MSP Graphics Library

Data Structures

struct  Graphics_Image
 This structure defines the characteristics of a Bitmap Image. More...
struct  Graphics_Rectangle
struct  Graphics_Display_Functions
 This structure defines the implementation of a display driver. More...
struct  Graphics_Display
 This structure defines the characteristics of a display driver. More...
struct  Graphics_Font
 This structure describes a font used for drawing text onto the screen. More...
struct  Graphics_FontEx
struct  Graphics_Context


#define min(a, b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a, b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (b) : (a))
#define tFontEx   Graphics_FontEx
#define tFont   Graphics_Font
#define tDisplay   Graphics_Display
#define tRectangle   Graphics_Rectangle
#define tImage   Graphics_Image
#define tContext   Graphics_Context
#define sXMax   xMax
#define sXMin   xMin
#define sYMax   yMax
#define sYMin   yMin
#define GrCircleDraw   Graphics_drawCircle
#define GrCircleFill   Graphics_fillCircle
#define GrContextClipRegionSet   Graphics_setClipRegion
#define GrContextInit   Graphics_initContext
#define GrImageDraw   Graphics_drawImage
#define GrLineDraw   Graphics_drawLine
#define GrLineDrawH   Graphics_drawLineH
#define GrLineDrawV   Graphics_drawLineV
#define GrRectDraw   Graphics_drawRectangle
#define GrRectFill   Graphics_fillRectangle
#define GrStringDraw   Graphics_drawString
#define GrStringWidthGet   Graphics_getStringWidth
#define GrRectOverlapCheck   Graphics_isOverlappingRectangle
#define GrRectIntersectGet   Graphics_getRectangleIntersection
#define GrContextBackgroundSet   Graphics_setBackgroundColor
#define GrContextBackgroundSetTranslated   Graphics_setBackgroundColorTranslated
#define GrContextDpyWidthGet   Graphics_getDisplayWidth
#define GrContextDpyHeightGet   Graphics_getDisplayHeight
#define GrContextFontSet   Graphics_setFont
#define GrContextForegroundSet   Graphics_setForegroundColor
#define GrContextForegroundSetTranslated   Graphics_setForegroundColorTranslated
#define GrFlush   Graphics_flushBuffer
#define GrClearDisplay   Graphics_clearDisplay
#define GrFontBaselineGet   Graphics_getFontBaseline
#define GrFontHeightGet   Graphics_getFontHeight
#define GrFontMaxWidthGet   Graphics_getFontMaxWidth
#define GrImageColorsGet   Graphics_getImageColors
#define GrImageHeightGet   Graphics_getImageHeight
#define GrImageWidthGet   Graphics_getImageWidth
#define GrOffScreen1BPPSize   Graphics_getOffscreen1BppImageSize
#define GrOffScreen4BPPSize   Graphics_getOffscreen4BppImageSize
#define GrOffScreen8BPPSize   Graphics_getOffscreen8BppImageSize
#define GrPixelDraw   Graphics_drawPixel
#define GrStringBaselineGet   Graphics_getStringBaseline
#define GrStringDrawCentered   Graphics_drawStringCentered
#define GrStringHeightGet   Graphics_getStringHeight
#define GrStringMaxWidthGet   Graphics_getStringMaxWidth
#define DpyColorTranslate   Graphics_translateColorOnDisplay
#define DpyFlush   Graphics_flushOnDisplay
#define DpyClearDisplay   Graphics_clearDisplayOnDisplay
#define DpyHeightGet   Graphics_getHeightOfDisplay
#define DpyLineDrawH   Graphics_drawHorizontalLineOnDisplay
#define DpyLineDrawV   Graphics_drawVerticalLineOnDisplay
#define DpyPixelDraw   Graphics_drawPixelOnDisplay
#define DpyPixelDrawMultiple   Graphics_drawMultiplePixelsOnDisplay
#define DpyRectFill   Graphics_fillRectangleOnDisplay
#define DpyWidthGet   Graphics_getWidthOfDisplay
#define GrRectContainsPoint   Graphics_isPointWithinRectangle
 Indicates that the font data is stored in an uncompressed format.
 Indicates that the font data is stored using a pixel-based RLE format.
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_BLACK   0x00000000
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_BLACK   0x00000000
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_BLUE   0x000000FF
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_DARK_BLUE   0x0000008B
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_DARK_GREEN   0x00006400
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_DARK_RED   0x008B0000
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_DIM_GRAY   0x00696969
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_FIRE_BRICK   0x00B22222
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_GOLD   0x00FFD700
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_GRAY   0x00808080
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_GREEN   0x00008000
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_INDIGO   0x004B0082
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_LIME   0x0000FF00
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_MAROON   0x00800000
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_NAVY   0x00000080
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_OLIVE   0x00808000
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_PERU   0x00CD853F
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_PURPLE   0x00800080
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_RED   0x00FF0000
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_ROYAL_BLUE   0x004169E1
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_SALMON   0x00FA8072
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_SIENNA   0x00A0522D
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_SLATE_GRAY   0x00708090
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_STEEL_BLUE   0x004682B4
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_TAN   0x00D2B48C
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_TEAL   0x00008080
#define GRAPHICS_COLOR_TOMATO   0x00FF6347
#define ClrRedMask   0x00FF0000
#define ClrRedShift   16
#define ClrGreenMask   0x0000FF00
#define ClrGreenShift   8
#define ClrBlueMask   0x000000FF
#define ClrBlueShift   0
#define GrLangZhPRC   0x0804
#define GrLangZhTW   0x0404
#define GrLangEnUS   0x0409
#define GrLangEnUK   0x0809
#define GrLangEnAUS   0x0C09
#define GrLangEnCA   0x1009
#define GrLangEnNZ   0x1409
#define GrLangFr   0x040C
#define GrLangDe   0x0407
#define GrLangHi   0x0439
#define GrLangIt   0x0410
#define GrLangJp   0x0411
#define GrLangKo   0x0412
#define GrLangEsMX   0x080A
#define GrLangEsSP   0x0C0A
#define GrLangSwKE   0x0441
#define GrLangUrIN   0x0820
#define GrLangUrPK   0x0420


void Graphics_drawCircle (const Graphics_Context *context, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t lRadius)
void Graphics_fillCircle (const Graphics_Context *context, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t lRadius)
void Graphics_setClipRegion (Graphics_Context *context, Graphics_Rectangle *rect)
void Graphics_initContext (Graphics_Context *context, Graphics_Display *display, const Graphics_Display_Functions *pFxns)
void Graphics_drawImage (const Graphics_Context *context, const Graphics_Image *pBitmap, int16_t x, int16_t y)
void Graphics_drawLine (const Graphics_Context *context, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2)
void Graphics_drawLineH (const Graphics_Context *context, int32_t x1, int32_t x2, int32_t y)
void Graphics_drawLineV (const Graphics_Context *context, int32_t x, int32_t y1, int32_t y2)
void Graphics_drawRectangle (const Graphics_Context *context, const Graphics_Rectangle *rect)
void Graphics_fillRectangle (const Graphics_Context *context, const Graphics_Rectangle *rect)
void Graphics_drawString (const Graphics_Context *context, int8_t *string, int32_t lLength, int32_t x, int32_t y, bool opaque)
int32_t Graphics_getStringWidth (const Graphics_Context *context, const int8_t *string, int32_t lLength)
int32_t Graphics_isOverlappingRectangle (Graphics_Rectangle *psRect1, Graphics_Rectangle *psRect2)
int32_t Graphics_getRectangleIntersection (Graphics_Rectangle *psRect1, Graphics_Rectangle *psRect2, Graphics_Rectangle *psIntersect)
void Graphics_setBackgroundColor (Graphics_Context *context, int32_t value)
uint16_t Graphics_getDisplayWidth (Graphics_Context *context)
uint16_t Graphics_getDisplayHeight (Graphics_Context *context)
void Graphics_setFont (Graphics_Context *context, const Graphics_Font *font)
uint8_t Graphics_getFontBaseline (const Graphics_Font *font)
void Graphics_setForegroundColor (Graphics_Context *context, int32_t value)
void Graphics_setForegroundColorTranslated (Graphics_Context *context, int32_t value)
uint8_t Graphics_getFontHeight (const Graphics_Font *font)
uint8_t Graphics_getFontMaxWidth (const Graphics_Font *font)
uint16_t Graphics_getImageColors (const Graphics_Image *image)
uint16_t Graphics_getImageHeight (const Graphics_Image *image)
uint16_t Graphics_getImageWidth (const Graphics_Image *image)
uint32_t Graphics_getOffscreen1BppImageSize (uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
uint32_t Graphics_getOffscreen4BppImageSize (uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
uint32_t Graphics_getOffScreen8BPPSize (uint16_t width, uint16_t height)
void Graphics_drawStringCentered (const Graphics_Context *context, int8_t *string, int32_t length, int32_t x, int32_t y, bool opaque)
uint8_t Graphics_getStringHeight (const Graphics_Context *context)
uint8_t Graphics_getStringMaxWidth (const Graphics_Context *context)
uint8_t Graphics_getStringBaseline (const Graphics_Context *context)
uint32_t Graphics_translateColorOnDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display, uint32_t value)
void Graphics_drawHorizontalLineOnDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display, uint16_t x1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y, uint32_t value)
void Graphics_drawVerticalLineOnDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display, uint16_t x, uint16_t y1, uint16_t y2, uint16_t value)
void Graphics_fillRectangleOnDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display, const Graphics_Rectangle *rect, uint16_t value)
void Graphics_flushOnDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display)
void Graphics_drawPixel (const Graphics_Context *context, uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
void Graphics_clearDisplay (const Graphics_Context *context)
uint16_t Graphics_getHeightOfDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display)
void Graphics_flushBuffer (const Graphics_Context *context)
uint16_t Graphics_getWidthOfDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display)
bool Graphics_isPointWithinRectangle (const Graphics_Rectangle *rect, uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
void Graphics_drawPixelOnDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t value)
void Graphics_clearDisplayOnDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display, uint16_t value)
void Graphics_drawMultiplePixelsOnDisplay (const Graphics_Display *display, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t x0, uint16_t count, uint16_t bPP, const uint8_t *data, const uint32_t *pucPalette)
void Graphics_initOffscreen1BppImage (Graphics_Display *display, uint8_t *image, int32_t width, int32_t height)
void Graphics_initOffscreen4BppImage (Graphics_Display *display, uint8_t *image, int32_t width, int32_t height)
void Graphics_setOffscreen4BppPalette (Graphics_Display *display, uint32_t *ppalette, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)
void Graphics_initOffscreen8BppImage (Graphics_Display *display, uint8_t *image, int32_t width, int32_t height)
void Graphics_setOffscreen8BppPalette (Graphics_Display *display, uint32_t *ppalette, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count)


const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm12
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm12b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm12i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm14
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm14b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm14i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm16
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm16b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm16i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm18
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm18b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm18i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm20
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm20b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm20i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm22
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm22b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm22i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm24
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm24b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm24i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm26
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm26b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm26i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm28
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm28b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm28i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm30
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm30b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm30i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm32
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm32b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm32i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm34
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm34b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm34i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm36
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm36b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm36i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm38
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm38b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm38i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm40
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm40b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm40i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm42
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm42b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm42i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm44
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm44b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm44i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm46
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm46b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm46i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm48
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm48b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCm48i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc12
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc14
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc16
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc18
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc20
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc22
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc24
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc26
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc28
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc30
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc32
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc34
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc36
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc38
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc40
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc42
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc44
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc46
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmsc48
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss12
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss12b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss12i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss14
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss14b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss14i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss16
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss16b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss16i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss18
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss18b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss18i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss20
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss20b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss20i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss22
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss22b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss22i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss24
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss24b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss24i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss26
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss26b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss26i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss28
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss28b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss28i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss30
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss30b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss30i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss32
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss32b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss32i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss34
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss34b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss34i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss36
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss36b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss36i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss38
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss38b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss38i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss40
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss40b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss40i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss42
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss42b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss42i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss44
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss44b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss44i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss46
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss46b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss46i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss48
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss48b
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmss48i
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt12
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt14
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt16
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt18
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt20
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt22
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt24
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt26
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt28
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt30
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt32
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt34
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt36
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt38
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt40
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt42
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt44
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt46
const Graphics_Font g_sFontCmtt48
const Graphics_Font g_sFontFixed6x8

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


Value to automatically draw the entire length of the string (subject to clipping)


A marker used in the format field of a font to indicates that the font data is stored using the new tFontEx structure.


Indicates that the font data is stored using a pixel-based RLE format and uses the tFontEx structure format.


Indicates that the font data is stored in an uncompressed format and uses the tFontEx structure format.


Indicates that the image data is compressed with 4 bit Run Length Encoding and represents each pixel with a single bit.


Indicates that the image data is compressed with 7 bit Run Length Encoding and represents each pixel with a single bit.


Indicates that the image data is compressed with 8 bit Run Length Encoding and represents each pixel with a single bit.


Indicates that the image data is not compressed and represents each pixel with a single bit.


Indicates that the image data is compressed with 4 bit Run Length Encoding and represents each pixel with two bits.


Indicates that the image data is compressed with 8 bit Run Length Encoding and represents each pixel with two bits.


Indicates that the image data is not compressed and represents each pixel with two bits.


Indicates that the image data is compressed with 4 bit Run Length Encoding and represents each pixel with four bits.


Indicates that the image data is compressed with 8 bit Run Length Encoding and represents each pixel with four bits.


Indicates that the image data is not compressed and represents each pixel with four bits.


Indicates that the image data is compressed with 8 bit Run Length Encoding and represents each pixel with eight bits.


Indicates that the image data is compressed and represents each pixel with info bits.


Indicates that the image data is not compressed and represents each pixel with eight bits.


Value to draw text opaque The text foreground and background are drawn together


Value to draw text transparently The text only (no background) is drawn

Function Documentation

void Graphics_clearDisplay ( const Graphics_Context context)

Forces a clear screen. Contents of Display buffer unmodified

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.

This function forces a clear screen.

void Graphics_clearDisplayOnDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display,
uint16_t  value 

Forces a clear Display.

displayis the pointer to the display driver structure for the display to operate upon.
valueis the current background color to fill the screen with.

This function clears the Display

void Graphics_drawCircle ( const Graphics_Context context,
int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
int32_t  radius 

Draws a circle.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
xis the X coordinate of the center of the circle.
yis the Y coordinate of the center of the circle.
radiusis the radius of the circle.

This function draws a circle, utilizing the Bresenham circle drawing algorithm. The extent of the circle is from x - radius to x + radius and y - radius to y + radius, inclusive.

void Graphics_drawHorizontalLineOnDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display,
uint16_t  x1,
uint16_t  x2,
uint16_t  y,
uint32_t  value 

Draws a horizontal line on a display.

displayis the pointer to the display driver structure for the display to operate upon.
x1is the starting X coordinate of the line.
x2is the ending X coordinate of the line.
yis the Y coordinate of the line.
valueis the color to draw the line.

This function draws a horizontal line on a display. This assumes that clipping has already been performed, and that both end points of the line are within the extents of the display.

void Graphics_drawImage ( const Graphics_Context context,
const Graphics_Image bitmap,
int16_t  x,
int16_t  y 

Draws a bitmap image.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
bitmapis a pointer to the image to draw.
xis the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the image.
yis the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the image.

This function draws a bitmap image. The image may be 1 bit per pixel, 4 bits per pixel or 8 bits per pixel (using a palette supplied in the image data). It can be uncompressed data, or it can be compressed using several different compression types. Compression options are 4-bit run length encoding, 8-bit run length encoding, and a custom run length encoding variation written for complex 8-bit per pixel images.

void Graphics_drawLine ( const Graphics_Context context,
int32_t  x1,
int32_t  y1,
int32_t  x2,
int32_t  y2 

Draws a line.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
x1is the X coordinate of the start of the line.
y1is the Y coordinate of the start of the line.
x2is the X coordinate of the end of the line.
y2is the Y coordinate of the end of the line.

This function draws a line, utilizing Graphics_drawLineH() and Graphics_drawLineV() to draw the line as efficiently as possible. The line is clipped to the clippping rectangle using the Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithm, and then scan converted using Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.

void Graphics_drawLineH ( const Graphics_Context context,
int32_t  x1,
int32_t  x2,
int32_t  y 

Draws a horizontal line.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
x1is the X coordinate of one end of the line.
x2is the X coordinate of the other end of the line.
yis the Y coordinate of the line.

This function draws a horizontal line, taking advantage of the fact that the line is horizontal to draw it more efficiently. The clipping of the horizontal line to the clipping rectangle is performed within this routine; the display driver's horizontal line routine is used to perform the actual line drawing.

void Graphics_drawLineV ( const Graphics_Context context,
int32_t  x,
int32_t  y1,
int32_t  y2 

Draws a vertical line.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
xis the X coordinate of the line.
y1is the Y coordinate of one end of the line.
y2is the Y coordinate of the other end of the line.

This function draws a vertical line, taking advantage of the fact that the line is vertical to draw it more efficiently. The clipping of the vertical line to the clipping rectangle is performed within this routine; the display driver's vertical line routine is used to perform the actual line drawing.

void Graphics_drawMultiplePixelsOnDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display,
uint16_t  x,
uint16_t  y,
uint16_t  x0,
uint16_t  count,
uint16_t  bPP,
const uint8_t *  data,
const uint32_t *  palette 

Draws a horizontal sequence of pixels on a display.

displayis the pointer to the display driver structure for the display to operate upon.
xis the X coordinate of the first pixel.
yis the Y coordinate of the first pixel.
x0is sub-pixel offset within the pixel data, which is valid for 1 or 4 bit per pixel formats.
countis the number of pixels to draw.
bPPis the number of bits per pixel; must be 1, 4, or 8.
datais a pointer to the pixel data. For 1 and 4 bit per pixel formats, the most significant bit(s) represent the left-most pixel.
paletteis a pointer to the palette used to draw the pixels.

This function draws a horizontal sequence of pixels on a display, using the supplied palette. For 1 bit per pixel format, the palette contains pre-translated colors; for 4 and 8 bit per pixel formats, the palette contains 24-bit RGB values that must be translated before being written to the display.

void Graphics_drawPixel ( const Graphics_Context context,
uint16_t  x,
uint16_t  y 

Draws a pixel.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
xis the X coordinate of the pixel.
yis the Y coordinate of the pixel.

This function draws a pixel if it resides within the clipping region.

void Graphics_drawPixelOnDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display,
uint16_t  x,
uint16_t  y,
uint16_t  value 

Draws a pixel on a display.

displayis the pointer to the display driver structure for the display to operate upon.
xis the X coordinate of the pixel.
yis the Y coordinate of the pixel.
valueis the color to draw the pixel.

This function draws a pixel on a display. This assumes that clipping has already been performed.

void Graphics_drawRectangle ( const Graphics_Context context,
const Graphics_Rectangle rect 

Draws a rectangle.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
rectis a pointer to the structure containing the extents of the rectangle.

This function draws a rectangle. The rectangle will extend from xMin to xMax and yMin to yMax, inclusive.

void Graphics_drawString ( const Graphics_Context context,
int8_t *  string,
int32_t  length,
int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
bool  opaque 

Draws a string.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
stringis a pointer to the string to be drawn.
lengthis the number of characters from the string that should be drawn on the screen.
xis the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the string position on the screen.
yis the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the string position on the screen.
opaqueis true if the background of each character should be drawn and false if it should not (leaving the background as is).

This function draws a string of test on the screen. The length parameter allows a portion of the string to be examined without having to insert a NULL character at the stopping point (which would not be possible if the string was located in flash); specifying a length of -1 will cause the entire string to be rendered (subject to clipping).

void Graphics_drawStringCentered ( const Graphics_Context context,
int8_t *  string,
int32_t  length,
int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
bool  opaque 

Draws a centered string.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
stringis a pointer to the string to be drawn.
lengthis the number of characters from the string that should be drawn on the screen.
xis the X coordinate of the center of the string position on the screen.
yis the Y coordinate of the center of the string position on the screen.
opaqueis true if the background of each character should be drawn and false if it should not (leaving the background as is).

This function draws a string of test on the screen centered upon the provided position. The lLength parameter allows a portion of the string to be examined without having to insert a NULL character at the stopping point (which would not be possible if the string was located in flash); specifying a length of -1 will cause the entire string to be rendered (subject to clipping).

void Graphics_drawVerticalLineOnDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display,
uint16_t  x,
uint16_t  y1,
uint16_t  y2,
uint16_t  value 

Draws a vertical line on a display.

displayis the pointer to the display driver structure for the display to operate upon.
xis the X coordinate of the line.
y1is the starting Y coordinate of the line.
y2is the ending Y coordinate of the line.
valueis the color to draw the line.

This function draws a vertical line on a display. This assumes that clipping has already been performed, and that both end points of the line are within the extents of the display.

void Graphics_fillCircle ( const Graphics_Context context,
int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
int32_t  radius 

Draws a filled circle.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
xis the X coordinate of the center of the circle.
yis the Y coordinate of the center of the circle.
radiusis the radius of the circle.

This function draws a filled circle, utilizing the Bresenham circle drawing algorithm. The extent of the circle is from x - radius to x + radius and y - radius to y + radius, inclusive.

void Graphics_fillRectangle ( const Graphics_Context context,
const Graphics_Rectangle rect 

Draws a filled rectangle.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
rectis a pointer to the structure containing the extents of the rectangle.

This function draws a filled rectangle. The rectangle will extend from xMin to xMax and yMin to yMax, inclusive. The clipping of the rectangle to the clipping rectangle is performed within this routine; the display driver's rectangle fill routine is used to perform the actual rectangle fill.

void Graphics_fillRectangleOnDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display,
const Graphics_Rectangle rect,
uint16_t  value 

Fills a rectangle on a display.

displayis the pointer to the display driver structure for the display to operate upon.
rectis a pointer to the structure describing the rectangle to fill.
valueis the color to fill the rectangle.

This function fills a rectangle on the display. This assumes that clipping has already been performed, and that all sides of the rectangle are within the extents of the display.

void Graphics_flushBuffer ( const Graphics_Context context)

Flushes any cached drawing operations.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.

This function flushes any cached drawing operations. For display drivers that draw into a local frame buffer before writing to the actual display, calling this function will cause the display to be updated to match the contents of the local frame buffer.

void Graphics_flushOnDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display)

Flushes cached drawing operations.

displayis the pointer to the display driver structure for the display to operate upon.

This function flushes any cached drawing operations on a display.

uint16_t Graphics_getDisplayHeight ( Graphics_Context context)

Gets the height of the display being used by this drawing context.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to query.

This function returns the height of the display that is being used by this drawing context.

Returns the height of the display in pixels.
uint16_t Graphics_getDisplayWidth ( Graphics_Context context)

Gets the width of the display being used by this drawing context.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to query.

This function returns the width of the display that is being used by this drawing context.

Returns the width of the display in pixels.
uint8_t Graphics_getFontBaseline ( const Graphics_Font font)

Gets the baseline of a font.

fontis a pointer to the font to query.

This function determines the baseline position of a font. The baseline is the offset between the top of the font and the bottom of the capital letters. The only font data that exists below the baseline are the descenders on some lower-case letters (such as ``y'').

Returns the baseline of the font, in pixels.
uint8_t Graphics_getFontHeight ( const Graphics_Font font)

Gets the height of a font.

fontis a pointer to the font to query.

This function determines the height of a font. The height is the offset between the top of the font and the bottom of the font, including any ascenders and descenders.

Returns the height of the font, in pixels.
uint8_t Graphics_getFontMaxWidth ( const Graphics_Font font)

Gets the maximum width of a font.

fontis a pointer to the font to query.

This function determines the maximum width of a font. The maximum width is the width of the widest individual character in the font.

Returns the maximum width of the font, in pixels.
uint16_t Graphics_getHeightOfDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display)

Gets the height of the display.

displayis a pointer to the display driver structure for the display to query.

This function determines the height of the display.

Returns the height of the display in pixels.
uint16_t Graphics_getImageColors ( const Graphics_Image image)

Gets the number of colors in an image.

imageis a tImage struct

This function determines the number of colors in the palette of an image. This is only valid for 4bpp and 8bpp images; 1bpp images do not contain a palette.

Returns the number of colors in the image.
uint16_t Graphics_getImageHeight ( const Graphics_Image image)

Gets the height of an image.

imageis a tImage struct

This function determines the height of an image in pixels.

Returns the height of the image in pixels.
uint16_t Graphics_getImageWidth ( const Graphics_Image image)

Gets the width of an image.

imageis a tImage struct

This function determines the width of an image in pixels.

Returns the width of the image in pixels.
uint32_t Graphics_getOffscreen1BppImageSize ( uint16_t  width,
uint16_t  height 

Determines the size of the buffer for a 1 BPP off-screen image.

widthis the width of the image in pixels.
heightis the height of the image in pixels.

This function determines the size of the memory buffer required to hold a 1 BPP off-screen image of the specified geometry.

Returns the number of bytes required by the image.
uint32_t Graphics_getOffscreen4BppImageSize ( uint16_t  width,
uint16_t  height 

Determines the size of the buffer for a 4 BPP off-screen image.

widthis the width of the image in pixels.
heightis the height of the image in pixels.

This function determines the size of the memory buffer required to hold a 4 BPP off-screen image of the specified geometry.

Returns the number of bytes required by the image.
uint32_t Graphics_getOffScreen8BPPSize ( uint16_t  width,
uint16_t  height 

Determines the size of the buffer for an 8 BPP off-screen image.

widthis the width of the image in pixels.
heightis the height of the image in pixels.

This function determines the size of the memory buffer required to hold an 8 BPP off-screen image of the specified geometry.

Returns the number of bytes required by the image.
int32_t Graphics_getRectangleIntersection ( Graphics_Rectangle rect1,
Graphics_Rectangle rect2,
Graphics_Rectangle intersect 

Determines the intersection of two rectangles.

rect1is a pointer to the first rectangle.
rect2is a pointer to the second rectangle.
intersectis a pointer to a rectangle which will be written with the intersection of rect1 and rect2.

This function determines if two rectangles overlap and, if they do, calculates the rectangle representing their intersection. If the rectangles do not overlap, 0 is returned and intersect is not written.

Returns 1 if there is an overlap or 0 if not.
uint8_t Graphics_getStringBaseline ( const Graphics_Context context)

Gets the baseline of a string.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to query.

This function determines the baseline position of a string. The baseline is the offset between the top of the string and the bottom of the capital letters. The only string data that exists below the baseline are the descenders on some lower-case letters (such as ``y'').

Returns the baseline of the string, in pixels.
uint8_t Graphics_getStringHeight ( const Graphics_Context context)

Gets the height of a string.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to query.

This function determines the height of a string. The height is the offset between the top of the string and the bottom of the string, including any ascenders and descenders. Note that this will not account for the case where the string in question does not have any characters that use descenders but the font in the drawing context does contain characters with descenders.

Returns the height of the string, in pixels.
uint8_t Graphics_getStringMaxWidth ( const Graphics_Context context)

Gets the maximum width of a character in a string.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to query.

This function determines the maximum width of a character in a string. The maximum width is the width of the widest individual character in the font used to render the string, which may be wider than the widest character that is used to render a particular string.

Returns the maximum width of a character in a string, in pixels.
int32_t Graphics_getStringWidth ( const Graphics_Context context,
const int8_t *  string,
int32_t  length 

Determines the width of a string.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
stringis the string in question.
lengthis the length of the string.

This function determines the width of a string (or portion of the string) when drawn with a particular font. The length parameter allows a portion of the string to be examined without having to insert a NULL character at the stopping point (would not be possible if the string was located in flash); specifying a length of -1 will cause the width of the entire string to be computed.

Returns the width of the string in pixels.
uint16_t Graphics_getWidthOfDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display)

Gets the width of the display.

displayis a pointer to the display driver structure for the display to query.

This function determines the width of the display.

Returns the width of the display in pixels.
void Graphics_initContext ( Graphics_Context context,
Graphics_Display display,
const Graphics_Display_Functions pFxns 

Initializes a drawing context.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to initialize.
displayis a pointer to the Graphics_Display Info structure that describes the display driver to use.
pFxnsisa pointer to driver functions.

This function initializes a drawing context, preparing it for use. The provided display driver will be used for all subsequent graphics operations, and the default clipping region will be set to the extent of the screen.

bool Graphics_isPointWithinRectangle ( const Graphics_Rectangle rect,
uint16_t  x,
uint16_t  y 

Determines if a point lies within a given rectangle.

rectis a pointer to the rectangle which the point is to be checked against.
xis the X coordinate of the point to be checked.
yis the Y coordinate of the point to be checked.

This function determines whether point (x, y) lies within the rectangle described by rect.

Returns 1 if the point is within the rectangle or 0 otherwise.
void Graphics_setBackgroundColor ( Graphics_Context context,
int32_t  value 

Sets the background color to be used.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
valueis the 24-bit RGB color to be used.

This function sets the background color to be used for drawing operations in the specified drawing context.

void Graphics_setClipRegion ( Graphics_Context context,
Graphics_Rectangle rect 

Sets the extents of the clipping region.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to use.
rectis a pointer to the structure containing the extents of the clipping region.

This function sets the extents of the clipping region. The clipping region is not allowed to exceed the extents of the screen, but may be a portion of the screen.

The supplied coordinate are inclusive; xMin of 1 and xMax of 1 will define a clipping region that will display only the pixels in the X = 1 column. A consequence of this is that the clipping region must contain at least one row and one column.

void Graphics_setFont ( Graphics_Context context,
const Graphics_Font font 

Sets the font to be used.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
fontis a pointer to the font to be used.

This function sets the font to be used for string drawing operations in the specified drawing context. If a tFontEx type font is to be used, cast its pointer to a font pointer before passing it as the font parameter.

void Graphics_setForegroundColor ( Graphics_Context context,
int32_t  value 

Sets the foreground color to be used.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
valueis the 24-bit RGB color to be used.

This function sets the color to be used for drawing operations in the specified drawing context.

void Graphics_setForegroundColorTranslated ( Graphics_Context context,
int32_t  value 

Sets the foreground color to be used.

contextis a pointer to the drawing context to modify.
valueis the display driver-specific color to be used.

This function sets the foreground color to be used for drawing operations in the specified drawing context, using a color that has been previously translated to a driver-specific color (for example, via Graphics_translateColorDisplay()).

uint32_t Graphics_translateColorOnDisplay ( const Graphics_Display display,
uint32_t  value 

Translates a 24-bit RGB color to a display driver-specific color.

displayis the pointer to the display driver structure for the display to operate upon.
valueis the 24-bit RGB color. The least-significant byte is the blue channel, the next byte is the green channel, and the third byte is the red channel.

This function translates a 24-bit RGB color into a value that can be written into the display's frame buffer in order to reproduce that color, or the closest possible approximation of that color.

Returns the display-driver specific color.