Network Services API
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
HTTP Client

The HTTP client provides APIs to connect to, and communicate with, HTTP Servers. More...

Data Structures

struct  HTTPClient_extSecParams


#define HTTPClient_DOMAIN_BUFLEN   (100)
#define HTTPClient_RES_HFIELD_BUFFER_SIZE   (300)
#define HTTPClient_MIN_USER_WORKSPACE_SIZE   (500)
#define HTTPClient_PORT   (80)
#define HTTPClient_SECURE_PORT   (443)
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_AGE   (0)
 Age HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_ALLOW   (1)
 Allow HTTP response header More...
 Cache-Control HTTP response header More...
 Connection HTTP response header More...
 Content-Encoding HTTP response header More...
 Content-Language HTTP response header More...
 Content-Length HTTP response header More...
 Content-Location HTTP response header More...
 Content-Range HTTP response header More...
 Content-Type HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_DATE   (10)
 Date HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_ETAG   (11)
 ETag HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_EXPIRES   (12)
 Expires HTTP response header More...
 Last-Modified HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_LOCATION   (14)
 Location HTTP response header More...
 Proxy-Authenticate HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_RETRY_AFTER   (16)
 Retry-After HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_SERVER   (17)
 Server HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_SET_COOKIE   (18)
 Set-Cookie HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_TRAILER   (19)
 Trailer HTTP response header More...
 Transfer-Encoding HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_UPGRADE   (21)
 Upgrade HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_VARY   (22)
 Vary HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_VIA   (23)
 Via HTTP response header More...
 Www-Authenticate HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_WARNING   (25)
 Warning HTTP response header More...
#define HTTPClient_REQUEST_HEADER_MASK   (0x80000000)
 Accept HTTP request header More...
 Accept-Charset HTTP request header More...
 Accept-Encoding HTTP request header More...
 Accept-Language HTTP request header More...
 Allow HTTP request header More...
 Authorization HTTP request header More...
 Cache-Control HTTP request header More...
 Connection HTTP request header More...
 Content-Encoding HTTP request header More...
 Content-Language HTTP request header More...
 Location HTTP request header More...
 Content-Type HTTP request header More...
 Cookie HTTP request header More...
 Date HTTP request header More...
 Expect HTTP request header More...
 Forwarded HTTP request header More...
 From HTTP request header More...
 Host HTTP request header More...
 If-Match HTTP request header More...
 If-Modified-Since HTTP request header More...
 If-None-Match HTTP request header More...
 If-Range HTTP request header More...
 If-Unmodified-Since HTTP request header More...
 Origin HTTP request header More...
 Proxy-Authorization HTTP request header More...
 Range HTTP request header More...
 TE HTTP request header More...
 Transfer-Encoding HTTP request header More...
 Upgrade HTTP request header More...
 User-Agent HTTP request header More...
 Via HTTP request header More...
 Warning HTTP request header More...
#define HTTPClient_REDIRECT_FEATURE   (48)
 Attaches callback which will handle the server authentication response (401) More...
#define HTTPClient_ESENDBUFSMALL   (-3001)
 Internal send buffer is not big enough. More...
#define HTTPClient_EGETOPTBUFSMALL   (-3002)
 Buffer inserted into HTTPClient_getOpt() is not big enough. More...
#define HTTPClient_ERESPONSEINVALID   (-3003)
 Response received from the server is not a valid HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0 response. More...
#define HTTPClient_EINPROGRESS   (-3004)
 Operation could not be completed. Try again. More...
#define HTTPClient_EDOMAINBUFSMALL   (-3005)
 Input domain name length is too long to be read into buffer. More...
#define HTTPClient_ECBALLOCATIONFAILED   (-3006)
 Allocation failed during the CB creation. More...
#define HTTPClient_EBODYBUFSMALL   (-3008)
 Body size is too small. More...
#define HTTPClient_ENULLPOINTER   (-3009)
 Invalid de-referencing a NULL pointer. More...
 Request header allocation failed. More...
#define HTTPClient_EREQHEADERNOTFOUND   (-3011)
 Request header wasn't found in the req header list. More...
#define HTTPClient_EHOSTNOTFOUND   (-3012)
 Host request header wasn't found. More...
 Client is already connected. More...
 Response is not redirectable. More...
#define HTTPClient_ESENDERROR   (-3015)
 Send couldn't be completed. More...
 Location Header fields value couldn't be read completely. More...
 TLS downgrade is forbidden. More...
#define HTTPClient_EWRONGAPIPARAMETER   (-3018)
 Wrong API parameter. More...
 HOST already exist. More...
#define HTTPClient_ENOCONNECTION   (-3020)
 Client is disconnected. More...
#define HTTPClient_ENOTABSOLUTEURI   (-3021)
 URI is not absolute. More...
 Error during creation of security attribute. More...
#define HTTPClient_EINTERNAL   (-3023)
 General internal error. More...
 Buffer inserted into HTTPClient_getHeaderByName(..) is not big enough. More...
 Custom response header name on HTTPClient_getHeaderByName(..) dosn't set before. More...
#define HTTPClient_IGNORE_PROXY   (0x01)
#define HTTPClient_HOST_EXIST   (0x02)
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_NOT_PERSISTENT   (0x01)
#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_PERSISTENT   (0x02)
#define HTTPClient_CUSTOM_RESPONSE_HEADER   (0x01)
#define HTTPClient_CHUNK_START   (0x01)
#define HTTPClient_CHUNK_END   (0x02)
#define HTTPClient_DROP_BODY   (0x04)


typedef struct HTTPClient_extSecParams HTTPClient_extSecParams
typedef int16_t(* HTTPClient_authenticationCallback) (const char *serverAuthBuff, uint32_t serverAuthLen, char *clientAuthBuff, uint32_t *clientAuthLen)
 HTTPClient callback for server authentication handling This function is responsible for generating the value for the authorization request header. More...
typedef void * HTTPClient_Handle


HTTPClient_Handle HTTPClient_create (int16_t *status, void *params)
 Allocate and initialize a new HTTPClient instance object and return its handle. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_destroy (HTTPClient_Handle client)
 Destroy the HTTP client instance and free the previously allocated instance object. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_connect2 (HTTPClient_Handle client, const char *hostName, SlNetSockSecAttrib_t *secAttribs, uint32_t flags, int16_t *secureRetVal)
 Open a connection to an HTTP server. A user can connect to a HTTP server using TLS, proxy or both. HTTPClient_connect2 allows the user more control over security by accepting a secure attribute object and returning the value of the attempted secure connection. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_connect (HTTPClient_Handle client, const char *hostName, HTTPClient_extSecParams *exSecParams, uint32_t flags)
 Open a connection to an HTTP server. A user can connect to a HTTP server using TLS, proxy or both. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_disconnect (HTTPClient_Handle client)
 Disconnect from the HTTP server. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_sendRequest (HTTPClient_Handle client, const char *method, const char *requestURI, const char *body, uint32_t bodyLen, uint32_t flags)
 Make an HTTP request to the HTTP server. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_readResponseBody (HTTPClient_Handle client, char *body, uint32_t bodyLen, bool *moreDataFlag)
 Read the response body data from the HTTP server The function handles both oneshot and chunked body responses. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_setHeader (HTTPClient_Handle client, uint32_t option, void *value, uint32_t len, uint32_t flags)
 Setting HTTP Client Header-field configurations. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_setHeaderByName (HTTPClient_Handle client, uint32_t option, const char *name, void *value, uint32_t len, uint32_t flags)
 Setting HTTP Client Header-field configurations by header name. Both standard (as defined by the HTTP RFC spec) and non-standard header names are supported. This API supports request and response headers. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_getHeader (HTTPClient_Handle client, uint32_t option, void *value, uint32_t *len, uint32_t flags)
 Getting HTTP Client Header-field configurations. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_getHeaderByName (HTTPClient_Handle client, uint32_t option, const char *name, void *value, uint32_t *len, uint32_t flags)
 Getting HTTP Client Header-field configurations. This API doesn't support removing existing custom header name, to do so please close the HTTPClient and reallocate it. This API for now, supports only custom 'response' headers. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_setOpt (HTTPClient_Handle client, uint32_t option, void *value, uint32_t len, uint32_t flags)
 Setting HTTP Client configurations. More...
int16_t HTTPClient_getOpt (HTTPClient_Handle client, uint32_t option, void *value, uint32_t *len, uint32_t flags)
 Getting HTTP Client configurations. More...
void HTTPClient_setProxy (const SlNetSock_Addr_t *addr)
 Uses the http CONNECT method to create a tunnel through a remote proxy server to the host designated in HTTPClient_connect. More...


const char * HTTP_METHOD_GET
const char * HTTP_METHOD_POST
const char * HTTP_METHOD_HEAD
const char * HTTP_METHOD_PUT

Detailed Description

The HTTP client provides APIs to connect to, and communicate with, HTTP Servers.

Library Usage

To use the HTTPClient APIs, the application should include its header file as follows:

And, add the following HTTP library to the link line:


Macro Definition Documentation


#define HTTPClient_DOMAIN_BUFLEN   (100)


#define HTTPClient_RES_HFIELD_BUFFER_SIZE   (300)

Size of the buffer which is used to store response values


#define HTTPClient_MIN_USER_WORKSPACE_SIZE   (500)

Minimum workspace size user should alloc in order to create client handle








#define HTTPClient_PORT   (80)


#define HTTPClient_SECURE_PORT   (443)


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_AGE   (0)

Age HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Age


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_ALLOW   (1)

Allow HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Allow



Cache-Control HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Cache-Control



Connection HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Connection



Content-Encoding HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Content-Encoding



Content-Language HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Content-Language



Content-Length HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Content-Length



Content-Location HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Content-Location



Content-Range HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Content-Range



Content-Type HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Content-Type


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_DATE   (10)

Date HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Date


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_ETAG   (11)

ETag HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string ETag


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_EXPIRES   (12)

Expires HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Expires



Last-Modified HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Last-Modified


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_LOCATION   (14)

Location HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Location



Proxy-Authenticate HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Proxy-Authenticate


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_RETRY_AFTER   (16)

Retry-After HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Retry-After


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_SERVER   (17)

Server HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Server


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_SET_COOKIE   (18)

Set-Cookie HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Set-Cookie


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_TRAILER   (19)

Trailer HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Trailer



Transfer-Encoding HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Transfer-Encoding


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_UPGRADE   (21)

Upgrade HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Upgrade


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_VARY   (22)

Vary HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Vary


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_VIA   (23)

Via HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Via



Www-Authenticate HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Www-Authenticate


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_RES_WARNING   (25)

Warning HTTP response header

The HTTP standard response header containing the string Warning


#define HTTPClient_REQUEST_HEADER_MASK   (0x80000000)



Accept HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Accept



Accept-Charset HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Accept-Charset



Accept-Encoding HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Accept-Encoding



Accept-Language HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Accept-Language



Allow HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Allow



Authorization HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Authorization



Cache-Control HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Cache-Control



Connection HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Connection



Content-Encoding HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Content-Encoding



Content-Language HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Content-Language



Location HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Location



Content-Type HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Content-Type



Cookie HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Cookie



Date HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Date



Expect HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Expect



Forwarded HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Forwarded



From HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string From



Host HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Host



If-Match HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string If-Match



If-Modified-Since HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string If-Modified-Since



If-None-Match HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string If-None-Match



If-Range HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string If-Range



If-Unmodified-Since HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string If-Unmodified-Since



Origin HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Origin



Proxy-Authorization HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Proxy-Authorization



Range HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Range



TE HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string TE



Transfer-Encoding HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Transfer-Encoding



Upgrade HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Upgrade



User-Agent HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string User-Agent



Via HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Via



Warning HTTP request header

The HTTP standard request header containing the string Warning




#define HTTPClient_REDIRECT_FEATURE   (48)

Enable / Disable redirect feature



Clear response filter to default(all enabled)



Enable / Disable the option for tls downgrade



Attaches callback which will handle the server authentication response (401)


#define HTTPClient_ESENDBUFSMALL   (-3001)

Internal send buffer is not big enough.

Define HTTPClient_BUF_LEN in httpclient_internal.h and rebuild the library.


#define HTTPClient_EGETOPTBUFSMALL   (-3002)

Buffer inserted into HTTPClient_getOpt() is not big enough.


#define HTTPClient_ERESPONSEINVALID   (-3003)

Response received from the server is not a valid HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0 response.


#define HTTPClient_EINPROGRESS   (-3004)

Operation could not be completed. Try again.


#define HTTPClient_EDOMAINBUFSMALL   (-3005)

Input domain name length is too long to be read into buffer.

Modify the HTTPClient_DOMAIN_BUFLEN and rebuild the library.

See also


#define HTTPClient_ECBALLOCATIONFAILED   (-3006)

Allocation failed during the CB creation.

Check whether there is free memory for CB allocation.


#define HTTPClient_EBODYBUFSMALL   (-3008)

Body size is too small.

Body which was entered into the request was too small, This error won't occur if the body size will be at least HTTPClient_BUF_LEN.


#define HTTPClient_ENULLPOINTER   (-3009)

Invalid de-referencing a NULL pointer.

Check that a NULL pointer wasn't dereferenced in the function.



Request header allocation failed.


#define HTTPClient_EREQHEADERNOTFOUND   (-3011)

Request header wasn't found in the req header list.


#define HTTPClient_EHOSTNOTFOUND   (-3012)

Host request header wasn't found.

Host header-field is mandatory.



Client is already connected.



Response is not redirectable.


#define HTTPClient_ESENDERROR   (-3015)

Send couldn't be completed.



Location Header fields value couldn't be read completely.

Since the "Location" header-field is essential for the redirect mechanism it is imposible to complete the redirect without it. This error indicates that the buffer for the Location header field value was too small. Enlarge HTTPClient_BUF_LEN in order to fix this error, or disable the redirect mechanism.



TLS downgrade is forbidden.

This error indicates that after redirect occured, the server asked the client to redirect from secured server into non-secured server. This option is forbidden by default, to enable use HTTPClient_setOpt()


#define HTTPClient_EWRONGAPIPARAMETER   (-3018)

Wrong API parameter.

Wrong parameter entered into the API.



HOST already exist.

Host header is already exist, having multiple Host headers is invalid. Remove the existing host Header.


#define HTTPClient_ENOCONNECTION   (-3020)

Client is disconnected.

SlNetSock_recv return 0 which means the client is disconnected.


#define HTTPClient_ENOTABSOLUTEURI   (-3021)

URI is not absolute.

When Host header is not found, reconnection can be established only with absolute URI.



Error during creation of security attribute.

Error occured during the creationg of security attribue


#define HTTPClient_EINTERNAL   (-3023)

General internal error.

Error occured during processing in the HTTP Client library



Buffer inserted into HTTPClient_getHeaderByName(..) is not big enough.



Custom response header name on HTTPClient_getHeaderByName(..) dosn't set before.


#define HTTPClient_IGNORE_PROXY   (0x01)

If proxy is set, this flag makes the connection without the proxy


#define HTTPClient_HOST_EXIST   (0x02)

If the user already added "Host:" header, set this flag


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_NOT_PERSISTENT   (0x01)

Header Field added is not persistent


#define HTTPClient_HFIELD_PERSISTENT   (0x02)

Header Field added is persistent


#define HTTPClient_CUSTOM_RESPONSE_HEADER   (0x01)

Header Field for add or remove custom response header on setHeaderByName


#define HTTPClient_CHUNK_START   (0x01)

Header field indicate of remove requested name header Sets the client's request state into chunked body


#define HTTPClient_CHUNK_END   (0x02)

Sets the client's request state out of chunked body and sends last chunk


#define HTTPClient_DROP_BODY   (0x04)

Flushes the response body

Typedef Documentation

§ HTTPClient_extSecParams

§ HTTPClient_authenticationCallback

typedef int16_t(* HTTPClient_authenticationCallback) (const char *serverAuthBuff, uint32_t serverAuthLen, char *clientAuthBuff, uint32_t *clientAuthLen)

HTTPClient callback for server authentication handling This function is responsible for generating the value for the authorization request header.

[in]serverAuthBuffBuffer containing authentication information (Www-Authenticate response header) received from server.
[in]serverAuthLenServer authentication buffer length.
[out]clientAuthBuffBuffer containing Authorization request header.
[in,out]clientAuthLenInput is the maximum size of the client Authorization request header buffer (HTTPClient_BUF_LEN), Output is the actual size of the client Authorization request header buffer.
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_Handle

typedef void* HTTPClient_Handle

Function Documentation

§ HTTPClient_create()

HTTPClient_Handle HTTPClient_create ( int16_t *  status,
void *  params 

Allocate and initialize a new HTTPClient instance object and return its handle.

[out]statuspointer to return status
[in]paramsSpecial parameters for creating the instance (currently there are no special parameters)
handle on success or NULL failure.

§ HTTPClient_destroy()

int16_t HTTPClient_destroy ( HTTPClient_Handle  client)

Destroy the HTTP client instance and free the previously allocated instance object.

[in]clientPointer to the HTTP client instance
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_connect2()

int16_t HTTPClient_connect2 ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
const char *  hostName,
SlNetSockSecAttrib_t secAttribs,
uint32_t  flags,
int16_t *  secureRetVal 

Open a connection to an HTTP server. A user can connect to a HTTP server using TLS, proxy or both. HTTPClient_connect2 allows the user more control over security by accepting a secure attribute object and returning the value of the attempted secure connection.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client
[in]hostNameIP address or URL of the HTTP server.
[in]secAttribsA secure attributes object for configuring security.
[in]flagsSpecial flags for connection:
[out]secureRetValOptional - If an error occurred while establishing a secure connection, the error code will be contained here. NULL should be passed if this is not desired.
0 on success or error code on failure.
See also

§ HTTPClient_connect()

int16_t HTTPClient_connect ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
const char *  hostName,
HTTPClient_extSecParams exSecParams,
uint32_t  flags 

Open a connection to an HTTP server. A user can connect to a HTTP server using TLS, proxy or both.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client
[in]hostNameIP address or URL of the HTTP server.
[in]exSecParamsOptional - External parameters for configuring security.
[in]flagsSpecial flags for connection:
0 on success or error code on failure.
See also

§ HTTPClient_disconnect()

int16_t HTTPClient_disconnect ( HTTPClient_Handle  client)

Disconnect from the HTTP server.

[in]clientInstance of the HTTP client
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_sendRequest()

int16_t HTTPClient_sendRequest ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
const char *  method,
const char *  requestURI,
const char *  body,
uint32_t  bodyLen,
uint32_t  flags 

Make an HTTP request to the HTTP server.

Sends an HTTP request-line, header fields and body to the requested URI. After sending the request, the request function waits for the response Status and Header-Fields. According to the response status, the request function determines whether to return to user or to call a redirect/callback pre-defined function.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client.
[in]methodHTTP method.
[in]requestURIThe path on the server to open.
[in]bodyThe body the user wishes to send in in the request, The body can be chunked or one body buffer.
[in]bodyLenLength of the body sent in the request.
[in]flagsSpecial flags when the user wishes not to use the default settings.
- If user wishes to use TLS connection then before calling HTTPClient_sendRequest(), HTTPClient_connect() should be called.
  • If disconnection happened prior to HTTPClient_sendRequest(), HTTPClient_sendRequest() will reconnect internally.
  • When sending a body in a request, the "Content-length: " and "Transfer-Encoding: Chunked" headers will be added automatically.
Response status code on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_readResponseBody()

int16_t HTTPClient_readResponseBody ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
char *  body,
uint32_t  bodyLen,
bool *  moreDataFlag 

Read the response body data from the HTTP server The function handles both oneshot and chunked body responses.

Make a call to this function only after the call to HTTPClient_sendRequest().

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client
[out]bodyResponse body buffer
[in]bodyLenLength of response body buffer
[out]moreDataFlagSet if more data is available
Make a call to this function only after the call to HTTPClient_sendRequest(). This function need to be called until moreDataFlag will be false(All data was read).
The number of characters read on success or error code on failure

§ HTTPClient_setHeader()

int16_t HTTPClient_setHeader ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
uint32_t  option,
void *  value,
uint32_t  len,
uint32_t  flags 

Setting HTTP Client Header-field configurations.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client
[in]optionOptions for setting could be one of the following: -Header-Fields ID - Request - headers - sets the headers-fields which will be used in requests. Response - headers - sets the headers-fields wanted to be un-filtered in a response. (if no request headers are set, all the headers will be available with size constraints)
[in]valueValue for setting could be any related value for the corresponding option. Value can be set to NULL when request header wanted to be removed.
[in]lenLength of the value.
[in]flagsFlags for settings need be one of the following:
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_setHeaderByName()

int16_t HTTPClient_setHeaderByName ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
uint32_t  option,
const char *  name,
void *  value,
uint32_t  len,
uint32_t  flags 

Setting HTTP Client Header-field configurations by header name. Both standard (as defined by the HTTP RFC spec) and non-standard header names are supported. This API supports request and response headers.

When a given standard HTTP header is set, it is important to consistently set it using one of HTTPClient_setHeaderByName() or HTTPClient_setHeader(). The ordering of the values may not be preserved if both APIs are used to set the same header.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client
[in]optionOptions for setting could be one of the following: HTTPClient_REQUEST_HEADER_MASK - sets a header-field which will be used in requests. HTTPClient_CUSTOM_RESPONSE_HEADER - sets a header-field which will be used when HTTP response retrieve. This option need to be used when the user want to store custom response header by name.
[in]nameName of header. Must be NULL-terminated.
[in]valueOn request - Value for setting could be any related value for the corresponding header. On response - Must be NULL.
[in]lenOn request - Length of the value. On response - Must be 0.
[in]flagsOn request - Flags for settings need be one of the following:
  • HTTPClient_HFIELD_NOT_PERSISTENT - Header-Field is not persistent.
  • HTTPClient_HFIELD_PERSISTENT - Header-Field is persistent. On response - Flags should be 0. Currently, HTTP custom response header only supports persistent mode. No option right now, to set a custom response header for single request and clear it after the first response, not by sign it as non-persistent and not by clear it after one use. For clear custom response header after set only close the HTTPClient connection by "HTTPClient_destroy", and open a new one.
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_getHeader()

int16_t HTTPClient_getHeader ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
uint32_t  option,
void *  value,
uint32_t *  len,
uint32_t  flags 

Getting HTTP Client Header-field configurations.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client
[in]optionOptions for getting could be one of the following: -Header-Fields ID -Response - headers - getting response headers-field value (only if value was set previously, and asked to be stored using another HTTPClient API).
[out]valueValue for getting, could be any related value for the corresponding option.
[in,out]lenInputs Length of the value and output the actual length.
[in]flagsFlags for getting special configurations.
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_getHeaderByName()

int16_t HTTPClient_getHeaderByName ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
uint32_t  option,
const char *  name,
void *  value,
uint32_t *  len,
uint32_t  flags 

Getting HTTP Client Header-field configurations. This API doesn't support removing existing custom header name, to do so please close the HTTPClient and reallocate it. This API for now, supports only custom 'response' headers.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client. 'client' - cannot be NULL.
[in]optionOptions for getting could be one of the following:
                    -Response - headers - getting custom response headers-field value (only if value was set previously and asked to be stored using HTTPClient_setHeaderByName).
[in]nameShould contain the requested custom response header name for retrieve the appropriate value stored on the last HTTP response. 'name' cannot be NULL.
[out]valuePointer value for store the appropriate value on the last HTTP response respectively to requested 'name' - will be copied into the pointer. 'value' cannot be NULL.
[in,out]lenInputs Length of the value buffer size and output the actual inserted custom response header value length. 'len' cannot be 0.
[in]flagsFlags for getting special configurations - right now not in use.
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_setOpt()

int16_t HTTPClient_setOpt ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
uint32_t  option,
void *  value,
uint32_t  len,
uint32_t  flags 

Setting HTTP Client configurations.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client
[in]optionOptions for setting could be one of the following: -Client instance parameters:
[in]valueValue for setting could be any related value for the corresponding option.
[in]lenLength of the value.
[in]flagsFlags for settings special configurations.
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_getOpt()

int16_t HTTPClient_getOpt ( HTTPClient_Handle  client,
uint32_t  option,
void *  value,
uint32_t *  len,
uint32_t  flags 

Getting HTTP Client configurations.

[in]clientInstance of an HTTP client
[in]optionOptions for getting client settings.
[out]valueValue for getting, could be any related value for the corresponding option.
[in,out]lenInputs Length of the value and output the actual length.
[in]flagsFlags for getting special configurations
Currently there are no client configurations to get.
0 on success or error code on failure.

§ HTTPClient_setProxy()

void HTTPClient_setProxy ( const SlNetSock_Addr_t addr)

Uses the http CONNECT method to create a tunnel through a remote proxy server to the host designated in HTTPClient_connect.

[in]addrPointer to SlNetSock_Addr_t struct containing ip and port number of proxy server
uint32_t ipAddress;
uint16_t portNumber = ####; //Proxy server port
char strip[] = "###.###.###.###"; //Proxy server address
SlNetUtil_inetPton(SLNETSOCK_AF_INET, strip, &ipAddress); //Function transform address string into binary
sAddr.sin_port = SlNetUtil_htons((unsigned short)portNumber);
sAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = (unsigned int)ipAddress;
sa = (SlNetSock_Addr_t*)&sAddr; //HTTPClient_setProxy() expects a SlNetSock_Addr_t, but the input
//is treated like a SlNetSock_AddrIn_t when the socket is created

Variable Documentation


const char* HTTP_METHOD_GET


const char* HTTP_METHOD_POST


const char* HTTP_METHOD_HEAD




const char* HTTP_METHOD_PUT




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