TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations
snp.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Simple Network Processor API.

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Data Structures

union  snp_msg_t
 The SNP message. A union of all SNP message types. More...
struct  snpAddAttrCccd_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a Client Characteristic Configuration Description Attribute. More...
struct  snpAddAttrFormat_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a Format attribute. More...
struct  snpAddAttrGenLongUUID_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a generic attribute descriptor (long UUID) More...
struct  snpAddAttrGenShortUUID_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a generic attribute descriptor (short UUID) More...
struct  snpAddAttrUserDesc_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a User Descriptor attribute. More...
struct  snpAddCharDescDeclReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_addDescriptionValue. More...
struct  snpAddCharDescDeclRsp_t
 Parameter Structure to add new Characteristic Description Response SNP_ADD_CHAR_DESC_DECL_RSP. More...
struct  snpAddCharValueDeclReq_t
 Parameter Structure used for SNP_addCharValueDecl / SNP_ADD_CHAR_VAL_DECL_REQ. More...
struct  snpAddCharValueDeclRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for Response to SNP_addCharValueDecl / SNP_ADD_CHAR_VAL_DECL_RSP. More...
struct  snpAddServiceReq_t
 Add Service Request Structure for SNP_addService / SNP_ADD_SERVICE_REQ. More...
struct  snpAdvStatusEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Advertising state change Event. More...
struct  snpATTMTUSizeEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the ATT MTU size updated Event data. More...
struct  snpAuthenticationEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for MITM Authentication data to be displayed. More...
struct  snpCharCfgUpdatedInd_t
 Parameter Structure for the Characteristic Configuration Update Indication. More...
struct  snpCharReadCnf_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_CHAR_READ_CNF / snpCharReadCnf_t. More...
struct  snpCharReadInd_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_CHAR_READ_IND / @ ref SNP_charRead. More...
struct  snpCharWriteCnf_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_writeCharCnf / SNP_CHAR_WRITE_CNF. More...
struct  snpCharWriteInd_t
 Parameter Structure for the Characteristic Write Request Indication data. More...
struct  snpConnEstEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Connection Established Event. More...
struct  snpConnTermEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Connection terminated Event. More...
struct  snpErrorEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Error Event SNP_ERROR_EVT. More...
union  snpEventParam_t
 SNP Event Parameters. More...
struct  snpEvt_t
 SNP Event Structure. More...
struct  snpGapPeriConnectParams_t
 Connection parameters for the peripheral device. More...
struct  snpGetAttrValueReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getAttrValue / SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_REQ. More...
struct  snpGetAttrValueRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for response to SNP_getAttrValue / SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_RSP. More...
struct  snpGetGapParamRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for the Get GAP Parameter Value Response. More...
struct  snpGetGattParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getGATTParam / SNP_GET_GATT_PARAM_REQ. More...
struct  snpGetRandRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for the response to SNP_getRev. More...
struct  snpGetRevisionRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getRev. More...
struct  snpGetStatusCmdRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for the response to SNP_getStatus This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information. More...
struct  snpHciCmdReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_executeHCIcmd. More...
struct  snpHciCmdRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_HCI_CMD_RSP. More...
struct  snpMaskEventReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_maskEvt. More...
struct  snpMaskEventRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_MASK_EVENT_RSP. More...
struct  snpNotifIndReq_t
 Parameter Structure for the Characteristic Notification and Indication Request data This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information. More...
struct  snpRegisterServiceRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_registerService / SNP_REGISTER_SERVICE_RSP. More...
struct  snpSecurityEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Security Event. More...
struct  snpSetAdvDataReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setAdvData. More...
struct  snpSetAttrValueReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setAttrValue / SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_REQ. More...
struct  snpSetAttrValueRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for response to SNP_setAttrValue / SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_RSP. More...
struct  snpSetAuthDataReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setAuthenticationData / SNP_SET_AUTHENTICATION_DATA_REQ. More...
struct  snpSetGapParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setGapParam / SNP_SET_GAP_PARAM_REQ. More...
struct  snpSetGattParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setGATTParam / SNP_SET_GATT_PARAM_RSP. More...
struct  snpSetGattParamRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
struct  snpSetWhiteListReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setWhiteListFilterPolicy / SNP_SET_WHITE_LIST_POLICY_REQ. More...
struct  snpStartAdvReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_startAdv. More...
struct  snpTermConnReq_t
 Connection Termination Request Structure. More...
struct  snpTestCmdRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_executeTestCmd. More...
struct  snpUpdateConnParamCnf_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_UPDATE_CONN_PARAM_CNF. More...
struct  snpUpdateConnParamEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Update Connection Parameter Event. More...
struct  snpUpdateConnParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_updateConnParam. More...


#define SNP_128BIT_UUID_SIZE   16
#define SNP_16BIT_UUID_SIZE   2
 SNP Add Char Description Declaration request.
 SNP Add Char Description Declaration response.
#define SNP_ADD_CHAR_VAL_DECL_REQ   0x82
 SNP Add Char Value Declaration request.
#define SNP_ADD_CHAR_VAL_DECL_RSP   0x82
 SNP Add Char Value Declaration response.
#define SNP_ADD_SERVICE_REQ   0x81
 SNP Add Service request.
#define SNP_ADD_SERVICE_RSP   0x81
 SNP Add Service response.
#define SNP_ADV_ENDED_EVT   0x0010
 SNP Advertising Ended Event.
 Advertising will continue with non-connectable advertising when connection is established. period and interval of advertising are different when the device is in a connection. see SNP_startAdv.
 Advertising will start with connectable advertising when a connection is terminated.
#define SNP_ADV_STARTED_EVT   0x0008
 SNP Advertising Started Event.
#define SNP_ADV_STOP_ON_CONN   0x00
 Advertising is disabled during connection and will not start after.
#define SNP_ADV_TYPE_CONN   0x00
 Connectable undirected advertisement.
#define SNP_ADV_TYPE_NONCONN   0x03
 Non-Connectable undirected advertisement.
#define SNP_ADV_TYPE_SCANABLE   0x02
 Scannable undirected advertisement.
 SNP Already Advertising Status.
#define SNP_ATT_MTU_EVT   0x0020
 SNP Attribute MTU Changed Event.
 SNP Authentication Event.
 SNP CCCD Updated Config request.
 SNP CCCD Updated Config response.
#define SNP_CHAR_MANAGED_BY_AP   0x00
 characteristic value management Management option (RFU)
#define SNP_CHAR_MANAGED_BY_NP   0x01
 characteristic value management Management option (RFU)
#define SNP_CHAR_READ_CNF   0x87
 SNP Read Char Configuration request.
#define SNP_CHAR_READ_IND   0x87
 SNP Read Char Configuration response.
#define SNP_CHAR_WRITE_CNF   0x88
 SNP Write Char Configuration.
#define SNP_CHAR_WRITE_IND   0x88
 SNP Write Char Configuration.
#define SNP_CMD1_HDR_MASK   0xC0
 CMD1 Header Mask Constant.
#define SNP_CMD1_HDR_POS   0x6
 CMD1 Header Offset Constant.
#define SNP_CMD1_ID_MASK   0x3F
 CMD1 ID Mask Constant.
 SNP Command Already in Progress Status.
#define SNP_CMD_REJECTED   0x86
 SNP Command Rejected Status.
#define SNP_CONN_ADV_DATA   0x02
 data buffer holding advertisement data that will be advertise if the device is in a connection
#define SNP_CONN_EST_EVT   0x0001
 SNP Connection Established Event.
#define SNP_CONN_INT_MAX   0x0C80
 maximal connection interval range: 4a
#define SNP_CONN_INT_MIN   0x0006
 Connection Interval Range (in 1.25ms units, ranging from 7.5ms to 4s) More...
 SNP Connection Parameters Updated Event.
#define SNP_CONN_SL_MAX   0x01F3
 maximum slave latency value
#define SNP_CONN_SL_MIN   0x0000
 Slave Latency Ranges. More...
 maximum supervision timeout, multiple of 10ms
 Supervisor Timeout Range (in 10ms units, ranging from 100ms to 32 seconds) More...
#define SNP_CONN_TERM_EVT   0x0002
 SNP Connection Terminated Event.
#define SNP_CT_CTRL_PKT_INST_PASS   0x28
 Control Packet Instance Passed.
#define SNP_CT_CTRL_PKT_TO   0x22
 Control Packet Timeout.
#define SNP_CT_HOST_REQ   0x16
 Host Requested.
 LSTO Violation.
#define SNP_CT_MIC_FAILURE   0x3D
 MIC Failure.
#define SNP_CT_PEER_REQ   0x13
 Peer Requested.
#define SNP_CT_SUPERVISOR_TO   0x08
 Supervisor timeout.
#define SNP_DESC_HEADER_CCCD   0x04
 Descriptor Header for CCCD.
 Descriptor Header for Format.
 Descriptor Header for Generic Long UUID.
 Descriptor Header for Generic Short UUID.
 Descriptor Header for Unsupported.
 Descriptor Header for User Description.
 this mask check that only meaningful event can be masked/send. More...
#define SNP_DEVINFO_11073_CERT_DATA   7
 RW variable length.
#define SNP_DEVINFO_PNP_ID   8
 PnP ID length.
 default string length, including the null terminated char.
 System ID length.
#define SNP_DIS_SERV_ID   0x02
 Device Info Service.
#define SNP_ERROR_EVT   0x8000
 SNP Error Event.
#define SNP_EVENT_IND   0x05
 SNP Event Indication.
#define SNP_FAILURE   0x83
 SNP Failure Status.
#define SNP_FAILURE_NO_ATT_RSP   0x93
 SNP No Attribute Response Failure Status.
#define SNP_FILTER_POLICY_ALL   0x00
 Allow Scan Request from Any, Allow Connect Request from Any (default).
 Allow Scan Request and Connect from White List Only.
 GAP Device Name Length, excluding null-terminate character.
 Privacy Flag State Disabled.
 Privacy Flag State Enabled.
 Default disconnection, send BLE packet to tell the remote side to disconnect.
 Abrupt disconnection, stop sending RF packets. The other side will timeout.
 Toggle Bonding.
 Erase all Bonds.
 IO Capabilities.
 Overwrite Least Recently Used Bond when record is full.
 Behavior on connections.
 Bonding record saved in NV.
 Devices bonded.
 Pairing complete.
 Maximum Length of the Characteristic Value Attribute.
 The Characteristic Value shall be indicated.
 The Characteristic Value shall be notified.
 SNP GATT Collision Status.
 mask for clearing RFU bits on the attribute permissions field More...
 permission to authenticated read the attribute value
 permission to authenticated write the attribute value
 permission to encrypted read the attribute value
 permission to encrypted write the attribute value
#define SNP_GATT_PERMIT_READ   0x01
 For now, Only read and write permissions are allowed. permission to read the attribute value.
#define SNP_GATT_PERMIT_WRITE   0x02
 permission to write the attribute value
#define SNP_GATT_PROP_READ   0x0002
#define SNP_GATT_PROP_WRITE   0x0008
#define SNP_GATT_PROP_WRITE_NORSP   0x0004
 Write without response.
#define SNP_GET_ATTR_VALUE_REQ   0x85
 SNP Get attribute value request.
#define SNP_GET_ATTR_VALUE_RSP   0x85
 SNP Get attribute value response.
#define SNP_GET_GAP_PARAM_REQ   0x49
 SNP GAP Get Conn Parameters Request.
#define SNP_GET_GAP_PARAM_RSP   0x49
 SNP GAP Get Parameter Response.
 SNP Get GATT parameter request.
 SNP Get GATT parameter response.
#define SNP_GET_OPCODE_HDR_CMD1(cmd)   (((cmd) & SNP_CMD1_HDR_MASK) >> SNP_CMD1_HDR_POS)
 Macro to retrieve the HDR bitfield from CMD1.
#define SNP_GET_OPCODE_ID_CMD1(cmd)   ((cmd) & SNP_CMD1_ID_MASK)
 Macro to retrieve the ID bitfield from CMD1.
#define SNP_GET_RAND_REQ   0x07
 SNP Get Rand Request.
#define SNP_GET_RAND_RSP   0x08
 SNP Get Rand Response.
#define SNP_GET_REVISION_REQ   0x03
 SNP Get Revision Request.
#define SNP_GET_REVISION_RSP   0x03
 SNP Get Revision Response.
#define SNP_GET_STATUS_REQ   0x06
 SNP Get Status Request.
#define SNP_GET_STATUS_RSP   0x06
 SNP Get Status Response.
 RW uint16_t.
 RW sizeof(snpGapPeriConnectParams_t)
 RESERVED, DO NOT USE, need the stack to be build with GAP_PRIVACY and GAP_PRIVACY_RECONNECT RW uint8_t.
 RESERVED, DO NOT USE, need the stack to be build with GAP_PRIVACY and GAP_PRIVACY_RECONNECT RW uint8_t.
 RESERVED, DO NOT USE, need the stack to be build with GAP_PRIVACY_RECONNECT RW uint8_t[B_ADDR_LEN].
#define SNP_GGS_SERV_ID   0x01
 Generic Access Service.
 SET ONLY (W uint8_t)
 SET ONLY (W uint8_t)
 RESERVED, DO NOT USE, need the stack to be build with GAP_PRIVACY and GAP_PRIVACY_RECONNECT, SET ONLY W uint8_t.
#define SNP_HCI_CMD_REQ   0x04
 SNP HCI Command Request.
#define SNP_HCI_CMD_RSP   0x04
 SNP HCI Command Response.
#define SNP_HCI_CMD_UNKNOWN   0x8D
 SNP HCI Command Unknown Status.
 HCI Extension decrypt encrypted data using AES128.
 HCI Extension Enable PTM.
 HCI Extension End Modem Test.
 HCI Extension get connection related information.
 HCI Extension Modem Hop Test Tx.
 HCI Extension Test Rx.
 HCI Extension Modem Test Tx.
 HCI Extension set whether a connection will be limited to one packet per event.
 HCI Extension enable or disable suspending slave latency.
 HCI Extension PER Command.
 HCI Extension Reset System.
 HCI Extension Set BD Address.
 HCI Extension set whether transmit data is sent as soon as possible even when slave latency is used.
 HCI Extension Set Max DTM Tx Power.
 HCI Extension Set SCA.
 HCI Extension Set Tx Power.
#define SNP_HCI_OPCODE_LE_ENCRYPT   0x2017
 HCI Extension encrypt data using AES128.
 HCI Extension LE Receiver Test.
 HCI Extension LE Test End Command.
 HCI Extension LE Transmitter Test.
 HCI Extension Read BD Address.
#define SNP_HCI_OPCODE_READ_RSSI   0x1405
 HCI Extension Read RSSI.
#define SNP_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE   0x02
 Number of bytes an HCI OPCODE should be.
 SNP HCI Response Collision Status.
#define SNP_IMAGE_START   0x00000000
 Location in memory where the SNP image is located.
#define SNP_INIT_DEVICE_CNF   0x41
 SNP Init Device Config.
#define SNP_INIT_DEVICE_REQ   0x41
 SNP GAP Init Device Request.
#define SNP_INVALID_HANDLE   0x0000
 Invalid Handle.
#define SNP_INVALID_PARAMS   0x84
 SNP Invalid Parameters Status.
#define SNP_MASK_EVENT_RSP   0x02
 SNP Mask Event Response.
#define SNP_MASK_EVT_REQ   0x02
 SNP Mask Event Request.
 < This is the maximum size of a scan response or advertising data buffer.
#define SNP_NONCONN_ADV_DATA   0x01
 data buffer holding advertisement data that will be advertise if the device is NOT in a connection
 SNP Not Advertising Status.
#define SNP_NOT_CONNECTED   0x92
 SNP Not Connected Status.
 SNP Notifications/Indications No CCCD Attribute.
 SNP Notifications/Indications Not Allowed.
 SNP Notifications/Indications Not Enabled.
 (0x55) Asynchronous Command type for the BLE simple network processor (cmd0 field of npi frame)
 (0x35) Synchronous request type for the BLE simple network processor (cmd0 field of npi frame)
 (0x75) Synchronous response type for the BLE simple network processor (cmd0 field of npi frame)
#define SNP_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   0x87
 SNP Out of Resources Status.
#define SNP_POWER_UP_IND   0x01
 SNP Power Up Indication.
 Primary service.
 SNP Register Redefined service request.
 SNP Register Redefined service response.
 SNP Register Service with GATT request.
 SNP Register Service with GATT response.
#define SNP_RESPONSE_NEEDED   0x01
 AP Response Needed.
 AP Does Not Need To Respond.
#define SNP_SCANRSP_DATA   0x00
 data buffer holding the scanning response
 Secondary service.
#define SNP_SECURITY_EVT   0x0040
 SNP Security Event.
 SNP Send Auth Data Response.
#define SNP_SEND_INDICATION   0x02
 Indication type.
#define SNP_SEND_NOTIF_IND_CNF   0x89
 SNP Send Notification/Indication response.
#define SNP_SEND_NOTIF_IND_REQ   0x89
 SNP Send Notification/Indication request.
 Notification type.
 SNP GAP Send Security Request.
#define SNP_SET_ADV_DATA_CNF   0x43
 SNP Set Advertising Data Config.
#define SNP_SET_ADV_DATA_REQ   0x43
 SNP GAP Set Adv Data Request.
#define SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_REQ   0x86
 SNP Set attribute value request.
#define SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_RSP   0x86
 SNP Set attribute value response.
 SNP GAP Set Auth Data Request.
#define SNP_SET_GAP_PARAM_REQ   0x48
 SNP GAP Set Conn Parameters Request.
#define SNP_SET_GAP_PARAM_RSP   0x48
 SNP GAP Set Parameter Response.
 SNP Set GATT parameter request.
 SNP Set GATT parameter response.
 SNP GAP Set Security Parameters Request.
 SNP Set Security Parameter Response.
 SNP GAP White List Policy Request.
 SNP Set White List Policy Response.
#define SNP_START_ADV_REQ   0x42
 SNP GAP Start Adv Request.
#define SNP_STOP_ADV_REQ   0x44
 SNP GAP Stop Adv Request.
#define SNP_SUCCESS   0x00
 SNP Success Status.
#define SNP_SYNC_ERROR_CMD_IND   0x07
 SNP Sync Error Cmd Indication.
 SNP GAP Terminate Connection Request.
#define SNP_TEST_REQ   0x10
 SNP Test Request.
#define SNP_TEST_RSP   0x10
 SNP Test Response.
 SNP Unknown Attribute Status.
#define SNP_UNKNOWN_SERVICE   0x89
 SNP Unknown Service Status.
 SNP Update Connection Param Config.
 SNP GAP Update Connection Param Request.


typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpAddServiceRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpCharWriteCnf_t snpCharCfgUpdatedRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_processCharConfigUpdatedCnf / SNP_CCCD_UPDATED_CNF - Same Structure as snpCharWriteCnf_t. More...
typedef struct snpSetGapParamReq_t snpGetGapParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getGapParam / SNP_GET_GAP_PARAM_REQ - Same Structure as snpSetGapParamReq_t. More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamReq_t snpGetGattParamRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getGATTParam / SNP_GET_GATT_PARAM_RSP. More...
typedef struct snpCharWriteCnf_t snpNotifIndCnf_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_sendNotifcnf_rsp - Same Structure as snpCharWriteCnf_t. More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetAdvDataCnf_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetAuthDataRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetGapParamRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpSetGapParamReq_t snpSetSecParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setSecurityParams / SNP_SET_SECURITY_PARAM_REQ - Same Structure as snpSetGapParamReq_t. More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetSecParamRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetWhiteListRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...


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