TI BLE-Stack for Bluetooth 4.2 API Documentation
Data Structures | Typedefs
SNP Structures

Data Structures

union  snp_msg_t
 The SNP message. A union of all SNP message types. More...
struct  snpAddAttrCccd_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a Client Characteristic Configuration Description Attribute. More...
struct  snpAddAttrFormat_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a Format attribute. More...
struct  snpAddAttrGenLongUUID_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a generic attribute descriptor (long UUID) More...
struct  snpAddAttrGenShortUUID_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a generic attribute descriptor (short UUID) More...
struct  snpAddAttrUserDesc_t
 Parameter Structure used to add a User Descriptor attribute. More...
struct  snpAddCharDescDeclReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_addDescriptionValue. More...
struct  snpAddCharDescDeclRsp_t
 Parameter Structure to add new Characteristic Description Response SNP_ADD_CHAR_DESC_DECL_RSP. More...
struct  snpAddCharValueDeclReq_t
 Parameter Structure used for SNP_addCharValueDecl / SNP_ADD_CHAR_VAL_DECL_REQ. More...
struct  snpAddCharValueDeclRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for Response to SNP_addCharValueDecl / SNP_ADD_CHAR_VAL_DECL_RSP. More...
struct  snpAddServiceReq_t
 Add Service Request Structure for SNP_addService / SNP_ADD_SERVICE_REQ. More...
struct  snpAdvStatusEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Advertising state change Event. More...
struct  snpATTMTUSizeEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the ATT MTU size updated Event data. More...
struct  snpAuthenticationEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for MITM Authentication data to be displayed. More...
struct  snpCharCfgUpdatedInd_t
 Parameter Structure for the Characteristic Configuration Update Indication. More...
struct  snpCharReadCnf_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_CHAR_READ_CNF / snpCharReadCnf_t. More...
struct  snpCharReadInd_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_CHAR_READ_IND / @ ref SNP_charRead. More...
struct  snpCharWriteCnf_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_writeCharCnf / SNP_CHAR_WRITE_CNF. More...
struct  snpCharWriteInd_t
 Parameter Structure for the Characteristic Write Request Indication data. More...
struct  snpConnEstEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Connection Established Event. More...
struct  snpConnTermEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Connection terminated Event. More...
struct  snpErrorEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Error Event SNP_ERROR_EVT. More...
union  snpEventParam_t
 SNP Event Parameters. More...
struct  snpEvt_t
 SNP Event Structure. More...
struct  snpGapPeriConnectParams_t
 Connection parameters for the peripheral device. More...
struct  snpGetAttrValueReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getAttrValue / SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_REQ. More...
struct  snpGetAttrValueRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for response to SNP_getAttrValue / SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_RSP. More...
struct  snpGetGapParamRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for the Get GAP Parameter Value Response. More...
struct  snpGetGattParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getGATTParam / SNP_GET_GATT_PARAM_REQ. More...
struct  snpGetRandRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for the response to SNP_getRev. More...
struct  snpGetRevisionRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getRev. More...
struct  snpGetStatusCmdRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for the response to SNP_getStatus This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information. More...
struct  snpHciCmdReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_executeHCIcmd. More...
struct  snpHciCmdRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_HCI_CMD_RSP. More...
struct  snpMaskEventReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_maskEvt. More...
struct  snpMaskEventRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_MASK_EVENT_RSP. More...
struct  snpNotifIndReq_t
 Parameter Structure for the Characteristic Notification and Indication Request data This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information. More...
struct  snpRegisterServiceRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_registerService / SNP_REGISTER_SERVICE_RSP. More...
struct  snpSecurityEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Security Event. More...
struct  snpSetAdvDataReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setAdvData. More...
struct  snpSetAttrValueReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setAttrValue / SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_REQ. More...
struct  snpSetAttrValueRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for response to SNP_setAttrValue / SNP_SET_ATTR_VALUE_RSP. More...
struct  snpSetAuthDataReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setAuthenticationData / SNP_SET_AUTHENTICATION_DATA_REQ. More...
struct  snpSetGapParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setGapParam / SNP_SET_GAP_PARAM_REQ. More...
struct  snpSetGattParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setGATTParam / SNP_SET_GATT_PARAM_RSP. More...
struct  snpSetGattParamRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
struct  snpSetWhiteListReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setWhiteListFilterPolicy / SNP_SET_WHITE_LIST_POLICY_REQ. More...
struct  snpStartAdvReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_startAdv. More...
struct  snpTermConnReq_t
 Connection Termination Request Structure. More...
struct  snpTestCmdRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_executeTestCmd. More...
struct  snpUpdateConnParamCnf_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_UPDATE_CONN_PARAM_CNF. More...
struct  snpUpdateConnParamEvt_t
 Parameter Structure for the Update Connection Parameter Event. More...
struct  snpUpdateConnParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_updateConnParam. More...


typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpAddServiceRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpCharWriteCnf_t snpCharCfgUpdatedRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_processCharConfigUpdatedCnf / SNP_CCCD_UPDATED_CNF - Same Structure as snpCharWriteCnf_t. More...
typedef struct snpSetGapParamReq_t snpGetGapParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getGapParam / SNP_GET_GAP_PARAM_REQ - Same Structure as snpSetGapParamReq_t. More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamReq_t snpGetGattParamRsp_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_getGATTParam / SNP_GET_GATT_PARAM_RSP. More...
typedef struct snpCharWriteCnf_t snpNotifIndCnf_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_sendNotifcnf_rsp - Same Structure as snpCharWriteCnf_t. More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetAdvDataCnf_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetAuthDataRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetGapParamRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpSetGapParamReq_t snpSetSecParamReq_t
 Parameter Structure for SNP_setSecurityParams / SNP_SET_SECURITY_PARAM_REQ - Same Structure as snpSetGapParamReq_t. More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetSecParamRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...
typedef struct snpSetGattParamRsp_t snpSetWhiteListRsp_t
 1 Byte Command Status Response More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

§ snpAddServiceRsp_t

1 Byte Command Status Response


Same Structure as snpSetGattParamRsp_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpCharCfgUpdatedRsp_t

Parameter Structure for SNP_processCharConfigUpdatedCnf / SNP_CCCD_UPDATED_CNF - Same Structure as snpCharWriteCnf_t.

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpGetGapParamReq_t

Parameter Structure for SNP_getGapParam / SNP_GET_GAP_PARAM_REQ - Same Structure as snpSetGapParamReq_t.

This does not mean parameters have been changed, only that the NP has successfully sent the request.

Same Structure as snpSetGapParamReq_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpGetGattParamRsp_t

Parameter Structure for SNP_getGATTParam / SNP_GET_GATT_PARAM_RSP.

Same Structure as snpSetGattParamReq_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpNotifIndCnf_t

Parameter Structure for SNP_sendNotifcnf_rsp - Same Structure as snpCharWriteCnf_t.

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpSetAdvDataCnf_t

1 Byte Command Status Response

Used by SNP_SET_ADV_DATA_CNF event

Same Structure as snpSetGattParamRsp_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpSetAuthDataRsp_t

1 Byte Command Status Response


Same Structure as snpSetGattParamRsp_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpSetGapParamRsp_t

1 Byte Command Status Response


Same Structure as snpSetGattParamRsp_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpSetSecParamReq_t

Parameter Structure for SNP_setSecurityParams / SNP_SET_SECURITY_PARAM_REQ - Same Structure as snpSetGapParamReq_t.

2 Byte Structure Details:

(Byte 1) Parameter : Byte 2 Possible Values
(0x00) Pairing Modes: GAP Bond Manager Pairing Modes
(0x01) IO Capabilities of the device: GAP Bond Manager I/O Capabilities
(0x02) Bonding: TRUE(enable) or FALSE(disable)
(0x03) Erase All Bonds: (no parameter values)
(0x04) Replace Least Recently Used Bond: TRUE(enable) or FALSE(disable)

Same Structure as snpSetGapParamReq_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpSetSecParamRsp_t

1 Byte Command Status Response


Same Structure as snpSetGattParamRsp_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

§ snpSetWhiteListRsp_t

1 Byte Command Status Response


Same Structure as snpSetGattParamRsp_t

This is a packed structure. see Dealing with Parameters and Packed Structures for more information.

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