

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_cartesianToPolarVector (VCELPF3_ComplexVector *vec, VCELPF3_ComplexVector *result)
 VCE function for converting a complex vector in cartesian format to polar format. More...
int_fast16_t VCELPF3_polarToCartesianVector (VCELPF3_ComplexVector *vec, float complex *temp, VCELPF3_ComplexVector *result)
 VCE function for converting a complex vector in polar format to cartesian format. More...
int_fast16_t VCELPF3_sortVector (VCELPF3_ComplexVector *vec, VCELPF3_ComplexVector *result)
 VCE function for sorting the real parts of a complex vector in descending order. This function ignores the complex parts of each element and makes no guarantees to their contents after the operation is complete. More...
int_fast16_t VCELPF3_covMatrixSpatialSmoothing (VCELPF3_ComplexVector *vec, uint16_t covMatrixSize, bool fbAveraging, VCELPF3_ComplexTriangleMatrix *result)
 VCE function for covariance matrix computation using spatial smoothing and optionally forward-backward averaging. More...
int_fast16_t VCELPF3_computeFFT (VCELPF3_ComplexVector *vec, bool inverse, VCELPF3_ComplexVector *result)
 VCE function for computing the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a complex vector using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Optionally, the Inverse DFT can be computed. Combines two VCE operations; first configuring the VCE for a fourier transform, then actually computing it. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

§ VCELPF3_cartesianToPolarVector()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_cartesianToPolarVector ( VCELPF3_ComplexVector vec,
VCELPF3_ComplexVector result 

VCE function for converting a complex vector in cartesian format to polar format.

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]veca pointer to an input vector in cartesian format
[out]resulta pointer to the vector where the output will be placed. Its size should be the same as that of the inputs.
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.

§ VCELPF3_polarToCartesianVector()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_polarToCartesianVector ( VCELPF3_ComplexVector vec,
float complex *  temp,
VCELPF3_ComplexVector result 

VCE function for converting a complex vector in polar format to cartesian format.

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]veca pointer to an input vector in cartesian format
[in]tempa pointer to a temporary vector of the same length as vec to store temporary results. If the vec and result are not in VCE memory, this argument is ignored and the temp vector is placed after the result in VCE memory.
[out]resulta pointer to a vector where the output will be placed. Its size should be the same as that of the inputs.
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.
VCELPF3_STATUS_ERRORThe temp vector was not in VCE space.

§ VCELPF3_sortVector()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_sortVector ( VCELPF3_ComplexVector vec,
VCELPF3_ComplexVector result 

VCE function for sorting the real parts of a complex vector in descending order. This function ignores the complex parts of each element and makes no guarantees to their contents after the operation is complete.

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]veca pointer to an input vector to be sorted
[out]resulta pointer to a vector where the output will be placed. Its size should be the same as that of the inputs.
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.

§ VCELPF3_covMatrixSpatialSmoothing()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_covMatrixSpatialSmoothing ( VCELPF3_ComplexVector vec,
uint16_t  covMatrixSize,
bool  fbAveraging,
VCELPF3_ComplexTriangleMatrix result 

VCE function for covariance matrix computation using spatial smoothing and optionally forward-backward averaging.

Given a received signal length N, a smaller matrix (LxL) with L < N is created by averaging (N-L+1) overlapped covariance matrices. When forward-backward averaging is applied, the output matrix becomes:

Rfb = 1/2(R + J * R' * J)

Where R is the spacially smoother matrix and J is the exchange matrix. R' signifies the conjugate transpose of R.

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]veca pointer to an input vector
[in]covMatrixSizesize of the output covariance matrix. The output triangular matrix will have rows and columns equal to this value.
[in]fbAveragingwhether or not to perform forward-backwards averaging
[out]resulta pointer to a upper triangle matrix where the output will be placed
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.

§ VCELPF3_computeFFT()

int_fast16_t VCELPF3_computeFFT ( VCELPF3_ComplexVector vec,
bool  inverse,
VCELPF3_ComplexVector result 

VCE function for computing the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a complex vector using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Optionally, the Inverse DFT can be computed. Combines two VCE operations; first configuring the VCE for a fourier transform, then actually computing it.

VCELPF3_init() has to be called first.
[in]veca pointer to an input vector. The vector needs to have a size equal to a power of two.
[in]inversewhether or not to perform IFFT instead of DFT
[out]resulta pointer to a vector where the output will be placed
See ti_drivers_VCE_DataManagement for directions on efficient VCE memory management.
A status code indicating whether the VCE operation was a success.
Return values
VCELPF3_STATUS_SUCCESSThe call was successful.
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