CC26xx Driver Library
[pka.h] Public Key Accelerator

Data Structures

union  PKA_EccParam224
union  PKA_EccParam256
union  PKA_EccParam384
union  PKA_EccParam512
union  PKA_EccParam521
struct  PKA_EccPoint224_
struct  PKA_EccPoint256_
struct  PKA_EccPoint384_
struct  PKA_EccPoint512_
struct  PKA_EccPoint521_


uint32_t PKAGetOpsStatus (void)
 Gets the PKA operation status. More...
bool PKAArrayAllZeros (const uint8_t *array, uint32_t arrayLength)
 Checks whether and array only consists of zeros. More...
void PKAZeroOutArray (const uint8_t *array, uint32_t arrayLength)
 Zeros-out an array. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumModStart (const uint8_t *bigNum, uint32_t bigNumLength, const uint8_t *modulus, uint32_t modulusLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts a big number modulus operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumModGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t length, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the big number modulus operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumDivideStart (const uint8_t *dividend, uint32_t dividendLength, const uint8_t *divisor, uint32_t divisorLength, uint32_t *resultQuotientMemAddr, uint32_t *resultRemainderMemAddr)
 Starts a big number divide operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumDivideGetQuotient (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *length, uint32_t resultQuotientMemAddr)
 Gets the quotient of the big number divide operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumDivideGetRemainder (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *length, uint32_t resultRemainderMemAddr)
 Gets the remainder of the big number divide operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumCmpStart (const uint8_t *bigNum1, const uint8_t *bigNum2, uint32_t length)
 Starts the comparison of two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumCmpGetResult (void)
 Gets the result of the comparison operation of two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumInvModStart (const uint8_t *bigNum, uint32_t bigNumLength, const uint8_t *modulus, uint32_t modulusLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts a big number inverse modulo operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumInvModGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t length, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the big number inverse modulo operation. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumMultiplyStart (const uint8_t *multiplicand, uint32_t multiplicandLength, const uint8_t *multiplier, uint32_t multiplierLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts the multiplication of two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumMultGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the big number multiplication. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumAddStart (const uint8_t *bigNum1, uint32_t bigNum1Length, const uint8_t *bigNum2, uint32_t bigNum2Length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts the addition of two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumAddGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the addition operation on two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumSubStart (const uint8_t *minuend, uint32_t minuendLength, const uint8_t *subtrahend, uint32_t subtrahendLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts the subtraction of one big number from another. More...
uint32_t PKABigNumSubGetResult (uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
 Gets the result of the subtraction operation on two big numbers. More...
uint32_t PKAEccMultiplyStart (const uint8_t *scalar, const uint8_t *curvePointX, const uint8_t *curvePointY, const uint8_t *prime, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, uint32_t length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts ECC multiplication. More...
uint32_t PKAEccMontgomeryMultiplyStart (const uint8_t *scalar, const uint8_t *curvePointX, const uint8_t *prime, const uint8_t *a, uint32_t length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts ECC Montgomery multiplication. More...
uint32_t PKAEccMultiplyGetResult (uint8_t *curvePointX, uint8_t *curvePointY, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr, uint32_t length)
 Gets the result of ECC multiplication. More...
uint32_t PKAEccAddStart (const uint8_t *curvePoint1X, const uint8_t *curvePoint1Y, const uint8_t *curvePoint2X, const uint8_t *curvePoint2Y, const uint8_t *prime, const uint8_t *a, uint32_t length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
 Starts the ECC addition. More...
uint32_t PKAEccAddGetResult (uint8_t *curvePointX, uint8_t *curvePointY, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr, uint32_t length)
 Gets the result of the ECC addition. More...
uint32_t PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart (const uint8_t *curvePointX, const uint8_t *curvePointY, const uint8_t *prime, const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b, const uint8_t *order, uint32_t length)
 Begins the validation of a public key against a Short-Weierstrass curve. More...


const PKA_EccPoint224 NISTP224_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP224 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_prime
 Prime of the NISTP224 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_a
 a constant of the NISTP224 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_b
 b constant of the NISTP224 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_order
 Order of the NISTP224 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint256 NISTP256_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP256 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_prime
 Prime of the NISTP256 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_a
 a constant of the NISTP256 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_b
 b constant of the NISTP256 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_order
 Order of the NISTP256 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint384 NISTP384_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP384 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_prime
 Prime of the NISTP384 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_a
 a constant of the NISTP384 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_b
 b constant of the NISTP384 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_order
 Order of the NISTP384 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint521 NISTP521_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP521 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_prime
 Prime of the NISTP521 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_a
 a constant of the NISTP521 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_b
 b constant of the NISTP521 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_order
 Order of the NISTP521 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint256 BrainpoolP256R1_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_prime
 Prime of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_a
 a constant of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_b
 b constant of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_order
 Order of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint384 BrainpoolP384R1_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_prime
 Prime of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_a
 a constant of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_b
 b constant of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_order
 Order of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint512 BrainpoolP512R1_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_prime
 Prime of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_a
 a constant of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_b
 b constant of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b). More...
const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_order
 Order of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve. More...
const PKA_EccPoint256 Curve25519_generator
 X coordinate of the generator point of the Curve25519 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_prime
 Prime of the Curve25519 curve. More...
const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_a
 a constant of the Curve25519 curve when expressed in Montgomery form (By^2 = x^3 + a*x^2 + x). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_b
 b constant of the Curve25519 curve when expressed in Montgomery form (By^2 = x^3 + a*x^2 + x). More...
const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_order
 Order of the Curve25519 curve. More...

Detailed Description


The PKA (Public Key Accelerator) API provides access to the Large Number Engine (LNME). The LNME allows for efficient math operations on numbers larger than those that fit within the ALU of the system CPU. It is significantly faster to perform these operations using the LNME than implementing the same functionality in software using regular word-wise math operations. While the LNME runs in the background, the system CPU may perform other operations or be turned off.

The LNME supports both primitive math operations and serialized primitive operations (sequencer operations).

These primitives and sequencer operations can be used to implement various public key encryption schemes. It is possible to implement the following schemes using the operations mentioned above:

The DriverLib PKA functions copy the relevant parameters into the dedicated PKA RAM. The LNME requires these parameters be present and correctly formatted in the PKA RAM and not system RAM. They are copied word-wise as the PKA RAM does not support byte-wise access. The CPU handles the alignment differences during the memory copy operation. Forcing buffer alignment in system RAM results in a significant speedup of the copy operation compared to unaligned buffers.

When the operation completes, the result is copied back into a buffer in system RAM specified by the application. The PKA RAM is then cleared to prevent sensitive keying material from remaining in PKA RAM.

Function Documentation

bool PKAArrayAllZeros ( const uint8_t *  array,
uint32_t  arrayLength 

Checks whether and array only consists of zeros.

[in]arrayis the array to check.
[in]arrayLengthis the length of the array.
Returns true if the array contains only zeros and false if one or more bits are set.
897 {
898  uint32_t i;
899  uint8_t arrayBits = 0;
901  // We could speed things up by comparing word-wise rather than byte-wise.
902  // However, this extra overhead is inconsequential compared to running an
903  // actual PKA operation. Especially ECC operations.
904  for (i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
905  arrayBits |= array[i];
906  }
908  if (arrayBits) {
909  return false;
910  }
911  else {
912  return true;
913  }
915 }
uint32_t PKABigNumAddGetResult ( uint8_t *  resultBuf,
uint32_t *  resultLength,
uint32_t  resultPKAMemAddr 

Gets the result of the addition operation on two big numbers.

[out]resultBufis the pointer to buffer where the result needs to be stored.
[in,out]resultLengthis the address of the variable containing the length of the buffer. After the operation the actual length of the resultant is stored at this address.
[in]resultPKAMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKABigNumAddStart().
Returns a status code.
See also

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

1303 {
1304  return PKAGetBigNumResult(resultBuf, resultLength, resultPKAMemAddr);
1305 }
static uint32_t PKAGetBigNumResult(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Definition: pka.c:658

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumAddStart ( const uint8_t *  bigNum1,
uint32_t  bigNum1Length,
const uint8_t *  bigNum2,
uint32_t  bigNum2Length,
uint32_t *  resultPKAMemAddr 

Starts the addition of two big numbers.

[in]bigNum1is the pointer to the buffer containing the first big number.
[in]bigNum1Lengthis the size of the first big number in bytes.
[in]bigNum2is the pointer to the buffer containing the second big number.
[in]bigNum2Lengthis the size of the second big number in bytes.
[out]resultPKAMemAddris the pointer to the result vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

1222 {
1223  uint32_t offset = 0;
1225  // Check for arguments.
1226  ASSERT(bigNum1);
1227  ASSERT(bigNum2);
1228  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
1230  // Make sure no operation is in progress.
1233  }
1235  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(bigNum1, bigNum1Length, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1237  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(bigNum2, bigNum2Length, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1239  // Copy the result vector address location.
1240  *resultPKAMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1242  // Load C pointer with the result location in PKA RAM.
1243  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_CPTR) = offset >> 2;
1245  // Set the function for the add operation and start the operation.
1248  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1249 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumCmpGetResult ( void  )

Gets the result of the comparison operation of two big numbers.

This function provides the results of the comparison of two big numbers which was started using the PKABigNumCmpStart().

Returns a status code.
See also

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

1092 {
1093  uint32_t status;
1095  // verify that the operation is complete.
1098  }
1100  // Check the COMPARE register.
1101  switch(HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_COMPARE)) {
1103  status = PKA_STATUS_EQUAL;
1104  break;
1108  break;
1111  status = PKA_STATUS_A_LESS_THAN_B;
1112  break;
1114  default:
1115  status = PKA_STATUS_FAILURE;
1116  break;
1117  }
1119  return status;
1120 }
Definition: pka.h:121
Big number compare return status if the first big number is equal to the second.
Definition: pka.h:127
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Big number compare return status if the first big number is less than the second. ...
Definition: pka.h:126
Big number compare return status if the first big number is greater than the second.
Definition: pka.h:125
uint32_t PKABigNumCmpStart ( const uint8_t *  bigNum1,
const uint8_t *  bigNum2,
uint32_t  length 

Starts the comparison of two big numbers.

This function starts the comparison of two big numbers pointed by bigNum1 and bigNum2.

bigNum1 and bigNum2 must have same size.
[in]bigNum1is the pointer to the first big number.
[in]bigNum2is the pointer to the second big number.
[in]lengthis the size of the big numbers in bytes.
Returns a status code.
See also

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

1063 {
1064  uint32_t offset = 0;
1066  // Check the arguments.
1067  ASSERT(bigNum1);
1068  ASSERT(bigNum2);
1070  // Make sure no operation is in progress.
1073  }
1075  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(bigNum1, length, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1077  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(bigNum2, length, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1079  // Set the PKA Function register for the Compare operation
1080  // and start the operation.
1083  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1084 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumDivideGetQuotient ( uint8_t *  resultBuf,
uint32_t *  length,
uint32_t  resultQuotientMemAddr 

Gets the quotient of the big number divide operation.

This function gets the quotient of the big number divide operation which was previously started using the function PKABigNumDivideStart().

[out]resultBufis the pointer to buffer where the result needs to be stored.
[in]lengthis the size of the provided buffer in bytes.
[in]resultQuotientMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKABigNumDivideStart().
Returns a status code.
See also
1042 {
1043  return PKAGetBigNumResult(resultBuf, length, resultQuotientMemAddr);
1044 }
static uint32_t PKAGetBigNumResult(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Definition: pka.c:658

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumDivideGetRemainder ( uint8_t *  resultBuf,
uint32_t *  length,
uint32_t  resultRemainderMemAddr 

Gets the remainder of the big number divide operation.

This function gets the remainder of the big number divide operation which was previously started using the function PKABigNumDivideStart().

[out]resultBufis the pointer to buffer where the result needs to be stored.
[in]lengthis the size of the provided buffer in bytes.
[in]resultRemainderMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKABigNumDivideStart().
Returns a status code.
See also
1052 {
1053  return PKAGetBigNumResultRemainder(resultBuf, length, resultQuotientMemAddr);
1054 }
static uint32_t PKAGetBigNumResultRemainder(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Definition: pka.c:729

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumDivideStart ( const uint8_t *  dividend,
uint32_t  dividendLength,
const uint8_t *  divisor,
uint32_t  divisorLength,
uint32_t *  resultQuotientMemAddr,
uint32_t *  resultRemainderMemAddr 

Starts a big number divide operation.

This function starts the dive operation on the big number bigNum using the divisor. The PKA RAM location where the result will be available is stored in resultPKAMemAddr.

[in]dividendis the pointer to the big number to be divided.
[in]dividendLengthis the size of the big number dividend in bytes.
[in]divisoris the pointer to the divisor.
[in]divisorLengthis the size of the divisor in bytes.
[out]resultQuotientMemAddris the pointer to the quotient vector location which will be set by this function.
[out]resultRemainderMemAddris the pointer to the remainder vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also
996 {
997  uint32_t offset = 0;
999  // Check the arguments.
1000  ASSERT(dividend);
1001  ASSERT(divisor);
1002  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
1004  // Make sure no operation is in progress.
1007  }
1009  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(dividend, dividendLength, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1011  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(divisor, divisorLength, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1013  // Copy the remainder result vector address location.
1014  if (resultRemainderMemAddr) {
1015  *resultRemainderMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1016  }
1018  // The remainder cannot ever be larger than the divisor. It should fit inside
1019  // a buffer of that size.
1020  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(0, divisorLength, offset, PKA_O_CPTR);
1022  // Copy the remainder result vector address location.
1023  if (resultQuotientMemAddr) {
1024  *resultQuotientMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1025  }
1027  // Load D pointer with the quotient location in PKA RAM
1028  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_DPTR) = offset >> 2;
1030  // Start the PKCP modulo operation by setting the PKA Function register.
1033  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1034 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:647
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumInvModGetResult ( uint8_t *  resultBuf,
uint32_t  length,
uint32_t  resultPKAMemAddr 

Gets the result of the big number inverse modulo operation.

This function gets the result of the big number inverse modulo operation previously started using the function PKABigNumInvModStart(). The function will zero-out resultBuf prior to copying in the result of the inverse modulo operation.

[out]resultBufis the pointer to buffer where the result needs to be stored.
[in]lengthis the size of the provided buffer in bytes.
[in]resultPKAMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKABigNumInvModStart().
Returns a status code.
See also
1163 {
1164  // Zero-out array in case modulo result is shorter than length
1165  PKAZeroOutArray(resultBuf, length);
1167  return PKAGetBigNumResult(resultBuf, &length, resultPKAMemAddr);
1168 }
static uint32_t PKAGetBigNumResult(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Definition: pka.c:658
void PKAZeroOutArray(const uint8_t *array, uint32_t arrayLength)
Zeros-out an array.
Definition: pka.c:922

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumInvModStart ( const uint8_t *  bigNum,
uint32_t  bigNumLength,
const uint8_t *  modulus,
uint32_t  modulusLength,
uint32_t *  resultPKAMemAddr 

Starts a big number inverse modulo operation.

This function starts the inverse modulo operation on bigNum using the divisor modulus.

[in]bigNumis the pointer to the buffer containing the big number (dividend).
[in]bigNumLengthis the size of the bigNum in bytes.
[in]modulusis the pointer to the buffer containing the divisor.
[in]modulusLengthis the size of the divisor in bytes.
[out]resultPKAMemAddris the pointer to the result vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also
1128 {
1129  uint32_t offset = 0;
1131  // Check the arguments.
1132  ASSERT(bigNum);
1133  ASSERT(modulus);
1134  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
1136  // Make sure no operation is in progress.
1139  }
1141  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(bigNum, bigNumLength, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1143  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(modulus, modulusLength, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1145  // Copy the result vector address location.
1146  *resultPKAMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1148  // Load D pointer with the result location in PKA RAM.
1149  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_DPTR) = offset >> 2;
1151  // set the PKA function to InvMod operation and the start the operation.
1152  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_FUNCTION) = 0x0000F000;
1154  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1155 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumModGetResult ( uint8_t *  resultBuf,
uint32_t  length,
uint32_t  resultPKAMemAddr 

Gets the result of the big number modulus operation.

This function gets the result of the big number modulus operation which was previously started using the function PKABigNumModStart(). The function will zero-out resultBuf prior to copying in the result of the modulo operation.

[out]resultBufis the pointer to buffer where the result needs to be stored.
[in]lengthis the size of the provided buffer in bytes.
[in]resultPKAMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKABigNumModStart().
Returns a status code.
See also

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

983 {
984  // Zero-out array in case modulo result is shorter than length
985  PKAZeroOutArray(resultBuf, length);
987  return PKAGetBigNumResultRemainder(resultBuf, &length, resultPKAMemAddr);
988 }
static uint32_t PKAGetBigNumResultRemainder(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Definition: pka.c:729
void PKAZeroOutArray(const uint8_t *array, uint32_t arrayLength)
Zeros-out an array.
Definition: pka.c:922

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumModStart ( const uint8_t *  bigNum,
uint32_t  bigNumLength,
const uint8_t *  modulus,
uint32_t  modulusLength,
uint32_t *  resultPKAMemAddr 

Starts a big number modulus operation.

This function starts the modulo operation on the big number bigNum using the divisor modulus. The PKA RAM location where the result will be available is stored in resultPKAMemAddr.

[in]bigNumis the pointer to the big number on which modulo operation needs to be carried out.
[in]bigNumLengthis the size of the big number bigNum in bytes.
[in]modulusis the pointer to the divisor.
[in]modulusLengthis the size of the divisor modulus in bytes.
[out]resultPKAMemAddris the pointer to the result vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

948 {
949  uint32_t offset = 0;
951  // Check the arguments.
952  ASSERT(bigNum);
953  ASSERT(modulus);
954  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
956  // Make sure no operation is in progress.
959  }
961  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(bigNum, bigNumLength, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
963  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(modulus, modulusLength, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
965  // Copy the result vector address location.
966  *resultPKAMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
968  // Load C pointer with the result location in PKA RAM
969  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_CPTR) = offset >> 2;
971  // Start the PKCP modulo operation by setting the PKA Function register.
975 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:647
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumMultGetResult ( uint8_t *  resultBuf,
uint32_t *  resultLength,
uint32_t  resultPKAMemAddr 

Gets the result of the big number multiplication.

This function gets the result of the multiplication of two big numbers operation previously started using the function PKABigNumMultiplyStart().

[out]resultBufis the pointer to buffer where the result needs to be stored.
[in,out]resultLengthis the address of the variable containing the length of the buffer in bytes. After the operation, the actual length of the resultant is stored at this address.
[in]resultPKAMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKABigNumMultiplyStart().
Returns a status code.
See also

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

1212 {
1213  return PKAGetBigNumResult(resultBuf, resultLength, resultPKAMemAddr);
1214 }
static uint32_t PKAGetBigNumResult(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Definition: pka.c:658

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumMultiplyStart ( const uint8_t *  multiplicand,
uint32_t  multiplicandLength,
const uint8_t *  multiplier,
uint32_t  multiplierLength,
uint32_t *  resultPKAMemAddr 

Starts the multiplication of two big numbers.

[in]multiplicandis the pointer to the buffer containing the big number multiplicand.
[in]multiplicandLengthis the size of the multiplicand in bytes.
[in]multiplieris the pointer to the buffer containing the big number multiplier.
[in]multiplierLengthis the size of the multiplier in bytes.
[out]resultPKAMemAddris the pointer to the result vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

1176 {
1177  uint32_t offset = 0;
1179  // Check for the arguments.
1180  ASSERT(multiplicand);
1181  ASSERT(multiplier);
1182  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
1184  // Make sure no operation is in progress.
1187  }
1189  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(multiplicand, multiplicandLength, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1191  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(multiplier, multiplierLength, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1194  // Copy the result vector address location.
1195  *resultPKAMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1197  // Load C pointer with the result location in PKA RAM.
1198  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_CPTR) = offset >> 2;
1200  // Set the PKA function to the multiplication and start it.
1203  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1204 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumSubGetResult ( uint8_t *  resultBuf,
uint32_t *  resultLength,
uint32_t  resultPKAMemAddr 

Gets the result of the subtraction operation on two big numbers.

[out]resultBufis the pointer to buffer where the result needs to be stored.
[in,out]resultLengthis the address of the variable containing the length of the buffer. After the operation the actual length of the resultant is stored at this address.
[in]resultPKAMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKABigNumAddStart().
Returns a status code.
See also
1257 {
1258  return PKAGetBigNumResult(resultBuf, resultLength, resultPKAMemAddr);
1259 }
static uint32_t PKAGetBigNumResult(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Definition: pka.c:658

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKABigNumSubStart ( const uint8_t *  minuend,
uint32_t  minuendLength,
const uint8_t *  subtrahend,
uint32_t  subtrahendLength,
uint32_t *  resultPKAMemAddr 

Starts the subtraction of one big number from another.

[in]minuendis the pointer to the buffer containing the big number to be subtracted from.
[in]minuendLengthis the size of the minuend in bytes.
[in]subtrahendis the pointer to the buffer containing the big number to subtract from the minuend.
[in]subtrahendLengthis the size of the subtrahend in bytes.
[out]resultPKAMemAddris the pointer to the result vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also
1267 {
1268  uint32_t offset = 0;
1270  // Check for arguments.
1271  ASSERT(minuend);
1272  ASSERT(subtrahend);
1273  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
1276  // Make sure no operation is in progress.
1279  }
1281  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(minuend, minuendLength, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1283  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(subtrahend, subtrahendLength, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1285  // Copy the result vector address location.
1286  *resultPKAMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1288  // Load C pointer with the result location in PKA RAM.
1289  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_CPTR) = offset >> 2;
1291  // Set the function for the add operation and start the operation.
1294  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1295 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKAEccAddGetResult ( uint8_t *  curvePointX,
uint8_t *  curvePointY,
uint32_t  resultPKAMemAddr,
uint32_t  length 

Gets the result of the ECC addition.

This function gets the result of ECC point addition operation on the on the two given EC points, previously started using the function PKAEccAddStart().

[out]curvePointXis the pointer to the structure where the X coordinate of the resultant EC point will be stored.
[out]curvePointYis the pointer to the structure where the Y coordinate of the resultant EC point will be stored.
[in]resultPKAMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKAEccAddGetResult().
[in]lengthis the length of the curve parameters in bytes.
Returns a status code.
See also
1461 {
1462  return PKAGetECCResult(curvePointX, curvePointY, resultPKAMemAddr, length);
1463 }
static uint32_t PKAGetECCResult(uint8_t *curvePointX, uint8_t *curvePointY, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr, uint32_t length)
Definition: pka.c:792

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKAEccAddStart ( const uint8_t *  curvePoint1X,
const uint8_t *  curvePoint1Y,
const uint8_t *  curvePoint2X,
const uint8_t *  curvePoint2Y,
const uint8_t *  prime,
const uint8_t *  a,
uint32_t  length,
uint32_t *  resultPKAMemAddr 

Starts the ECC addition.

[in]curvePoint1Xis the pointer to the buffer containing the X coordinate of the first elliptic curve point to be added. The point must be on the given curve.
[in]curvePoint1Yis the pointer to the buffer containing the Y coordinate of the first elliptic curve point to be added. The point must be on the given curve.
[in]curvePoint2Xis the pointer to the buffer containing the X coordinate of the second elliptic curve point to be added. The point must be on the given curve.
[in]curvePoint2Yis the pointer to the buffer containing the Y coordinate of the second elliptic curve point to be added. The point must be on the given curve.
[in]primeis the prime of the curve.
[in]ais the a constant of the curve when the curve equation is expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).
[in]lengthis the length of the curve parameters in bytes.
[out]resultPKAMemAddris the pointer to the result vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also
1416 {
1417  uint32_t offset = 0;
1419  // Check for the arguments.
1420  ASSERT(curvePoint1X);
1421  ASSERT(curvePoint1Y);
1422  ASSERT(curvePoint2X);
1423  ASSERT(curvePoint2Y);
1424  ASSERT(prime);
1425  ASSERT(a);
1426  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
1428  // Make sure no operation is in progress.
1431  }
1433  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(curvePoint1X, length, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1434  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(curvePoint1Y, length, offset, PKA_NO_POINTER_REG);
1437  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(prime, length, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1438  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(a, length, offset, PKA_NO_POINTER_REG);
1440  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(curvePoint2X, length, offset, PKA_O_CPTR);
1441  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(curvePoint2Y, length, offset, PKA_NO_POINTER_REG);
1443  // Copy the result vector location.
1444  *resultPKAMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1446  // Load D pointer with the result location in PKA RAM.
1447  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_DPTR) = offset >> 2;
1449  // Set the PKA Function to ECC-ADD and start the operation.
1452  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1453 }
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:647
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73
Definition: pka.c:186

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKAEccMontgomeryMultiplyStart ( const uint8_t *  scalar,
const uint8_t *  curvePointX,
const uint8_t *  prime,
const uint8_t *  a,
uint32_t  length,
uint32_t *  resultPKAMemAddr 

Starts ECC Montgomery multiplication.

[in]scalaris pointer to the buffer containing the scalar value to be multiplied.
[in]curvePointXis the pointer to the buffer containing the X coordinate of the elliptic curve point to be multiplied. The point must be on the given curve.
[in]primeis the prime of the curve.
[in]ais the a constant of the curve when the curve equation is expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).
[in]lengthis the length of the curve parameters in bytes.
[out]resultPKAMemAddris the pointer to the result vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also
1362 {
1363  uint32_t offset = 0;
1365  // Check for the arguments.
1366  ASSERT(scalar);
1367  ASSERT(curvePointX);
1368  ASSERT(curve);
1369  ASSERT(length <= PKA_MAX_CURVE_SIZE_32_BIT_WORD * sizeof(uint32_t));
1370  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
1372  // Make sure no PKA operation is in progress.
1375  }
1377  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(scalar, length, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1379  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(prime, length, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1380  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(a, length, offset, PKA_NO_POINTER_REG);
1382  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(curvePointX, length, offset, PKA_O_CPTR);
1384  // Update the result location.
1385  // The resultPKAMemAddr may be 0 if we only want to check that we generated the point at infinity
1386  if (resultPKAMemAddr) {
1387  *resultPKAMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1388  }
1390  // Load D pointer with the result location in PKA RAM.
1391  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_DPTR) = offset >> 2;
1393  // Set the PKA function to Montgomery ECC-MULT and start the operation.
1396  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1397 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:647
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73
Definition: pka.c:186
Definition: pka.c:170

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKAEccMultiplyGetResult ( uint8_t *  curvePointX,
uint8_t *  curvePointY,
uint32_t  resultPKAMemAddr,
uint32_t  length 

Gets the result of ECC multiplication.

This function gets the result of ECC point multiplication operation on the EC point and the scalar value, previously started using the function PKAEccMultiplyStart().

[out]curvePointXis the pointer to the structure where the X coordinate of the resultant EC point will be stored.
[out]curvePointYis the pointer to the structure where the Y coordinate of the resultant EC point will be stored.
[in]resultPKAMemAddris the address of the result location which was provided by the start function PKAEccMultiplyStart().
[in]lengthis the length of the curve parameters in bytes.
Returns a status code.
See also
1406 {
1407  return PKAGetECCResult(curvePointX, curvePointY, resultPKAMemAddr, length);
1408 }
static uint32_t PKAGetECCResult(uint8_t *curvePointX, uint8_t *curvePointY, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr, uint32_t length)
Definition: pka.c:792

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKAEccMultiplyStart ( const uint8_t *  scalar,
const uint8_t *  curvePointX,
const uint8_t *  curvePointY,
const uint8_t *  prime,
const uint8_t *  a,
const uint8_t *  b,
uint32_t  length,
uint32_t *  resultPKAMemAddr 

Starts ECC multiplication.

[in]scalaris pointer to the buffer containing the scalar value to be multiplied.
[in]curvePointXis the pointer to the buffer containing the X coordinate of the elliptic curve point to be multiplied. The point must be on the given curve.
[in]curvePointYis the pointer to the buffer containing the Y coordinate of the elliptic curve point to be multiplied. The point must be on the given curve.
[in]primeis the prime of the curve.
[in]ais the a constant of the curve when the curve equation is expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).
[in]bis the b constant of the curve when the curve equation is expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).
[in]lengthis the length of the curve parameters in bytes.
[out]resultPKAMemAddris the pointer to the result vector location which will be set by this function.
Returns a status code.
See also
1314 {
1315  uint32_t offset = 0;
1317  // Check for the arguments.
1318  ASSERT(scalar);
1319  ASSERT(curvePoint);
1320  ASSERT(curvePointX);
1321  ASSERT(curvePointY);
1322  ASSERT(curve);
1323  ASSERT(length <= PKA_MAX_CURVE_SIZE_32_BIT_WORD * sizeof(uint32_t));
1324  ASSERT(resultPKAMemAddr);
1326  // Make sure no PKA operation is in progress.
1329  }
1331  offset = PKAWritePkaParam(scalar, length, offset, PKA_O_APTR);
1333  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(prime, length, offset, PKA_O_BPTR);
1334  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(a, length, offset, PKA_NO_POINTER_REG);
1335  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(b, length, offset, PKA_NO_POINTER_REG);
1337  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(curvePointX, length, offset, PKA_O_CPTR);
1338  offset = PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(curvePointY, length, offset, PKA_NO_POINTER_REG);
1340  // Update the result location.
1341  // The resultPKAMemAddr may be 0 if we only want to check that we generated the point at infinity
1342  if (resultPKAMemAddr) {
1343  *resultPKAMemAddr = PKA_RAM_BASE + offset;
1344  }
1346  // Load D pointer with the result location in PKA RAM.
1347  HWREG(PKA_BASE + PKA_O_DPTR) = offset >> 2;
1349  // Set the PKA function to ECC-MULT and start the operation.
1352  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1353 }
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParam(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:577
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
Definition: pka.h:120
static uint32_t PKAWritePkaParamExtraOffset(const uint8_t *param, uint32_t paramLength, uint32_t paramOffset, uint32_t ptrRegOffset)
Definition: pka.c:647
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:73
Definition: pka.c:186
Definition: pka.c:170

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart ( const uint8_t *  curvePointX,
const uint8_t *  curvePointY,
const uint8_t *  prime,
const uint8_t *  a,
const uint8_t *  b,
const uint8_t *  order,
uint32_t  length 

Begins the validation of a public key against a Short-Weierstrass curve.

This function validates a public key against a curve. After performing multiple smaller PKA operations in polling mode, it starts an ECC scalar multiplication.

The function verifies that:

  • X and Y are in the range [1, prime - 1]
  • The point is not the point at infinity
  • X and Y satisfy the Short-Weierstrass curve equation Y^2 = X^3 + a*X + b mod P
  • Multiplying the point by the order of the curve yields the point at infinity
[in]curvePointXis the pointer to the buffer containing the X coordinate of the elliptic curve point to verify.
[in]curvePointYis the pointer to the buffer containing the Y coordinate of the elliptic curve point to verify.
[in]primeis the prime of the curve.
[in]ais the a constant of the curve when the curve equation is expressed in Short-Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).
[in]bis the b constant of the curve when the curve equation is expressed in Short-Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).
[in]orderis the order of the curve.
[in]lengthis the length of the curve parameters in bytes.
Returns a status code.
See also
1471 {
1472  uint32_t pkaResult;
1473  uint32_t resultAddress;
1474  uint32_t resultLength;
1475  uint8_t *scratchBuffer = (uint8_t *)(PKA_RAM_BASE + PKA_RAM_TOT_BYTE_SIZE / 2);
1476  uint8_t *scratchBuffer2 = scratchBuffer + 512;
1479  // Verify X in range [0, prime - 1]
1480  PKABigNumCmpStart(curvePointX,
1481  prime,
1482  length);
1486  pkaResult = PKABigNumCmpGetResult();
1488  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_A_LESS_THAN_B) {
1490  }
1492  // Verify Y in range [0, prime - 1]
1493  PKABigNumCmpStart(curvePointY,
1494  prime,
1495  length);
1499  pkaResult = PKABigNumCmpGetResult();
1501  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_A_LESS_THAN_B) {
1503  }
1505  // Verify point on curve
1506  // Short-Weierstrass equation: Y ^ 2 = X ^3 + a * X + b mod P
1507  // Reduced: Y ^ 2 = X * (X ^ 2 + a) + b
1509  // tmp = X ^ 2
1510  PKABigNumMultiplyStart(curvePointX, length, curvePointX, length, &resultAddress);
1514  resultLength = 200;
1515  pkaResult = PKABigNumMultGetResult(scratchBuffer, &resultLength, resultAddress);
1517  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1518  return PKA_STATUS_FAILURE;
1519  }
1521  // tmp += a
1522  PKABigNumAddStart(scratchBuffer, resultLength, a, length, &resultAddress);
1526  resultLength = 200;
1527  pkaResult = PKABigNumAddGetResult(scratchBuffer, &resultLength, resultAddress);
1529  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1530  return PKA_STATUS_FAILURE;
1531  }
1533  // tmp *= x
1534  PKABigNumMultiplyStart(scratchBuffer, resultLength, curvePointX, length, &resultAddress);
1538  resultLength = 200;
1539  pkaResult = PKABigNumMultGetResult(scratchBuffer, &resultLength, resultAddress);
1541  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1542  return PKA_STATUS_FAILURE;
1543  }
1545  // tmp += b
1546  PKABigNumAddStart(scratchBuffer, resultLength, b, length, &resultAddress);
1550  resultLength = 200;
1551  pkaResult = PKABigNumAddGetResult(scratchBuffer, &resultLength, resultAddress);
1553  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1554  return PKA_STATUS_FAILURE;
1555  }
1558  // tmp2 = tmp % prime to ensure we have no fraction in the division.
1559  // The number will only shrink from here on out.
1560  PKABigNumModStart(scratchBuffer, resultLength, prime, length, &resultAddress);
1564  // If the result is not a multiple of the word-length, the PKA HW will round up
1565  // because it deals in words only. That means that using 'length' directly
1566  // would cause and underflow, since length refers to the actual length in bytes of
1567  // the curve parameters while the PKA HW reports that rounded up to the next
1568  // word boundary.
1569  // Use 200 as the resultLength instead since we are copying to the scratch buffer
1570  // anyway.
1571  // Practically, this only happens with curves such as NIST-P521 that are not word
1572  // multiples.
1573  resultLength = 200;
1574  pkaResult = PKABigNumModGetResult(scratchBuffer2, resultLength, resultAddress);
1576  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1577  return PKA_STATUS_FAILURE;
1578  }
1580  // tmp = y^2
1581  PKABigNumMultiplyStart(curvePointY, length, curvePointY, length, &resultAddress);
1585  resultLength = 200;
1586  pkaResult = PKABigNumMultGetResult(scratchBuffer, &resultLength, resultAddress);
1588  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1589  return PKA_STATUS_FAILURE;
1590  }
1592  // tmp %= prime
1593  PKABigNumModStart(scratchBuffer, resultLength, prime, length, &resultAddress);
1597  // If the result is not a multiple of the word-length, the PKA HW will round up
1598  // because it deals in words only. That means that using 'length' directly
1599  // would cause and underflow, since length refers to the actual length in bytes of
1600  // the curve parameters while the PKA HW reports that rounded up to the next
1601  // word boundary.
1602  // Use 200 as the resultLength instead since we are copying to the scratch buffer
1603  // anyway.
1604  // Practically, this only happens with curves such as NIST-P521 that are not word
1605  // multiples.
1606  resultLength = 200;
1607  pkaResult = PKABigNumModGetResult(scratchBuffer, resultLength, resultAddress);
1609  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1610  return PKA_STATUS_FAILURE;
1611  }
1613  // tmp ?= tmp2
1614  PKABigNumCmpStart(scratchBuffer,
1615  scratchBuffer2,
1616  length);
1620  pkaResult = PKABigNumCmpGetResult();
1622  if (pkaResult != PKA_STATUS_EQUAL) {
1624  }
1625  else {
1626  return PKA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
1627  }
1628 }
The public key is not on the specified elliptic curve.
Definition: pka.h:135
uint32_t PKABigNumModGetResult(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t length, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Gets the result of the big number modulus operation.
Definition: pka.c:982
uint32_t PKABigNumAddGetResult(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Gets the result of the addition operation on two big numbers.
Definition: pka.c:1302
uint32_t PKABigNumAddStart(const uint8_t *bigNum1, uint32_t bigNum1Length, const uint8_t *bigNum2, uint32_t bigNum2Length, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
Starts the addition of two big numbers.
Definition: pka.c:1221
uint32_t PKABigNumCmpStart(const uint8_t *bigNum1, const uint8_t *bigNum2, uint32_t length)
Starts the comparison of two big numbers.
Definition: pka.c:1062
Definition: pka.h:121
Y coordinate of public key is larger than the curve prime.
Definition: pka.h:134
Big number compare return status if the first big number is equal to the second.
Definition: pka.h:127
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
X coordinate of public key is larger than the curve prime.
Definition: pka.h:133
Definition: pka.h:120
uint32_t PKABigNumMultGetResult(uint8_t *resultBuf, uint32_t *resultLength, uint32_t resultPKAMemAddr)
Gets the result of the big number multiplication.
Definition: pka.c:1211
uint32_t PKABigNumModStart(const uint8_t *bigNum, uint32_t bigNumLength, const uint8_t *modulus, uint32_t modulusLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
Starts a big number modulus operation.
Definition: pka.c:947
uint32_t PKABigNumMultiplyStart(const uint8_t *multiplicand, uint32_t multiplicandLength, const uint8_t *multiplier, uint32_t multiplierLength, uint32_t *resultPKAMemAddr)
Starts the multiplication of two big numbers.
Definition: pka.c:1175
Big number compare return status if the first big number is less than the second. ...
Definition: pka.h:126
uint32_t PKAGetOpsStatus(void)
Gets the PKA operation status.
Definition: pka.c:881
uint32_t PKABigNumCmpGetResult(void)
Gets the result of the comparison operation of two big numbers.
Definition: pka.c:1091

Here is the call graph for this function:

uint32_t PKAGetOpsStatus ( void  )

Gets the PKA operation status.

This function gets information on whether any PKA operation is in progress or not. This function allows to check the PKA operation status before starting any new PKA operation.

Returns a status code.

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

882 {
885  }
886  else {
888  }
889 }
PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:128
No PKA operation is in progress.
Definition: pka.h:129
void PKAZeroOutArray ( const uint8_t *  array,
uint32_t  arrayLength 

Zeros-out an array.

[in]arrayis the array to zero-out.
[in]arrayLengthis the length of the array.

Referenced by PKABigNumInvModGetResult(), and PKABigNumModGetResult().

923 {
924  uint32_t i;
925  // Take the floor of paramLength in 32-bit words
926  uint32_t arrayLengthInWords = arrayLength / sizeof(uint32_t);
928  // Zero-out the array word-wise until i >= arrayLength
929  for (i = 0; i < arrayLengthInWords * sizeof(uint32_t); i += 4) {
930  HWREG(array + i) = 0;
931  }
933  // If i != arrayLength, there are some remaining bytes to zero-out
934  if (arrayLength % sizeof(uint32_t)) {
935  // Subtract 4 from i, since i has already overshot the array
936  for (i -= 4; i < arrayLength; i++) {
937  HWREGB(array + i * sizeof(uint32_t));
938  }
939  }
940 }

Macro Definition Documentation

#define BrainpoolP256R1_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   32
#define BrainpoolP384R1_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   48
#define BrainpoolP512R1_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   64
#define Curve25519_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   32
#define NISTP224_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   28
#define NISTP256_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   32
#define NISTP384_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   48
#define NISTP521_PARAM_SIZE_BYTES   66

Big number compare return status if the first big number is greater than the second.

Referenced by PKABigNumCmpGetResult().


Big number compare return status if the first big number is less than the second.

Referenced by PKABigNumCmpGetResult(), and PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().


Buffer underflow.

Referenced by PKAGetBigNumResult(), and PKAGetBigNumResultRemainder().

#define PKA_STATUS_EQUAL   7

Big number compare return status if the first big number is equal to the second.

Referenced by PKABigNumCmpGetResult(), and PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().


Invalid parameter.


Location in PKA RAM is not available.


No PKA operation is in progress.

Referenced by PKAGetOpsStatus().


The ECC operation resulted in the point at infinity.

Referenced by PKAGetECCResult().


The public key is not on the specified elliptic curve.

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

#define PKA_STATUS_RESULT_0   4

Result is all zeros.


The address of the result passed into one of the PKA*GetResult functions is incorrect.

Referenced by PKAGetBigNumResult().


X coordinate of public key is larger than the curve prime.

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

#define PKA_STATUS_X_ZERO   11

X coordinate of public key is 0.


Y coordinate of public key is larger than the curve prime.

Referenced by PKAEccVerifyPublicKeyWeierstrassStart().

#define PKA_STATUS_Y_ZERO   12

Y coordinate of public key is 0.

Variable Documentation

const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_a

a constant of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_b

b constant of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccPoint256 BrainpoolP256R1_generator

X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_order

Order of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam256 BrainpoolP256R1_prime

Prime of the BrainpoolP256R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_a

a constant of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_b

b constant of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccPoint384 BrainpoolP384R1_generator

X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_order

Order of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam384 BrainpoolP384R1_prime

Prime of the BrainpoolP384R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_a

a constant of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_b

b constant of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccPoint512 BrainpoolP512R1_generator

X coordinate of the generator point of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_order

Order of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam512 BrainpoolP512R1_prime

Prime of the BrainpoolP512R1 curve.

const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_a

a constant of the Curve25519 curve when expressed in Montgomery form (By^2 = x^3 + a*x^2 + x).

const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_b

b constant of the Curve25519 curve when expressed in Montgomery form (By^2 = x^3 + a*x^2 + x).

const PKA_EccPoint256 Curve25519_generator

X coordinate of the generator point of the Curve25519 curve.

const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_order

Order of the Curve25519 curve.

const PKA_EccParam256 Curve25519_prime

Prime of the Curve25519 curve.

const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_a

a constant of the NISTP224 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_b

b constant of the NISTP224 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccPoint224 NISTP224_generator

X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP224 curve.

const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_order

Order of the NISTP224 curve.

const PKA_EccParam224 NISTP224_prime

Prime of the NISTP224 curve.

const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_a

a constant of the NISTP256 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_b

b constant of the NISTP256 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccPoint256 NISTP256_generator

X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP256 curve.

const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_order

Order of the NISTP256 curve.

const PKA_EccParam256 NISTP256_prime

Prime of the NISTP256 curve.

const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_a

a constant of the NISTP384 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_b

b constant of the NISTP384 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccPoint384 NISTP384_generator

X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP384 curve.

const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_order

Order of the NISTP384 curve.

const PKA_EccParam384 NISTP384_prime

Prime of the NISTP384 curve.

const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_a

a constant of the NISTP521 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_b

b constant of the NISTP521 curve when expressed in short Weierstrass form (y^3 = x^2 + a*x + b).

const PKA_EccPoint521 NISTP521_generator

X coordinate of the generator point of the NISTP521 curve.

const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_order

Order of the NISTP521 curve.

const PKA_EccParam521 NISTP521_prime

Prime of the NISTP521 curve.