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IVIDDEC1 - XDM Video Decoder Interface

Data Structures

struct  IVIDDEC1_Obj
 This must be the first field of all IVIDDEC1 instance objects. More...
struct  IVIDDEC1_Params
 Defines the creation time parameters for all IVIDDEC1 instance objects. More...
struct  IVIDDEC1_DynamicParams
 This structure defines the codec parameters that can be modified after creation via control() calls. More...
struct  IVIDDEC1_InArgs
 Defines the input arguments for all IVIDDEC1 instance process function. More...
struct  IVIDDEC1_Status
 Defines instance status parameters. More...
struct  IVIDDEC1_OutArgs
 Defines the run time output arguments for all IVIDDEC1 instance objects. More...
struct  IVIDDEC1_Fxns
 Defines all of the operations on IVIDDEC1 objects. More...




typedef struct IVIDDEC1_Obj IVIDDEC1_Obj
 This must be the first field of all IVIDDEC1 instance objects.
typedef struct IVIDDEC1_ObjIVIDDEC1_Handle
 Opaque handle to an IVIDDEC1 objects.
typedef struct IVIDDEC1_Params IVIDDEC1_Params
 Defines the creation time parameters for all IVIDDEC1 instance objects.
typedef struct
 This structure defines the codec parameters that can be modified after creation via control() calls.
typedef struct IVIDDEC1_InArgs IVIDDEC1_InArgs
 Defines the input arguments for all IVIDDEC1 instance process function.
typedef struct IVIDDEC1_Status IVIDDEC1_Status
 Defines instance status parameters.
typedef struct IVIDDEC1_OutArgs IVIDDEC1_OutArgs
 Defines the run time output arguments for all IVIDDEC1 instance objects.
typedef IALG_Cmd IVIDDEC1_Cmd
 Defines the control commands for the IVIDDEC1 module.
typedef struct IVIDDEC1_Fxns IVIDDEC1_Fxns
 Defines all of the operations on IVIDDEC1 objects.


enum  IVIDDEC1_FrameOrder {
 Video decoder output frame order. More...

Detailed Description

This is the XDM IVIDDEC1 Video Decoder Interface.

This XDM video decoder interface has been deprecated, and superceeded by newer IVIDDECx video decoder interfaces.

Macro Definition Documentation




General failure.


Request is unsupported.


Maximum buffer that can be freed up in a single process call

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct IVIDDEC1_Obj IVIDDEC1_Obj

This must be the first field of all IVIDDEC1 instance objects.

typedef struct IVIDDEC1_Obj* IVIDDEC1_Handle

Opaque handle to an IVIDDEC1 objects.

Defines the creation time parameters for all IVIDDEC1 instance objects.

@remarks This structure may be extended by individual codec implementations allowing customization with vendor specific parameters.  The presence of vendor specific extensions will be detected by the value of the @c size parameter.
The size field must be correctly set by the caller. See for more details.

This structure defines the codec parameters that can be modified after creation via control() calls.

@remarks    It is not necessary that a given implementation support all
            dynamic parameters to be configurable at run time.  If a
            particular algorithm does not support run-time updates to
            a parameter that the application is attempting to change
            at runtime, it may indicate this as an error.

@remarks This structure may be extended by individual codec implementations allowing customization with vendor specific parameters.  The presence of vendor specific extensions will be detected by the value of the @c size parameter.
The size field must be correctly set by the caller. See for more details.
@sa         IVIDDEC1_Fxns::control()

Defines the input arguments for all IVIDDEC1 instance process function.

@remarks This structure may be extended by individual codec implementations allowing customization with vendor specific parameters.  The presence of vendor specific extensions will be detected by the value of the @c size parameter.
The size field must be correctly set by the caller. See for more details.
@sa         IVIDDEC1_Fxns::process()

Defines instance status parameters.

@remarks This structure may be extended by individual codec implementations allowing customization with vendor specific parameters.  The presence of vendor specific extensions will be detected by the value of the @c size parameter.
The size field must be correctly set by the caller. See for more details.
@remarks    All fields correspond to latest IVIDDEC1_Fxns::process() call
            on the particular instance of the decoder.

@sa         IVIDDEC1_Fxns::control()

Defines the run time output arguments for all IVIDDEC1 instance objects.

@remarks This structure may be extended by individual codec implementations allowing customization with vendor specific parameters.  The presence of vendor specific extensions will be detected by the value of the @c size parameter.
The size field must be correctly set by the caller. See for more details.
@sa         IVIDDEC1_Fxns::process()

Defines the control commands for the IVIDDEC1 module.

This ID can be extended in IMOD interface for additional controls.
See also:
typedef struct IVIDDEC1_Fxns IVIDDEC1_Fxns

Defines all of the operations on IVIDDEC1 objects.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Video decoder output frame order.

This enumeration data type should not be used for storage, but rather only for its constant values.
See also:

The decoder provides decoded output in in the actual order of displaying the output buffer. The codec assumes the responsibility of reordering the frames.

The output buffer will be delayed by one frame, regardless of whether the frame contains I/P or I/P/B frames.
This is the default mode.
This mode is required to be supported by all video decoder codecs.

The decoder provides decoded output in the the order of decoding. There will be no delay in the output buffers.

It is the application's responsibility to handle the frame re-ordering.
This mode is optional. If it is not supported by the decoder, IVIDDEC_EUNSUPPORTED will be returned.

Default setting.

Copyright 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated