module ti.sdo.ipc.transports.TransportShmCirc

Transport for MessageQ that uses a circular buffer to queue messages

This is a ti.sdo.ipc.MessageQ transport that utilizes shared memory for passing messages between multiple processors. [ more ... ]
C synopsis target-domain sourced in ti/sdo/ipc/transports/TransportShmCirc.xdc
#include <ti/sdo/ipc/transports/TransportShmCirc.h>
Functions common to all IMessageQTransport modules
Functions common to all target instances
Functions common to all target modules
typedef Void 
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef enum
typedef enum
typedef struct
extern const Bool 
extern const UInt16 
extern const UInt 
This is a ti.sdo.ipc.MessageQ transport that utilizes shared memory for passing messages between multiple processors.
The transport implements a queue using a circular buffer in the manner indicated by the following diagram.
  NOTE: Processors '0' and '1' correspond to the processors with lower and
        higher MultiProc ids, respectively

 sharedAddr -> --------------------------- bytes
               |  entry0  (0) [Put]      | 4  
               |  entry1  (0)            | 4
               |  ...                    | 
               |  entryN  (0)            | 4
               |  [align to cache size]  | 
               |  putWriteIndex (0)      | 4
               |  [align to cache size]  |
               |  putReadIndex (0)       | 4
               |  [align to cache size]  |
               |  entry0  (1) [Get]      | 4  
               |  entry1  (1)            | 4
               |  ...                    | 
               |  entryN  (1)            | 4
               |  [align to cache size]  |
               |  getWriteIndex (1)      | 4
               |  [align to cache size]  |
               |  getReadIndex (1)       | 4
               |  [align to cache size]  |

  (0), (1) : Memory that belongs to the proc with lower and higher 
   , respectively
   |----|  : Cache line boundary

enum TransportShmCirc_Reason

Reason for error function being called

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum TransportShmCirc_Reason {
} TransportShmCirc_Reason;
First field in the errFxn
enum TransportShmCirc_Status

Transport return values

C synopsis target-domain
typedef enum TransportShmCirc_Status {
} TransportShmCirc_Status;
  • S_SUCCESS: Operation was successful
  • E_FAIL: Operation resulted in a failure
  • E_ERROR: Operation resulted in an error.
typedef TransportShmCirc_ErrFxn

Typedef for transport error callback function

C synopsis target-domain
typedef Void (*TransportShmCirc_ErrFxn)(IMessageQTransport_Reason,IMessageQTransport_Handle,Ptr,UArg);
First parameter: Why the error function is being called.
Second parameter: Handle of transport that had the error. NULL denotes that it is a system error, not a specific transport.
Third parameter: Pointer to the message. This is only valid for Reason_FAILEDPUT.
Fourth parameter: Transport specific information. Refer to individual transports for more details.
config TransportShmCirc_enableStats  // module-wide

Enable statistics for sending an event

C synopsis target-domain
extern const Bool TransportShmCirc_enableStats;
If this parameter is to 'TRUE' and 'waitClear' is also set to TRUE when calling (@link #sendEvent(), then the module keeps track of the number of times the processor spins waiting for an empty slot and the max amount of time it waits.
config TransportShmCirc_errFxn  // module-wide

Asynchronous error function for the transport module

C synopsis target-domain
extern const IMessageQTransport_ErrFxn TransportShmCirc_errFxn;
config TransportShmCirc_notifyEventId  // module-wide

Notify event ID for transport

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt16 TransportShmCirc_notifyEventId;
config TransportShmCirc_numMsgs  // module-wide

The number of messages or slots in the circular buffer

C synopsis target-domain
extern const UInt TransportShmCirc_numMsgs;
This is use to determine the size of the put and get buffers. Each eventEntry is two 32bits wide, therefore the total size of each circular buffer is [numMsgs * sizeof(eventEntry)]. The total size of each buffer must be a multiple of the the cache line size. For example, if the cacheLineSize = 128 then numMsgs could be 16, 32, etc...
TransportShmCirc_setErrFxn()  // module-wide

Sets the asynchronous error function for the transport module

C synopsis target-domain
Void TransportShmCirc_setErrFxn(IMessageQTransport_ErrFxn errFxn);
errFxn — Function that is called when an asynchronous error occurs.
This API allows the user to set the function that will be called in case of an asynchronous error by the transport.
Module-Wide Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Types_ModuleId TransportShmCirc_Module_id();
// Get this module's unique id
Bool TransportShmCirc_Module_startupDone();
// Test if this module has completed startup
IHeap_Handle TransportShmCirc_Module_heap();
// The heap from which this module allocates memory
Bool TransportShmCirc_Module_hasMask();
// Test whether this module has a diagnostics mask
Bits16 TransportShmCirc_Module_getMask();
// Returns the diagnostics mask for this module
Void TransportShmCirc_Module_setMask(Bits16 mask);
// Set the diagnostics mask for this module
Instance Object Types

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct TransportShmCirc_Object TransportShmCirc_Object;
// Opaque internal representation of an instance object
typedef TransportShmCirc_Object *TransportShmCirc_Handle;
// Client reference to an instance object
typedef struct TransportShmCirc_Struct TransportShmCirc_Struct;
// Opaque client structure large enough to hold an instance object
TransportShmCirc_Handle TransportShmCirc_handle(TransportShmCirc_Struct *structP);
// Convert this instance structure pointer into an instance handle
TransportShmCirc_Struct *TransportShmCirc_struct(TransportShmCirc_Handle handle);
// Convert this instance handle into an instance structure pointer
Instance Config Parameters

C synopsis target-domain
typedef struct TransportShmCirc_Params {
// Instance config-params structure
    IInstance_Params *instance;
    // Common per-instance configs
    UInt priority;
    // Which priority messages should this transport manage
    Ptr sharedAddr;
    // Address in shared memory where this instance will be placed
} TransportShmCirc_Params;
Void TransportShmCirc_Params_init(TransportShmCirc_Params *params);
// Initialize this config-params structure with supplier-specified defaults before instance creation
config TransportShmCirc_priority  // instance

Which priority messages should this transport manage

C synopsis target-domain
    UInt priority;
config TransportShmCirc_sharedAddr  // instance

Address in shared memory where this instance will be placed

C synopsis target-domain
    Ptr sharedAddr;
Use sharedMemReq to determine the amount of shared memory required.
Instance Creation

C synopsis target-domain
TransportShmCirc_Handle TransportShmCirc_create(UInt16 procId, const TransportShmCirc_Params *params, Error_Block *eb);
// Allocate and initialize a new instance object and return its handle
Void TransportShmCirc_construct(TransportShmCirc_Struct *structP, UInt16 procId, const TransportShmCirc_Params *params, Error_Block *eb);
// Initialize a new instance object inside the provided structure
procId — Remote processor id that this instance will communicate with.
params — per-instance config params, or NULL to select default values (target-domain only)
eb — active error-handling block, or NULL to select default policy (target-domain only)
This function creates a transport instance. The transport is responsible for registering with MessageQ via the ti.sdo.ipc.MessageQ.registerTransport API.
Instance Deletion

C synopsis target-domain
Void TransportShmCirc_delete(TransportShmCirc_Handle *handleP);
// Finalize and free this previously allocated instance object, setting the referenced handle to NULL
Void TransportShmCirc_destruct(TransportShmCirc_Struct *structP);
// Finalize the instance object inside the provided structure
TransportShmCirc_control()  // instance

Send a control command to the transport instance

C synopsis target-domain
Bool TransportShmCirc_control(TransportShmCirc_Handle handle, UInt cmd, UArg cmdArg);
handle — handle of a previously-created TransportShmCirc instance object
cmd — Requested command
cmdArgs — Accompanying field for the command. This is command specific.
TRUE denotes acceptance of the command. FALSE denotes failure of the command.
This is function allows transport to specify control commands. Refer to individual transport implementions for more details.
TransportShmCirc_getStatus()  // instance

Status of a Transport instance

C synopsis target-domain
Int TransportShmCirc_getStatus(TransportShmCirc_Handle handle);
handle — handle of a previously-created TransportShmCirc instance object
Returns status of Transport instance
This function returns the status of the transport instance.
TransportShmCirc_put()  // instance

Put the message to the remote processor

C synopsis target-domain
Bool TransportShmCirc_put(TransportShmCirc_Handle handle, Ptr msg);
handle — handle of a previously-created TransportShmCirc instance object
msg — Pointer the message to be sent
TRUE denotes acceptance of the message to be sent. FALSE denotes the message could not be sent.
If the transport can accept the message, it returns TRUE. Accepting a message does not mean that it is transmitted. It simply means that the transport should be able to send the message. If the actual transfer fails, the transport calls the {@#ErrFxn} (assuming it is set up via the {@#setErrFxn} API. If the {@#ErrFxn} is not set, the message is dropped. (also...should an error be raised or just System_printf?).
If the transport cannot send the message, it returns FALSE and a filled in Error_Block. The caller still owns the message.
Instance Convertors

C synopsis target-domain
IMessageQTransport_Handle TransportShmCirc_Handle_upCast(TransportShmCirc_Handle handle);
// unconditionally move one level up the inheritance hierarchy
TransportShmCirc_Handle TransportShmCirc_Handle_downCast(IMessageQTransport_Handle handle);
// conditionally move one level down the inheritance hierarchy; NULL upon failure
Instance Built-Ins

C synopsis target-domain
Int TransportShmCirc_Object_count();
// The number of statically-created instance objects
TransportShmCirc_Handle TransportShmCirc_Object_get(TransportShmCirc_Object *array, Int i);
// The handle of the i-th statically-created instance object (array == NULL)
TransportShmCirc_Handle TransportShmCirc_Object_first();
// The handle of the first dynamically-created instance object, or NULL
TransportShmCirc_Handle TransportShmCirc_Object_next(TransportShmCirc_Handle handle);
// The handle of the next dynamically-created instance object, or NULL
IHeap_Handle TransportShmCirc_Object_heap();
// The heap used to allocate dynamically-created instance objects
Types_Label *TransportShmCirc_Handle_label(TransportShmCirc_Handle handle, Types_Label *buf);
// The label associated with this instance object
String TransportShmCirc_Handle_name(TransportShmCirc_Handle handle);
// The name of this instance object
XDCscript usage meta-domain sourced in ti/sdo/ipc/transports/TransportShmCirc.xdc
var TransportShmCirc = xdc.useModule('ti.sdo.ipc.transports.TransportShmCirc');
module-wide constants & types
        const TransportShmCirc.Reason_FAILEDPUT;
        const TransportShmCirc.Reason_INTERNALERR;
        const TransportShmCirc.Reason_PHYSICALERR;
        const TransportShmCirc.Reason_FAILEDALLOC;
        const TransportShmCirc.S_SUCCESS;
        const TransportShmCirc.E_FAIL;
        const TransportShmCirc.E_ERROR;
module-wide config parameters
per-instance config parameters
    var params = new TransportShmCirc.Params// Instance config-params object;
per-instance creation
    var inst = TransportShmCirc.create// Create an instance-object(UInt16 procId, params);
enum TransportShmCirc.Reason

Reason for error function being called

XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type TransportShmCirc.Reason
    const TransportShmCirc.Reason_FAILEDPUT;
    const TransportShmCirc.Reason_INTERNALERR;
    const TransportShmCirc.Reason_PHYSICALERR;
    const TransportShmCirc.Reason_FAILEDALLOC;
First field in the errFxn
enum TransportShmCirc.Status

Transport return values

XDCscript usage meta-domain
values of type TransportShmCirc.Status
    const TransportShmCirc.S_SUCCESS;
    const TransportShmCirc.E_FAIL;
    const TransportShmCirc.E_ERROR;
  • S_SUCCESS: Operation was successful
  • E_FAIL: Operation resulted in a failure
  • E_ERROR: Operation resulted in an error.
config TransportShmCirc.enableStats  // module-wide

Enable statistics for sending an event

XDCscript usage meta-domain
TransportShmCirc.enableStats = Bool false;
If this parameter is to 'TRUE' and 'waitClear' is also set to TRUE when calling (@link #sendEvent(), then the module keeps track of the number of times the processor spins waiting for an empty slot and the max amount of time it waits.
config TransportShmCirc.errFxn  // module-wide

Asynchronous error function for the transport module

XDCscript usage meta-domain
TransportShmCirc.errFxn = Void(*)(IMessageQTransport.Reason,IMessageQTransport.Handle,Ptr,UArg) null;
config TransportShmCirc.notifyEventId  // module-wide

Notify event ID for transport

XDCscript usage meta-domain
TransportShmCirc.notifyEventId = UInt16 2;
config TransportShmCirc.numMsgs  // module-wide

The number of messages or slots in the circular buffer

XDCscript usage meta-domain
TransportShmCirc.numMsgs = UInt 32;
This is use to determine the size of the put and get buffers. Each eventEntry is two 32bits wide, therefore the total size of each circular buffer is [numMsgs * sizeof(eventEntry)]. The total size of each buffer must be a multiple of the the cache line size. For example, if the cacheLineSize = 128 then numMsgs could be 16, 32, etc...
metaonly config TransportShmCirc.common$  // module-wide

Common module configuration parameters

XDCscript usage meta-domain
TransportShmCirc.common$ = Types.Common$ undefined;
All modules have this configuration parameter. Its name contains the '$' character to ensure it does not conflict with configuration parameters declared by the module. This allows new configuration parameters to be added in the future without any chance of breaking existing modules.
metaonly config TransportShmCirc.rovViewInfo  // module-wide
XDCscript usage meta-domain
TransportShmCirc.rovViewInfo = ViewInfo.Instance ViewInfo.create;
Instance Config Parameters

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new TransportShmCirc.Params;
// Instance config-params object
    params.priority = UInt 0;
    // Which priority messages should this transport manage
    params.sharedAddr = Ptr null;
    // Address in shared memory where this instance will be placed
config TransportShmCirc.priority  // instance

Which priority messages should this transport manage

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new TransportShmCirc.Params;
params.priority = UInt 0;
config TransportShmCirc.sharedAddr  // instance

Address in shared memory where this instance will be placed

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new TransportShmCirc.Params;
params.sharedAddr = Ptr null;
Use sharedMemReq to determine the amount of shared memory required.
Instance Creation

XDCscript usage meta-domain
var params = new TransportShmCirc.Params;
// Allocate instance config-params
params.config =   ...
// Assign individual configs
var inst = TransportShmCirc.create(UInt16 procId, params);
// Create an instance-object
procId — Remote processor id that this instance will communicate with.
params — per-instance config params, or NULL to select default values (target-domain only)
eb — active error-handling block, or NULL to select default policy (target-domain only)
This function creates a transport instance. The transport is responsible for registering with MessageQ via the ti.sdo.ipc.MessageQ.registerTransport API.
generated on Tue, 22 May 2012 23:45:06 GMT