TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
list of status generated by the SNP.


 SNP Already Advertising Status.
 SNP Command Already in Progress Status.
#define SNP_CMD_REJECTED   0x86
 SNP Command Rejected Status.
#define SNP_FAILURE   0x83
 SNP Failure Status.
#define SNP_FAILURE_NO_ATT_RSP   0x93
 SNP No Attribute Response Failure Status.
 SNP GATT Collision Status.
#define SNP_HCI_CMD_UNKNOWN   0x8D
 SNP HCI Command Unknown Status.
 SNP HCI Response Collision Status.
#define SNP_INVALID_PARAMS   0x84
 SNP Invalid Parameters Status.
 SNP Not Advertising Status.
#define SNP_NOT_CONNECTED   0x92
 SNP Not Connected Status.
 SNP Notifications/Indications No CCCD Attribute.
 SNP Notifications/Indications Not Allowed.
 SNP Notifications/Indications Not Enabled.
#define SNP_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   0x87
 SNP Out of Resources Status.
#define SNP_SUCCESS   0x00
 SNP Success Status.
 SNP Unknown Attribute Status.
#define SNP_UNKNOWN_SERVICE   0x89
 SNP Unknown Service Status.

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