Here is a list of all modules:
oADC14Analog to Digital Converter with a maximum of 14-bit resolution
oAES256Module to interact with the Advanced Encryption Standard 256 (AES256) hardware accelerator
oCOMP_EAnalog voltage comparator
oCRC32Module to interact with the Cyclic Redundancy Check 32 (CRC32) hardware accelerator with support for CRC16 signatures
oCSClock System module responsible for setting up and manipulating MSP432's various clocking systems
oDMAConfigures and controls MSP432's DMA controller which is built around ARM's uDMA controller
oFlashCtlModule for erasing, programming, verifying and configuring different functionalities of the Flash IP
oFlashCtl_AModule for erasing, programming, verifying and configuring different functionalities of the Flash IP
oFPUARM's Floating Point Unit module
oGPIOGeneral Purpose Input/Output to control port settings
oI2CEUSCI Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) serial communication module
oInterruptInteracts with the Cortex-M NVIC controller for configuring interrupts
oLCD_FSegment LCD module used to control/manipulate attached LCD display
oMPUARM's Memory Protection Unit
oPCMPower Control Manager responsible for controlling the different power states of the device
oPMAPPort mapper responsible for re-mapping functionalities of GPIO pins
oPSSPower Supply System responsible for controlling analog aspects of the device core
oREF_AReference module used to create/configure analog voltage reference
oResetCtlReset controller used to initiate resets and find sources of occurred resets
oRTC_CReal Time Clock with alarm support and tamper protection
oSPIEUSCI Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) serial communication module
oSysCtlSystem Control module used for miscellaneous system configurations
oSysCtl_ASystem Control A module used for miscellaneous system configurations on MSP432P4111
oSysTickModule used to configure/control the Cortex M4 SysTick
oTimer32Dual 32-bit Timer with interrupt capability
oTimer_AAdvanced 16-bit timer with precision PWM support and capture/compare capabilities
oUARTEUSCI Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) serial communication module
\WDT_AWatchdog Timer with interval timer capabilities

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