types
    values of type Timer_B7.CAP_t// 
        const Timer_B7.CAP_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.CAP;
    values of type Timer_B7.CCIE_t// 
        const Timer_B7.CCIE_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.CCIE;
    values of type Timer_B7.CCIFG_t// 
        const Timer_B7.CCIFG_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.CCIFG;
    values of type Timer_B7.CCIS_t// 
        const Timer_B7.CCIS_0// CCIxA;
        const Timer_B7.CCIS_1// CCIxB;
        const Timer_B7.CCIS_2// GND;
        const Timer_B7.CCIS_3// Vcc;
    values of type Timer_B7.CCI_t// 
        const Timer_B7.CCI_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.CCI;
    values of type Timer_B7.CLLD_t// 
        const Timer_B7.CLLD_0;
        const Timer_B7.CLLD_1;
        const Timer_B7.CLLD_2;
        const Timer_B7.CLLD_3;
    values of type Timer_B7.CM_t// 
        const Timer_B7.CM_0// No Capture;
        const Timer_B7.CM_1// Rising Edge;
        const Timer_B7.CM_2// Falling Edge;
        const Timer_B7.CM_3// Both Edges;
    values of type Timer_B7.CNTL_t// 
    values of type Timer_B7.COV_t// 
        const Timer_B7.COV_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.COV;
    values of type Timer_B7.ID_t// 
        const Timer_B7.ID_0// Divider - /1;
        const Timer_B7.ID_1// Divider - /2;
        const Timer_B7.ID_2// Divider - /4;
        const Timer_B7.ID_3// Divider - /8;
        const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR1// TBCCR1_CCIFG;
        const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR2// TBCCR2_CCIFG;
        const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR3// TBCCR3_CCIFG;
        const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR4// TBCCR4_CCIFG;
        const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR5// TBCCR5_CCIFG;
        const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR6// TBCCR6_CCIFG;
        const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBIFG// TBIFG;
    values of type Timer_B7.MC_t// 
        const Timer_B7.MC_0// Stop Mode;
        const Timer_B7.MC_1// Up Mode;
        const Timer_B7.MC_2// Continuous Mode;
        const Timer_B7.MC_3// Up/Down Mode;
    values of type Timer_B7.OUTMOD_t// 
    values of type Timer_B7.OUT_t// 
        const Timer_B7.OUT_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.OUT;
    values of type Timer_B7.SCCI_t// 
        const Timer_B7.SCCI_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.SCCI;
    values of type Timer_B7.SCS_t// 
        const Timer_B7.SCS_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.SCS;
    values of type Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_t// 
        const Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_0;
        const Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_1;
        const Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_2;
        const Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_3;
    values of type Timer_B7.TBCLR_t// 
        const Timer_B7.TBCLR_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.TBCLR;
    values of type Timer_B7.TBIE_t// 
        const Timer_B7.TBIE_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.TBIE;
    values of type Timer_B7.TBIFG_t// 
        const Timer_B7.TBIFG_OFF;
        const Timer_B7.TBIFG;
    values of type Timer_B7.TBSSEL_t// 
        const Timer_B7.TBSSEL_0// TBCLK;
        const Timer_B7.TBSSEL_1// ACLK;
        const Timer_B7.TBSSEL_2// SMCLK;
        const Timer_B7.TBSSEL_3// INCLK;
        obj.register = String  ...
        obj.regForceSet = Bool  ...
    var obj = new Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t// ;
module-wide functions
per-instance config parameters
    var params = new Timer_B7.Params// Instance config-params object;
        params.INCLK// Timer_B INCLK = Float 0;
        CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
        CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
        SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
        CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
        CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
        OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
        CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
        CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
        OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
        COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
        CCIFG: ITimer_B.CCIFG_OFF
        CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
        CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
        SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
        CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
        CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
        OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
        CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
        CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
        OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
        COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
        CCIFG: ITimer_B.CCIFG_OFF
        CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
        CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
        SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
        CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
        CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
        OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
        CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
        CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
        OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
        COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
        CCIFG: ITimer_B.CCIFG_OFF
        CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
        CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
        SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
        CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
        CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
        OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
        CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
        CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
        OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
        COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
        CCIFG: ITimer_B.CCIFG_OFF
        CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
        CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
        SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
        CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
        CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
        OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
        CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
        CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
        OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
        COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
        CCIFG: ITimer_B.CCIFG_OFF
        CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
        CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
        SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
        CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
        CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
        OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
        CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
        CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
        OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
        COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
        CCIFG: ITimer_B.CCIFG_OFF
        CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
        CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
        SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
        CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
        CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
        OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
        CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
        CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
        OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
        COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
        CCIFG: ITimer_B.CCIFG_OFF
        params.TBCLK// Timer_B TBCLK = Float 0;
        TBCLGRP: ITimer_B.TBCLGRP_0,
        CNTL: ITimer_B.CNTL_0,
        TBSSEL: ITimer_B.TBSSEL_0,
        ID: ITimer_B.ID_0,
        MC: ITimer_B.MC_0,
        TBCLR: ITimer_B.TBCLR_OFF,
        TBIE: ITimer_B.TBIE_OFF,
        TBIFG: ITimer_B.TBIFG_OFF
        params.baseAddr// Address of the peripheral's control register = UInt undefined;
            register: "TBCTL",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCTL0",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCTL1",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCTL2",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCTL3",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCTL4",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCTL5",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCTL6",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCR0",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCR1",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCR2",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCR3",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCR4",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCR5",
            regForceSet: false
            register: "TBCCR6",
            regForceSet: false
        params.intNum// Interrupt source number = UInt undefined; Specific peripheral name given by the device = String undefined;
        params.owner// String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral = String undefined;
per-instance creation
    var inst = Timer_B7.create// Create an instance-object(IClock.Instance clock, params);
per-instance functions
    inst.getNumberOfTimers// () returns UChar
enum Timer_B7.CAP_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.CAP_t
    const Timer_B7.CAP_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.CAP;
enum Timer_B7.CCIE_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.CCIE_t
    const Timer_B7.CCIE_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.CCIE;
enum Timer_B7.CCIFG_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.CCIFG_t
    const Timer_B7.CCIFG_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.CCIFG;
enum Timer_B7.CCIS_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.CCIS_t
    const Timer_B7.CCIS_0;
    // CCIxA
    const Timer_B7.CCIS_1;
    // CCIxB
    const Timer_B7.CCIS_2;
    // GND
    const Timer_B7.CCIS_3;
    // Vcc
enum Timer_B7.CCI_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.CCI_t
    const Timer_B7.CCI_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.CCI;
enum Timer_B7.CLLD_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.CLLD_t
    const Timer_B7.CLLD_0;
    const Timer_B7.CLLD_1;
    const Timer_B7.CLLD_2;
    const Timer_B7.CLLD_3;
enum Timer_B7.CM_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.CM_t
    const Timer_B7.CM_0;
    // No Capture
    const Timer_B7.CM_1;
    // Rising Edge
    const Timer_B7.CM_2;
    // Falling Edge
    const Timer_B7.CM_3;
    // Both Edges
enum Timer_B7.CNTL_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.CNTL_t
    const Timer_B7.CNTL_0;
    // 16-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFFFh
    const Timer_B7.CNTL_1;
    // 12-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFFh
    const Timer_B7.CNTL_2;
    // 10-bit, TBR(max) = 03FFh
    const Timer_B7.CNTL_3;
    // 8-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFh
enum Timer_B7.COV_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.COV_t
    const Timer_B7.COV_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.COV;
enum Timer_B7.ID_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.ID_t
    const Timer_B7.ID_0;
    // Divider - /1
    const Timer_B7.ID_1;
    // Divider - /2
    const Timer_B7.ID_2;
    // Divider - /4
    const Timer_B7.ID_3;
    // Divider - /8
enum Timer_B7.IVValues

TB7IV Definitions

XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.IVValues
    const Timer_B7.TBIV_NONE;
    // No Interrupt pending
    const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR1;
    const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR2;
    const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR3;
    const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR4;
    const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR5;
    const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBCCR6;
    const Timer_B7.TBIV_TBIFG;
    // TBIFG
enum Timer_B7.MC_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.MC_t
    const Timer_B7.MC_0;
    // Stop Mode
    const Timer_B7.MC_1;
    // Up Mode
    const Timer_B7.MC_2;
    // Continuous Mode
    const Timer_B7.MC_3;
    // Up/Down Mode
enum Timer_B7.OUTMOD_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.OUTMOD_t
    const Timer_B7.OUTMOD_0;
    // PWM output mode: 0 - OUT bit value
    const Timer_B7.OUTMOD_1;
    // PWM output mode: 1 - Set
    const Timer_B7.OUTMOD_2;
    // PWM output mode: 2 - PWM toggle/reset
    const Timer_B7.OUTMOD_3;
    // PWM output mode: 3 - PWM set/reset
    const Timer_B7.OUTMOD_4;
    // PWM output mode: 4 - Toggle
    const Timer_B7.OUTMOD_5;
    // PWM output mode: 5 - Reset
    const Timer_B7.OUTMOD_6;
    // PWM output mode: 6 - PWM toggle/set
    const Timer_B7.OUTMOD_7;
    // PWM output mode: 7 - PWM reset/set
enum Timer_B7.OUT_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.OUT_t
    const Timer_B7.OUT_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.OUT;
enum Timer_B7.SCCI_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.SCCI_t
    const Timer_B7.SCCI_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.SCCI;
enum Timer_B7.SCS_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.SCS_t
    const Timer_B7.SCS_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.SCS;
enum Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_t
    const Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_0;
    const Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_1;
    const Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_2;
    const Timer_B7.TBCLGRP_3;
enum Timer_B7.TBCLR_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.TBCLR_t
    const Timer_B7.TBCLR_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.TBCLR;
enum Timer_B7.TBIE_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.TBIE_t
    const Timer_B7.TBIE_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.TBIE;
enum Timer_B7.TBIFG_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.TBIFG_t
    const Timer_B7.TBIFG_OFF;
    const Timer_B7.TBIFG;
enum Timer_B7.TBSSEL_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type Timer_B7.TBSSEL_t
    const Timer_B7.TBSSEL_0;
    // TBCLK
    const Timer_B7.TBSSEL_1;
    // ACLK
    const Timer_B7.TBSSEL_2;
    // SMCLK
    const Timer_B7.TBSSEL_3;
    // INCLK
struct Timer_B7.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t

Force Set Default Register

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var obj = new Timer_B7.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t;
    obj.register = String  ...
    obj.regForceSet = Bool  ...
Type to store if each register needs to be forced initialized even if the register is in default state.
struct Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t
XDCscript usage meta-domain
var obj = new Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t;
    obj.CM = ITimer_B.CM_t  ...
    // Capture mode 00 No capture 01 Capture on rising edge 10 Capture on falling edge 11 Capture on both rising and falling edges
    obj.CCIS = ITimer_B.CCIS_t  ...
    // Capture/compare input select. These bits select the TBCCRx input signal. See the device-specific data sheet for specific signal connections. 00 CCIxA 01 CCIxB 10 GND 11 VCC
    obj.SCS = ITimer_B.SCS_t  ...
    // Synchronize capture source. This bit is used to synchronize the capture input signal with the timer clock. 0 Asynchronous capture 1 Synchronous capture
    obj.CLLD = ITimer_B.CLLD_t  ...
    // Compare latch load. These bits select the compare latch load event. 00 TBCLx loads on write to TBCCRx 01 TBCLx loads when TBR counts to 0 10 TBCLx loads when TBR counts to 0 (up or continuous mode) TBCLx loads when TBR counts to TBCL0 or to 0 (up/down mode) 11 TBCLx loads when TBR counts to TBCLx
    obj.CAP = ITimer_B.CAP_t  ...
    // Capture mode 0 Compare mode 1 Capture mode
    obj.OUTMOD = ITimer_B.OUTMOD_t  ...
    // Output mode. Modes 2, 3, 6, and 7 are not useful for TBCL0 because EQUx = EQU0. 000 OUT bit value 001 Set 010 Toggle/reset 011 Set/reset 100 Toggle 101 Reset 110 Toggle/set 111 Reset/set
    obj.CCIE = ITimer_B.CCIE_t  ...
    // Capture/compare interrupt enable. This bit enables the interrupt request of the corresponding CCIFG flag. 0 Interrupt disabled 1 Interrupt enabled
    obj.CCI = ITimer_B.CCI_t  ...
    // Capture/compare input. The selected input signal can be read by this bit
    obj.OUT = ITimer_B.OUT_t  ...
    // Output. For output mode 0, this bit directly controls the state of the output. 0 Output low 1 Output high
    obj.COV = ITimer_B.COV_t  ...
    // Capture overflow. This bit indicates a capture overflow occurred. COV must be reset with software. 0 No capture overflow occurred 1 Capture overflow occurred
    obj.CCIFG = ITimer_B.CCIFG_t  ...
    // Capture/compare interrupt flag 0 No interrupt pending 1 Interrupt pending
struct Timer_B7.TBCTL_t

Timer_B Control Register

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var obj = new Timer_B7.TBCTL_t;
    obj.TBCLGRP = ITimer_B.TBCLGRP_t  ...
    // TBCLx group 00 Each TBCLx latch loads independently 01 TBCL1+TBCL2 (TBCCR1 CLLDx bits control the update) TBCL3+TBCL4 (TBCCR3 CLLDx bits control the update) TBCL5+TBCL6 (TBCCR5 CLLDx bits control the update) TBCL0 independent 10 TBCL1+TBCL2+TBCL3 (TBCCR1 CLLDx bits control the update) TBCL4+TBCL5+TBCL6 (TBCCR4 CLLDx bits control the update) TBCL0 independent 11 TBCL0+TBCL1+TBCL2+TBCL3+TBCL4+TBCL5+TBCL6 (TBCCR1 CLLDx bits control the update)
    obj.CNTL = ITimer_B.CNTL_t  ...
    // Counter Length 00 16-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFFFh 01 12-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFFh 10 10-bit, TBR(max) = 03FFh 11 8-bit, TBR(max) = 0FFh
    obj.TBSSEL = ITimer_B.TBSSEL_t  ...
    // Timer_B clock source select. 00 TBCLK 01 ACLK 10 SMCLK 11 Inverted TBCLK
    obj.ID = ITimer_B.ID_t  ...
    // Input divider. These bits select the divider for the input clock. 00 /1 01 /2 10 /4 11 /8
    obj.MC = ITimer_B.MC_t  ...
    // Mode control. Setting MCx = 00h when Timer_B is not in use conserves power. 00 Stop mode: the timer is halted 01 Up mode: the timer counts up to TBCL0 10 Continuous mode: the timer counts up to the value set by CNTLx 11 Up/down mode: the timer counts up to TBCL0 and down to 0000h
    obj.TBCLR = ITimer_B.TBCLR_t  ...
    // Timer_B clear. Setting this bit resets TBR, the clock divider, and the count direction. The TBCLR bit is automatically reset and is always read as zero
    obj.TBIE = ITimer_B.TBIE_t  ...
    // Timer_B interrupt enable. This bit enables the TBIFG interrupt request. 0 Interrupt disabled 1 Interrupt enabled
    obj.TBIFG = ITimer_B.TBIFG_t  ...
    // Timer_B interrupt flag. 0 No interrupt pending 1 Interrupt pending
Timer_B7.addPeripheralsMap()  // module-wide

Create a map of all peripherals available on a device

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Timer_B7.addPeripheralsMap(ICpuDataSheet.Instance cds) returns Void
cds — an xdc.platform.ICpuDataSheet instance
The config parameter peripherals is by default undefined in an xdc.platform.ICpuDataSheet instance. This function gathers all instance configuration parameters that are of the type xdc.platform.IPeripheral into the map peripherals.
Timer_B7.getAll()  // module-wide

Find all peripherals of a certain type

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Timer_B7.getAll() returns IPeripheral.Instance[]
The type of the peripherals returned is defined by the type of the caller.
Returns an array of IPeripheral instances
Timer_B7.getRegisters()  // module-wide

Find all registers defined by the peripheral

XDCscript usage meta-domain
Timer_B7.getRegisters() returns String[]
Returns an array of register names
Instance Config Parameters

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
// Instance config-params object
    params.INCLK = Float 0;
    // Timer_B INCLK
    params.TBCCR0 = Int 0;
    // TBCCR0, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 0
    params.TBCCR1 = Int 0;
    // TBCCR1, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 1
    params.TBCCR2 = Int 0;
    // TBCCR2, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 2
    params.TBCCR3 = Int 0;
    // TBCCR3, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 3
    params.TBCCR4 = Int 0;
    // TBCCR4, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 4
    params.TBCCR5 = Int 0;
    // TBCCR5, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 5
    params.TBCCR6 = Int 0;
    // TBCCR6, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 6
    params.TBCCTL0 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    // TBCCTL0, Capture/Compare Control Register 0
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
    params.TBCCTL1 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    // TBCCTL1, Capture/Compare Control Register 1
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
    params.TBCCTL2 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    // TBCCTL2, Capture/Compare Control Register 2
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
    params.TBCCTL3 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    // TBCCTL3, Capture/Compare Control Register 3
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
    params.TBCCTL4 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    // TBCCTL4, Capture/Compare Control Register 4
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
    params.TBCCTL5 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    // TBCCTL5, Capture/Compare Control Register 5
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
    params.TBCCTL6 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    // TBCCTL6, Capture/Compare Control Register 6
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
    params.TBCLK = Float 0;
    // Timer_B TBCLK
    params.TBCTL = Timer_B7.TBCTL_t {
    // TBCTL, Timer_B7 Control Register
    CNTL: ITimer_B.CNTL_0,
    TBSSEL: ITimer_B.TBSSEL_0,
    ID: ITimer_B.ID_0,
    MC: ITimer_B.MC_0,
    TBIE: ITimer_B.TBIE_OFF,
    params.baseAddr = UInt undefined;
    // Address of the peripheral's control register
    params.forceSetDefaultRegister = Timer_B7.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t[] [
    // Determine if each Register needs to be forced set or not
        register: "TBCTL",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL0",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL1",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL2",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL3",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL4",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL5",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL6",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR0",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR1",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR2",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR3",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR4",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR5",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR6",
        regForceSet: false
    params.intNum = UInt undefined;
    // Interrupt source number = String undefined;
    // Specific peripheral name given by the device
    params.owner = String undefined;
    // String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral
config Timer_B7.INCLK  // instance


XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.INCLK = Float 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCCR0  // instance

TBCCR0, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 0

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCR0 = Int 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCCR1  // instance

TBCCR1, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 1

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCR1 = Int 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCCR2  // instance

TBCCR2, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 2

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCR2 = Int 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCCR3  // instance

TBCCR3, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 3

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCR3 = Int 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCCR4  // instance

TBCCR4, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 4

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCR4 = Int 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCCR5  // instance

TBCCR5, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 5

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCR5 = Int 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCCR6  // instance

TBCCR6, Timer_B Capture/Compare Register 6

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCR6 = Int 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCCTL0  // instance

TBCCTL0, Capture/Compare Control Register 0

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCTL0 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
config Timer_B7.TBCCTL1  // instance

TBCCTL1, Capture/Compare Control Register 1

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCTL1 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
config Timer_B7.TBCCTL2  // instance

TBCCTL2, Capture/Compare Control Register 2

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCTL2 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
config Timer_B7.TBCCTL3  // instance

TBCCTL3, Capture/Compare Control Register 3

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCTL3 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
config Timer_B7.TBCCTL4  // instance

TBCCTL4, Capture/Compare Control Register 4

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCTL4 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
config Timer_B7.TBCCTL5  // instance

TBCCTL5, Capture/Compare Control Register 5

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCTL5 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
config Timer_B7.TBCCTL6  // instance

TBCCTL6, Capture/Compare Control Register 6

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCCTL6 = Timer_B7.TBCCTLx_t {
    CM: ITimer_B.CM_0,
    CCIS: ITimer_B.CCIS_0,
    SCS: ITimer_B.SCS_OFF,
    CLLD: ITimer_B.CLLD_0,
    CAP: ITimer_B.CAP_OFF,
    OUTMOD: ITimer_B.OUTMOD_0,
    CCIE: ITimer_B.CCIE_OFF,
    CCI: ITimer_B.CCI_OFF,
    OUT: ITimer_B.OUT_OFF,
    COV: ITimer_B.COV_OFF,
config Timer_B7.TBCLK  // instance


XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCLK = Float 0;
config Timer_B7.TBCTL  // instance

TBCTL, Timer_B7 Control Register

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.TBCTL = Timer_B7.TBCTL_t {
    CNTL: ITimer_B.CNTL_0,
    TBSSEL: ITimer_B.TBSSEL_0,
    ID: ITimer_B.ID_0,
    MC: ITimer_B.MC_0,
    TBIE: ITimer_B.TBIE_OFF,
config Timer_B7.baseAddr  // instance

Address of the peripheral's control register

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.baseAddr = UInt undefined;
A peripheral's registers are commonly accessed through a structure that defines the offsets of a particular register from the lowest address mapped to a peripheral. That lowest address is specified by this parameter.
config Timer_B7.forceSetDefaultRegister  // instance

Determine if each Register needs to be forced set or not

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
const params.forceSetDefaultRegister = Timer_B7.ForceSetDefaultRegister_t[] [
        register: "TBCTL",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL0",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL1",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL2",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL3",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL4",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL5",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCTL6",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR0",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR1",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR2",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR3",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR4",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR5",
        regForceSet: false
        register: "TBCCR6",
        regForceSet: false
config Timer_B7.intNum  // instance

Interrupt source number

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.intNum = UInt undefined;
config  // instance

Specific peripheral name given by the device

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
  ... = String undefined;
Devices can have more than one peripheral of the same type. In such cases, device data sheets give different names to the instances of a same peripheral. For example, the name for a timer module could be TimerA3, and a device that has two such timers can name them TA0 and TA1.
config Timer_B7.owner  // instance

String specifying the entity that manages the peripheral

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
params.owner = String undefined;
Instance Creation

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new Timer_B7.Params;
// Allocate instance config-params
params.config =   ...
// Assign individual configs
var inst = Timer_B7.create(IClock.Instance clock, params);
// Create an instance-object
Timer_B7.getNumberOfTimers()  // instance
XDCscript usage meta-domain
inst.getNumberOfTimers() returns UChar
generated on Mon, 09 Aug 2010 22:23:24 GMT