Codec Engine Application Programming Interface (API)  ce-w08
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Codec Engine Server Interface

Data Structures

struct  Server_AlgDesc
struct  Server_MemStat
 Information for a memory heap of a remote DSP server. More...


#define Server_MODNAME   "ti.sdo.ce.Server"
 Name to pass to Diags_setMask() to enable logging for Server functions. For example, Diags_setMask(Server_MODNAME"+EX1234567"); turns on all Log statements in this module. Diags_setMask() must be called after initialization to take effect.
#define Server_MAXSEGNAMELENGTH   32
 Maximum number of characters used in memory segment names.


typedef enum Server_Status Server_Status
 Server error code.
typedef struct Server_AlgDesc Server_AlgDesc
typedef struct Server_MemStat Server_MemStat
 Information for a memory heap of a remote DSP server.


enum  Server_Status {
  Server_EOK = 0,
  Server_ENOSERVER = 1,
  Server_ENOMEM = 2,
  Server_ERUNTIME = 3,
  Server_EINVAL = 4,
  Server_EWRONGSTATE = 5,
  Server_EINUSE = 6,
  Server_ENOTFOUND = 7,
  Server_EFAIL = 8,
 Server error code. More...


Server_Status Server_addAlg (Server_Handle server, String location, Server_AlgDesc *pAlgDesc)
 Dynamically add an algorithm to a Server.
Server_Status Server_connectTrace (Server_Handle server, Int *token)
 Connect to server for purposes of collecting trace and/or LOG data.
Server_Status Server_disconnectTrace (Server_Handle server, Int token)
 Disconnect from server when finished collecting trace and/or LOG data.
Int Server_fwriteTrace (Server_Handle server, String prefix, FILE *out)
 Write Server's trace buffer to specifed file stream.
Int Server_getCpuLoad (Server_Handle server)
 Get Server's CPU usage in percent.
Server_Status Server_getMemStat (Server_Handle server, Int segNum, Server_MemStat *memStat)
 Get information on a memory heap segment of a remote DSP server.
Server_Status Server_getNumMemSegs (Server_Handle server, Int *numSegs)
 Get the number of memory heap segments of a remote DSP server.
Void Server_initAlgDesc (Server_AlgDesc *pAlgDesc)
 Initialize an Server_AlgDesc structure with default values.
Server_Status Server_redefineHeap (Server_Handle server, String name, Uint32 base, Uint32 size)
 Set the base address and size of a remote DSP server heap.
Server_Status Server_restoreHeap (Server_Handle server, String name)
 Set the base address and size of a remote DSP server heap back to their original values.
Int Server_setTrace (Server_Handle server, String mask)
 Set Server's trace mask.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define Server_MODNAME   "ti.sdo.ce.Server"

Name to pass to Diags_setMask() to enable logging for Server functions. For example, Diags_setMask(Server_MODNAME"+EX1234567"); turns on all Log statements in this module. Diags_setMask() must be called after initialization to take effect.

#define Server_MAXSEGNAMELENGTH   32

Maximum number of characters used in memory segment names.

Typedef Documentation

Server error code.

Information for a memory heap of a remote DSP server.

Sizes are given in DSP data MAUs.
See also:

Enumeration Type Documentation

Server error code.




Engine has no server.


Unable to allocate memory.


Internal runtime failure.


Bad value passed to function.


Server is not in the correct state to execute the requested function.


Server call did not succeed because a because a required resource is in use.


An entity was not found


Unknown failure


API not supported for given parameters.

Function Documentation

Server_Status Server_addAlg ( Server_Handle  server,
String  location,
Server_AlgDesc pAlgDesc 

Dynamically add an algorithm to a Server.

[in]serverThe handle of a server returned by Engine_getServer(). Set to NULL when adding a local algorithm to the server. In the future, this handle will be used to dynamically add algorithms to a remote server.
[in]locationString identifying the location of the algorithm. Often this is a file name, but for systems without a file system, it may be a system-specific string identifier. This may be NULL if the algorithm is built into the executable. Currently not supported - set to NULL.
[in]pAlgDescParameters describing the algorithm being added. Before setting the fields of this structure, it should first be initialized with Server_initAlgDesc(), to set all fields to default values.

The user must set the following fields of pAlgDesc: pAlgDesc->name pAlgDesc->fxns pAlgDesc->idmaFxns, if applicable pAlgDesc->iresFxns, if applicable

pAlgDesc->groupId pAlgDesc->priority pAlgDesc->stackSize

pAlgDesc->types pAlgDesc->stubFxnsName pAlgDesc->skelFxns

Currently, adding only local algorithms is supported, so the default value of TRUE can be used for: pAlgDesc->isLocal

As with all Codec Server API's, CERuntime_init() must have previously been called.
If adding a local algorithm to a server that is built with BIOS, this function must be called after CERuntime_init() has been called, but before BIOS_start(). This is necessary to ensure that the algorithm will be visible to the remote app that loaded the server.
If adding a remote algorithm to a remote server, the server handle for the opened Engine must be used. The server handle is obtained by calling Engine_getServer() with the handle of the opened engine. In this case, the added algorithm will only be accessible to the caller of this function. Adding a remote algorithm is not yet supported.
If there is an existing algorithm in the server already named name, an error will be returned.
Return values:
Server_EINVALpAlgDesc or pAlgDesc->name is NULL.
Server_EINUSEThe name of the alg in pAlgDesc->name is already in use.
Server_ENOTSUPPORTEDpAlgDesc->isLocal = FALSE is currently not supported.
Example Usage:
#include <ti/sdo/ce/Server.h>
desc.groupId = 2;
desc.isLocal = TRUE;
desc.idmaFxns = NULL;
desc.iresFxns = NULL;
desc.priority = 2;
desc.stackSize = 0x2000;
desc.stubFxnsName = "UNIVERSAL_STUBS";
desc.skelFxns = &UNIVERSAL_SKEL;
status = Server_addAlg(NULL, NULL, &desc);
See also:
Server_Status Server_connectTrace ( Server_Handle  server,
Int *  token 

Connect to server for purposes of collecting trace and/or LOG data.

[in]serverServer handle obtained from Engine_getServer().
[in]tokenAddress to store connection token. This token should be specified in the companion call to Server_disconnectTrace().
Return values:
Server_EOKSuccess, trace token was acquired.
Server_EINUSEA connection for server trace is already established.
Server_ERUNTIMEAn internal runtime error occurred.
server is non-NULL.
token is non-NULL.
See also:
Server_Status Server_disconnectTrace ( Server_Handle  server,
Int  token 

Disconnect from server when finished collecting trace and/or LOG data.

[in]serverServer handle obtained from Engine_getServer().
[in]tokenConnection token (as obtained from earlier, companion call to Server_connectTrace()).
Return values:
Server_ERUNTIMEAn internal runtime error occurred.
server is non-NULL.
See also:
Int Server_fwriteTrace ( Server_Handle  server,
String  prefix,
FILE *  out 

Write Server's trace buffer to specifed file stream.

[in]serverServer handle, obtained from Engine_getServer().
[in]prefixA string to prepend to each line output; this allows one to easily identify trace from the server from the application's trace, for example.
[in]outAn open FILE stream used to output the Server's trace characters.
Return values:
Integernumber of characters copied to the specified FILE stream.
server is non-NULL.
Corresponding engine is in the open state.
In the event a negative value is returned, Engine_getLastError() will return the value:
  • Engine_ERUNTIME Either an internal runtime error occured or the underlying server error occured.
Int Server_getCpuLoad ( Server_Handle  server)

Get Server's CPU usage in percent.

[in]serverServer handle, obtained from Engine_getServer().
Return values:
Integerbetween 0-100 indicating percentage of time the Server is processing measured over a period of approximately 1 second. If the load is unavailable, a negative value is returned.
server is non-NULL.
In the event a negative value is returned, Engine_getLastError() will return one of the following values:
  • Engine_ERUNTIME Either an internal runtime error occured or an underlying server error occured.
  • Engine_EINVAL The Server handle is not valid.
Server_Status Server_getMemStat ( Server_Handle  server,
Int  segNum,
Server_MemStat memStat 

Get information on a memory heap segment of a remote DSP server.

[in]serverServer handle obtained from Engine_getServer().
[in]segNumThe heap number of a segment on the DSP.
[out]memStatStructure to store memory segment information.
Return values:
Server_ENOTFOUNDsegNum is out of range.
Server_ERUNTIMEInternal runtime error occurred.
server is non-NULL.
memStat is non-NULL.
On success, memStat will contain information about the memory heap segNum on the DSP.
See also:
This API only returns statistics for BIOS HeapMem heaps that have been statically configured into the server.
Server_Status Server_getNumMemSegs ( Server_Handle  server,
Int *  numSegs 

Get the number of memory heap segments of a remote DSP server.

[in]serverServer handle obtained from Engine_getServer().
[out]numSegsThe number of heap segments of the DSP server.
Return values:
Server_ERUNTIMEInternal runtime error occurred.
Server_ENOSERVEREngine has no server.
server is non-NULL.
numSegs is non-NULL.
On success, numSegs will contain the number of memory heaps on the DSP.
See also:
This API returns only the number of BIOS HeapMem heaps that have been statically configured into the server.
Void Server_initAlgDesc ( Server_AlgDesc pAlgDesc)

Initialize an Server_AlgDesc structure with default values.

[in]pAlgDescLocation of Server_AlgDesc object to initialize. The fields of pAlgDesc will be set to the following:
pAlgDesc->name = NULL;
pAlgDesc-> = 0;
pAlgDesc->fxns = NULL;
pAlgDesc->idmaFxns = NULL;
pAlgDesc->typeTab = NULL;
pAlgDesc->isLocal = TRUE;
pAlgDesc->groupId = 0;
pAlgDesc->iresFxns = NULL;
pAlgDesc->codecClassConfig = NULL;
pAlgDesc->priority = 1;
pAlgDesc->stackSize = 1024;
pAlgDesc->types = NULL;
pAlgDesc->stubFxnsName = NULL;
pAlgDesc->skelFxns = NULL;
Unused fields below are initialized to the
pAlgDesc->rpcProtocolVersion = 0;
pAlgDesc->memType = Engine_USECACHEDMEM_DEFAULT;
pAlgDesc->stackSeg = 0;
See also:
Server_Status Server_redefineHeap ( Server_Handle  server,
String  name,
Uint32  base,
Uint32  size 

Set the base address and size of a remote DSP server heap.

This API is used to move and/or resize a named heap of the remote DSP server. The address passed to this API is a DSP address and the memory from base to base + size must be contiguous in physical memory. The size of the heap should be given in DSP MADUs (minimum addressable data units). The name of the heap can be at most Server_MAXSEGNAMELENGTH characters long.

For example, in the case of DM644x, suppose that an application wants to allocate a block of memory on the GPP to be used by the DSP server for the memory segment named "DDRALGHEAP". A block of physically contiguous memory could be obtained by Memory_alloc() and the corresponding DSP address obtained with Memory_getBufferPhysicalAddress(). This DSP address and the size of the block could then be passed to Server_redefineHeap(). For example:

Server_redefineHeap(server, "DDRALGHEAP", base, size);

This function can only be called when there is no memory currently allocated in the heap (since the heap cannot be changed if it is being used).

[in]serverServer handle obtained from Engine_getServer().
[in]nameName of heap to be redefined.
[in]baseBase address for algorithm heap.
[in]sizeSize (DSP MADUs) of new heap.
Return values:
Server_ERUNTIMEInternal runtime error occurred.
Server_ENOTFOUNDNo heap with the specified name was found.
Server_EINVALChanging to the new base and size would cause an overlap with another heap.
Server_EINUSEMemory is currently allocated in the heap.
server is non-NULL.
base is a DSP address of a physically contiguous block of memory.
base is aligned on an 8-byte boundary.
On success, the server's algorithm heap base will have been set to base, and the size will have been set to size.
See also:
This API is not supported in Codec Engine 3.20.
Server_Status Server_restoreHeap ( Server_Handle  server,
String  name 

Set the base address and size of a remote DSP server heap back to their original values.

This function resets the base address and size of a named heap of the remote server, back to their values before the first call to Server_redefineHeap() was made. The name of the heap can be at most Server_MAXSEGNAMELENGTH characters long, otherwise this function will return Server_ENOTFOUND.

As with Server_redefineHeap(), this function can only be called when no memory is currently allocated from the heap (as the heap cannot be changed if it is being used).

[in]serverServer handle obtained through Engine_getServer().
[in]nameName of the heap to be restored.
Return values:
Server_ERUNTIMEInternal runtime error occurred.
Server_ENOTFOUNDNo heap with the specified name was found.
Server_EINVALChanging back to the original base and size would cause an overlap with another heap.
Server_EINUSEMemory is currently allocated in the heap.
server is non-NULL.
On success, the server's algorithm heap base and size will have been reset to their original value.
See also:
This API is not supported in Codec Engine 3.20.
Int Server_setTrace ( Server_Handle  server,
String  mask 

Set Server's trace mask.

[in]serverServer handle obtained through Engine_getServer().
[in]maskTrace mask, e.g. "*=01234567"
Return values:
Server_EINUSEA connection for server trace is already established.
Server_ENOSERVERNo server for the engine.
Server_ERUNTIMEInternal runtime error occurred.
server is non-NULL.
Corresponding engine is in the open state.
This only sets the trace for a remote server. To change the trace mask for the application-side of the framework, use Diags_setMask or Diags_setMaskMeta.
See also:
Copyright 2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated