Flash Layout for Dual-Image OAD

This section will describe the method for placing images in internal flash when using dual-image OAD.

Constraints and Requirements for Dual-Image

The following points must be considered for Dual-Image OAD applications:

  • The user application must be sufficiently small in order to fit into the flash layout system described below.

  • Only one operational user application image may be stored in flash at any time.

Internal Flash Memory Layout

The internal flash of the device contains the active application, the download application and the MCUBoot bootloader. Each application’s role is defined below.

Application Name


MCUBoot bootloader

  • Search for the proper image in FLASH

  • Ensure validity and security of image before running

  • Jump to the valid and newest image

Download application

  • Providing download area equivalent to the active application space

Active application

  • Active application

  • Must implement OAD reset service


The active application pictured above is responsible for the following:

  • Implementing the protocol stack definition of the OAD reset service

  • Implementing customer defined behavior

The download application pictured above is responsible for the following:

  • Memory area equivalent to the active application flash which is available for storage once the over-the-air download begins

The location of the download application varies depending on the flash size available for the selected device variant. This is done to maximize the active application space.

Refer to the linker command file (.cmd) define to further determine where precisely the each application is located.


The description above provides the starting flash layout for dual images.