6.4.2. List of createProject Options¶
Note that the available options can vary depending on the Code Composer Studio™ version used. For the list of options available for your specific Code Composer Studio version, run the command with the '-ccs.help' option:
ccs-server-cli -noSplash -workspace "<workspace_dir>" -application com.ti.ccs.apps.createProject -ccs.help
Full List of createProject Options:
-ccs.projectSpec "<file>"
The project-spec defining the project(s) to be created.
See the <ccs-install-root>/ccs/eclipse/plugins/com.ti.ccstudio.project.templates/schema/projectSpec.xsd file for details.
-ccs.name <name>
The name of the new project.
-ccs.location "<dir>"
The filesystem location of the project, if it is
to be created outside of workspace (optional).
-ccs.outputType (executable | staticLibrary)
The output-type (optional).
Defaults to 'executable'.
-ccs.device <id>
The device-variant ID.
A list of all available device-variant IDs will be
printed if this argument is missing or not recognized.
-ccs.endianness <name>
The device endianness (optional).
Defaults to device-specific setting, if defined.
A list of all applicable endianness types will be
printed if this argument is not recognized.
-ccs.toolChain (TI | TICLANG | GNU)
Compiler tool-chain (optional).
Defaults to 'TI'.
-ccs.toolVersion <version>
Compiler version (optional).
Defaults to highest applicable version.
-ccs.outputFormat (COFF | ELF)
The output-format (optional).
Defaults to device-specific setting, if defined, or 'COFF'.
-ccs.products "[<id>[:<version>];]+"
List of products to enable (optional).
-ccs.cmd "<file>"
Linker command file to be physically copied into the project (optional).
Defaults to device-specific setting, if defined.
-ccs.rts "<file>"
Runtime support library (optional).
Defaults to device-specific setting, if defined.
-ccs.configurations <name1>[ <name2>]*
Space-separated list of build-configurations to create (optional).
Defaults to 'Debug Release'.
-ccs.defaultConfiguration <name>
Name of one build-configuration which would be made active each time this project is imported into workspace.
-ccs.references <name1>[ <name2>]*
Space-separated list of project-references to add to created project (optional).
-ccs.artifactName <name>
Name of the build-artifact (optional).
Defaults to the name of the project.
-ccs.artifactExtension <ext>
Extension of the build-artifact (optional).
Defaults to 'out' or 'lib', depending on '-ccs.outputType'.
Prints a list of all applicable build-options (optional).
Does not actually create the project.
-ccs.setCompilerOptions "<options>" [@prepend] [@files ["<path>" ]+] [@folders ["<path>" ]+] [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Space-separated list of build-options to set on the created project's compiler tool (optional)
(use backslash '\' to escape all double-quotes in <options>).
Optionally, force the value for any list-type options to be prepended to current value.
Optionally, specify lists of files/folders (project-relative paths) to set these options on.
Optionally, specify a list of build-configurations in which these options are to be set.
-ccs.setLinkerOptions "<options>" [@prepend] [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Similar to -ccs.setCompilerOptions
-ccs.setHexOptions "<options>" [@prepend] [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Similar to -ccs.setCompilerOptions. Hex tool needs to be separately enabled using -ccs.enableHexTool.
-ccs.setSysConfigOptions "<options>" [@prepend] [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Similar to -ccs.setCompilerOptions. SysConfig tool needs to be separately enabled using -ccs.enableSysConfigTool.
Enable the Hex tool with its default build-options (optional).
Defaults to 'false'.
Enable the SysConfig tool with its default build-options (optional).
Defaults to 'false'.
-ccs.setPreBuildStep "<command>" [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Command to be used as a pre-build step (optional)
(use backslash '\' to escape all double-quotes in <command>).
Optionally, specify a list of build-configurations in which this build-step is to be set.
-ccs.setPostBuildStep "<command>" [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Command to be used as a post-build step (optional)
(use backslash '\' to escape all double-quotes in <command>).
Optionally, specify a list of build-configurations in which this build-step is to be set.
-ccs.copyFile "<file>" [@dir "<dir>"] [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Copies the given file/directory into the project upon creation (optional).
Optionally, specify a project-relative directory as the file's destination.
Optionally, specify a list of build-configurations in which this file is to be used.
-ccs.linkFile "<file>" [@dir "<dir>" [@virtual]] [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Links the given file/directory into the project upon creation (optional).
Optionally, specify a project-relative directory as the file's destination.
Optionally, specify whether the destination directory should be created as virtual.
Optionally, specify a list of build-configurations in which this file is to be used.
-ccs.definePathVariable <name> <value> [@scope (global|project)]
Defines the given path-variable for resolving portable linked file paths (optional)
(also defines a global build-macro with the same name and value).
Optionally, specify the scope (defaults to 'global').
-ccs.defineBuildVariable <name> <value> [@type (string|dir|file)] [@scope (global|project|configuration)] [@configurations [<name> ]+]
Defines the given build-variable (optional).
Optionally, specify the type (defaults to 'string').
Optionally, specify the scope (defaults to 'global').
Optionally, specify a list of build-configurations in which this build-variable is to be defined
(applies only when scope is 'configuration').
-ccs.autoGenerateMakefiles (true|false)
Turns automatic makefile-generation on/off (optional).
Defaults to 'true'.
-ccs.buildLocation "<path>"
Absolute or project-relative path to folder to be used as the build-directory (optional).
Applies only when the '-ccs.autoGenerateMakefiles' flag is set to 'false'.
Defaults to project root-directory.
-ccs.buildCommand "<path>"
Absolute path to an alternative build utility (optional).
Defaults to the gmake utility that is shipped with Code Composer Studio.
-ccs.buildCommandFlags "<flags>"
List of flags to override the default build-command flags (optional).
-ccs.buildTarget <name>
Name of the target to run during an incremental build (optional).
Defaults to 'all'.
-ccs.cleanTarget <name>
Name of the target to run during a clean build (optional).
Defaults to 'clean'.
-ccs.template <id>
ID of the project-template to use when generating the new project (optional).
A list of all applicable template IDs will be
printed if this argument is not recognized.
Iff 'true' ignores any default settings specified by the selected device.
Iff 'true' ignores any non-essential default settings made by Code Composer Studio.
-ccs.overwrite (full | keep)
Forces overwrite of existing file-system resources (optional).
A 'full' overwrite would delete and recreate the entire existing project folder.
A 'keep' overwrite would keep all existing filesystem project contents
(applies only when workspace project does not exist).
Performs an incremental build on the imported/created project (optional).
-ccs.kind <id>
The project kind ID (optional).
[Deprecated] - use -ccs.outputType
Prints a list of all applicable build-option IDs (optional).
Does not actually create the project.
[Deprecated] - use -ccs.listBuildOptions
-ccs.setBuildOption <id> "<value>" [@prepend] [@configurations <name1>[ <name2>]*]
Sets the given build-option on the created project (optional).
(use the wildcard '*' to match multiple characters in <id> and enum <value>'s).
Optionally, force the value for any list-type options to be prepended to current value.
Optionally, specify a list of build-configurations in which this option is to be set.
[Deprecated] - use -ccs.setCompilerOptions/-ccs.setLinkerOptions
-ccs.args <file>
File containing any extra arguments (optional).
Print this help message.
DSP/BIOSv5.x support:
-bios.version <version>
DSP/BIOSv5.x tools version.
RTSC support:
Enable RTSC support.
-rtsc.xdcVersion <version>
XDCtools version (optional).
Defaults to highest available version, when '-rtsc.enableRtsc' is specified.
-rtsc.target <id>
RTSC target (optional).
Will be auto-set by default.
-rtsc.platform <id>
RTSC platform (optional).
Will be left blank by default.
-rtsc.buildProfile <profile>
RTSC build-profile (optional).
Defaults to 'whole_program'.
-rtsc.products "[<id>[:<version>];]+"
List of RTSC products to enable (optional). [Deprecated] - use the '-ccs.products' flag instead.
-rtsc.setConfiguroOptions "<options>"
Space-separated list of options to set on the created project's Configuro tool (optional)
(use backslash '\' to escape all double-quotes in <options>).
Generate a reusable RTSC Configuration project (optional).