Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /******************************************************************************
2 * Filename: rf_hid_cmd.h
3 *
4 * Description: CC13x2/CC26x2 API for HID commands
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated
7 * All rights reserved.
8 *
9 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
11 *
12 * 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
13 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14 *
15 * 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
16 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
17 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
18 *
19 * 3) Neither the name of the ORGANIZATION nor the names of its contributors may
20 * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
21 * specific prior written permission.
22 *
34 *
35 ******************************************************************************/
36 /*!*****************************************************************************
37  * @file rf_hid_cmd.h
38  * @brief RF HID command interface for CC13x2, CC26x2
39  *
40  *
41  * To use the CMD_HID_TX and CMD_HID_RX commands, make sure that the following
42  * override list is being used:
43  * @code
44  * #define TURNAROUND_TIME 64 // 64 µs turnaround time
45  * uint32_t pOverridesCommon[] =
46  * {
47  * // DC/DC regulator: In Tx, use DCDCCTL5[3:0]=0x3 (DITHER_EN=0 and IPEAK=3).
48  * (uint32_t)0x00F388D3,
49  * // Set pilot tone length to 4 us (enable phase error discard as early as possible)
50  * HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x6024,0x0020),
51  * // Bluetooth 5: Default to no CTE.
52  * HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x5328,0x0000),
53  * // Synth: Increase mid code calibration time to 5 us
54  * (uint32_t)0x00058683,
55  * // Synth: Increase mid code calibration time to 5 us
56  * HW32_ARRAY_OVERRIDE(0x4004,1),
57  * // Synth: Increase mid code calibration time to 5 us
58  * (uint32_t)0x38183C30,
59  * // HID: Reduce turnaround times:
60  * (uint32_t)((TURNAROUND_TIME*4)<<16)|0x0263, // modify tx to rx turnaround time
61  * (uint32_t)((TURNAROUND_TIME*4)<<16)|0x0283, // modify rx to tx turnaround time
62  * // Of of override list
63  * (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF
64  * };
65  * @endcode
66  *
67  * @anchor rf_hid_overview
68  * # Overview
69  * The HID commands are designed to be compatible with CC254x devices,
70  * using the same protocol as the CC254x.
71  * The packet are defined as:
72  * 8 bit preamble, 32 bit sync word, optional 8 bit address, 8 or 9 bit header,
73  * [0-n] byte payload and 16 bit CRC at 2 Mbps.
74  * The HID commands uses the same automode functionality as found in the
75  * CC254x devices, see [CC254x user guide](https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/swru283b/swru283b.pdf).
76  *
77  * The CMD_HID_TX utlizes a TX queue to evaluate if the subsequent packet
78  * should be sent, given that the device is not retranmitting the previous packet.
79  * On submission of the CMD_HID_TX, the radio will check if there are TX
80  * entries in the queue. If TX entires are present, the radio will start sending
81  * the packets as defined by the startTrigger. If no packets are present, the radio
82  * will enter a wait-state, waiting on CMD_TRIGGER_HID_TX. Once CMD_TRIGGER_HID_TX
83  * is submitted, the radio will re-evaluate the TX queue, and if packets are present
84  * , the radio will start sending the TX packets as defined by the startTrigger.
85  * If no entries in the TX queue has been submitted, or CMD_STOP/CMD_ABORT was
86  * submitted, the CMD_HID_TX will end and the radio is ready for another command.
87  *
88  *
89  * <hr>
90  * @anchor rf_hid_Usage
91  * # Usage
92  *
93  * This documentation provides basic @ref rf_hid_settings_c
94  * "rf_hid_settings.c", @ref rf_hid_settings_h
95  * "rf_hid_settings.h" and a set of @ref rf_hid_Examples "examples"
96  * in the form of commented code fragments. Detailed descriptions of the
97  * APIs are provided in subsequent sections.
98  *
99  * @anchor rf_hid_settings
100  * ## RF HID settings
101  * @anchor rf_hid_settings_c
102  * @code
103  * // Filename: rf_hid_settings.c
104  *
105  * // Import the settings header file
106  * #include "rf_hid_settings.h"
107  *
108  * // Import the RF driver definitions
109  * #include <ti/drivers/rf/RF.h>
110  *
111  * // Import the needed radio files
112  * #include <ti/devices/DeviceFamily.h>
113  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_mailbox.h)
114  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_hid_cmd.h)
115  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(rf_patches/rf_patch_cpe_multi_protocol_hid.h)
116  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_data_entry.h)
117  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_common_cmd.h)
118  *
119  *
120  * // TI-RTOS RF Mode Object
121  * RF_Mode RF_hid =
122  * {
123  * .rfMode = RF_MODE_PROPRIETARY,
124  * .cpePatchFxn = &rf_patch_cpe_multi_protocol_hid,
125  * .mcePatchFxn = 0,
126  * .rfePatchFxn = 0
127  * };
128  *
129  * // TX and RX queue declarations
130  * uint8_t txEntry1[BUFFER_LEN];
131  * uint8_t txEntry2[BUFFER_LEN];
132  * uint8_t rxEntry1[BUFFER_LEN];
133  * uint8_t rxEntry2[BUFFER_LEN];
134  *
135  * dataQueue_t txQ = {
136  * .pCurrEntry = NULL,
137  * .pLastEntry = NULL,
138  * };
139  *
140  * dataQueue_t rxQ = {
141  * .pCurrEntry = NULL,
142  * .pLastEntry = NULL,
143  * };
144  *
145  * // Statistics
146  * rfc_hidRxTxOutput_t rxTxStatistics;
147  *
148  * // Override list. 64 us turnaround compatible with fastest setting
149  * // for CC254x devices
150  * #define TURNAROUND_TIME 64 // Turnaround time in usec
151  * uint32_t pOverridesCommon[] =
152  * {
153  * // DC/DC regulator: In Tx, use DCDCCTL5[3:0]=0x3 (DITHER_EN=0 and IPEAK=3).
154  * (uint32_t)0x00F388D3,
155  * // Set pilot tone length to 4 us (enable phase error discard as early as possible)
156  * HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x6024,0x0020),
157  * // Bluetooth 5: Default to no CTE.
158  * HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x5328,0x0000),
159  * // Synth: Increase mid code calibration time to 5 us
160  * (uint32_t)0x00058683,
161  * // Synth: Increase mid code calibration time to 5 us
162  * HW32_ARRAY_OVERRIDE(0x4004,1),
163  * // Synth: Increase mid code calibration time to 5 us
164  * (uint32_t)0x38183C30,
165  * // HID: Reduce turnaround times:
166  * (uint32_t)((TURNAROUND_TIME*4)<<16)|0x0263, // modify tx to rx turnaround time
167  * (uint32_t)((TURNAROUND_TIME*4)<<16)|0x0283, // modify rx to tx turnaround time
168  * // Of of override list
169  * (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFF
170  * };
171  *
173  * // Radio setup for HID command
174  * rfc_CMD_RADIO_SETUP_t RF_cmdRadioSetup =
175  * {
176  * .commandNo = CMD_RADIO_SETUP,
177  * .status = 0x0000,
178  * .pNextOp = 0, // INSERT APPLICABLE POINTER: (uint8_t*)&xxx
179  * .startTime = 0x00000000,
180  * .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0,
181  * .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0,
182  * .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0,
183  * .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x0,
184  * .condition.rule = 0x1,
185  * .condition.nSkip = 0x0,
186  * .mode = 0x2, // HID mode
187  * .loDivider = 0x00,
188  * .config.frontEndMode = 0x0,
189  * .config.biasMode = 0x0,
190  * .config.analogCfgMode = 0x0,
191  * .config.bNoFsPowerUp = 0x0,
192  * .txPower = 0x7217,
193  * .pRegOverride = pOverridesCommon,
194  * };
195  *
196  * // CMD_FS
197  * // Frequency Synthesizer Programming Command
198  * rfc_CMD_FS_t RF_cmdFs =
199  * {
200  * .commandNo = 0x0803,
201  * .status = 0x0000,
202  * .pNextOp = 0,
203  * .startTime = 0x00000000,
204  * .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0,
205  * .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0,
206  * .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0,
207  * .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x1,
208  * .condition.rule = 0x1,
209  * .condition.nSkip = 0x0,
210  * .frequency = 2440,
211  * .fractFreq = 0x0000,
212  * .synthConf.bTxMode = 0x0,
213  * .synthConf.refFreq = 0x0,
214  * .__dummy0 = 0x00,
215  * .__dummy1 = 0x00,
216  * .__dummy2 = 0x00,
217  * .__dummy3 = 0x0000
218  * };
219  *
220  * // CMD_HID_TX
221  * // HID TX command
222  * rfc_CMD_HID_TX_t RF_cmdTxHID =
223  * {
224  * .commandNo = CMD_HID_TX,
225  * .status = 0x0000,
226  * .pNextOp = 0x00000000,
227  * .startTime = 0x00000000,
228  * .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0,
229  * .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0,
230  * .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0,
231  * .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x0,
232  * .condition.rule = COND_NEVER,
233  * .condition.nSkip = 0x0,
234  * .pktConf.bFsOff = 0x0, // Keep synth on
235  * .pktConf.bAutoRetransmit = 0x1, // Listen for ack and retransmit
236  * .pktConf.bVarLen = 0x1, // Variable length mode
237  * .pktConf.hdrMode = 0x0, // 9 bit mode
238  * .pktConf.bIncludeAddr = 0x1, // Include address after sync word
239  * .pktConf.hdrConf = 0x0, // Automatically generate header
240  * .pktConf.bFixedTxLen = 0x0, // Calculate length when sending packet
241  * .rxConf.bAutoFlushIgnored = 0x0, // Do not flush ignored packets
242  * .rxConf.bAutoFlushCrcErr = 0x1, // Flush packets with CRC error
243  * .rxConf.bIncludeAddr = 0x0, // Do not include address in queue
244  * .rxConf.bIncludeHdr = 0x1, // Include header in queue
245  * .rxConf.bIncludeCrc = 0x0, // Do not include CRC in queue
246  * .rxConf.bAppendStatus = 0x0, // Do not append status byte in queue
247  * .rxConf.bAppendTimestamp = 0x0, // Do not append time stamp of received packet in queue
248  * .syncWord = 0x29417671,
249  * .address = 0xEF,
250  * .seqNo = 0x00,
251  * .maxAckLen = 0x1E, // Maximum length of ack
252  * .pktLen = 32, // Packet is 32 bytes
253  * .maxRetrans = 3, // Maximum three retransmissions
254  * .noAckMode.noAckVal = 0, // Set automatic NO_ACK value to inverse of bAutoRetransmit
255  * .noAckMode.bAlwaysAutoRetransmit = 1, // Never disable auto retransmit
256  * .retransDelay = 0x1E, // Number of RAT ticks from start of transmission of a packet to retransmission
257  * .pPkt = 0,
258  * .pRxQueue = 0,
259  * .pOutput = 0,
260  * };
261  *
262  * // CMD_HID_RX
263  * // HID RX command
264  * rfc_CMD_HID_RX_t RF_cmdRxHID =
265  * {
266  * .commandNo = CMD_HID_RX,
267  * .status = 0x0000,
268  * .pNextOp = 0x00000000,
269  * .startTime = 0x00000000,
270  * .startTrigger.triggerType = 0x0,
271  * .startTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0x0,
272  * .startTrigger.triggerNo = 0x0,
273  * .startTrigger.pastTrig = 0x0,
274  * .condition.rule = COND_NEVER,
275  * .condition.nSkip = 0x0,
276  * .pktConf.bFsOff = 0x0, // Keep synth on
277  * .pktConf.bRepeatOk = 1, // If packet was received OK, then end
278  * .pktConf.bRepeatNok = 1, // If packer was NOK, then go back to sync search
279  * .pktConf.hdrMode = 0x0, // 9 bit mode
280  * .pktConf.bIncludeAddr = 0x1, // Include address after sync word
281  * .pktConf.hdrConf = 0x0, // Automatically generate header
282  * .rxConf.bAutoFlushIgnored = 0x0, // Do not flush ignored packets
283  * .rxConf.bAutoFlushCrcErr = 0x0, // Do not flush packets with CRC error
284  * .rxConf.bIncludeAddr = 0x0, // Do not include address in queue
285  * .rxConf.bIncludeHdr = 0x0, // Do not include header in queue
286  * .rxConf.bIncludeCrc = 0x0, // Do not include CRC in queue
287  * .rxConf.bAppendRssi = 0x0, // Do not append RSSI in queue
288  * .rxConf.bAppendStatus = 0x0, // Do not append status byte in queue
289  * .rxConf.bAppendTimestamp = 0x0, // Do not append time stamp of received packet in queue
290  * .syncWord0 = 0x29417671,
291  * .syncWord1 = 0x0,
292  * .numAddr = 1, // Number of address entries in pAddrEntry
293  * .__dummy0 = 0,
294  * .__dummy1 = 0,
295  * .endTrigger.triggerType = 1, // Trig never
296  * .endTrigger.bEnaCmd = 0,
297  * .endTrigger.triggerNo = 0,
298  * .endTrigger.pastTrig = 0,
299  * .endTime = 0,
300  * .pAddrEntry = 0, //pointer to array of address entries
301  * .pRxQueue = 0,
302  * .pOutput = 0,
303  * };
304  *
305  * // Struct used for the address entry
306  * rfc_hidAddrEntry_t addrEntry =
307  * {
308  * .addrConfig.ena0 = 1, // Enable entry for sync word 0
309  * .addrConfig.ena1 = 0, // Disable entry for sync word 0
310  * .addrConfig.autoAckMode = 2, // Always enable auto-acknowledgement for the entry
311  * .addrConfig.bVarLen = 1, // Use variable length in receiver when receiving packets
312  * .addrConfig.bFixedTxLen = 0, // Use actual length in header when sending ACK
313  * .maxPktLen = 100,
314  * .address = 0xEF, // Address of packet
315  * .pTxQueue = 0, // Pointer to transmit queue for acknowledgements in use for the address
316  * .crcVal = 0,
317  * };
318  * @endcode
319  *
320  * @anchor rf_hid_settings_h
321  * @code
322  * // Filename: rf_hid_settings.h
323  *
324  * #include <ti/devices/DeviceFamily.h>
325  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_mailbox.h)
326  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_common_cmd.h)
327  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_hid_cmd.h)
328  * #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_data_entry.h)
329  * #include <ti/drivers/rf/RF.h>
330  *
331  * extern RF_Mode RF_hid;
332  *
333  * #define BUFFER_LEN 20 // Set the appropriate length here
334  *
335  * // RF Core API commands
336  * extern rfc_CMD_RADIO_SETUP_t RF_cmdRadioSetup;
337  * extern rfc_CMD_FS_t RF_cmdFs;
338  * extern rfc_CMD_HID_TX_t RF_cmdTxHID;
339  * extern rfc_CMD_HID_RX_t RF_cmdRxHID;
340  * extern rfc_hidAddrEntry_t addrEntry;
341  *
342  * // RF HID queue and statistics
343  * extern dataQueue_t txQ;
344  * extern dataQueue_t rxQ;
345  * extern uint8_t txEntry1[BUFFER_LEN];
346  * extern uint8_t rxEntry1[BUFFER_LEN];
347  * extern uint8_t txEntry2[BUFFER_LEN];
348  * extern uint8_t rxEntry2[BUFFER_LEN];
349  * extern rfc_hidRxTxOutput_t rxTxStatistics;
350  *
351  * @endcode
352  *
353  * <hr>
354  * @anchor rf_hid_Examples
355  * # Examples
356  * The following code example opens the RF driver, setup the radio for CMD_HID_TX,
357  * initiates the TX/RX queues so that the packet is being transmitted as fast
358  * as possible once the CMD_HID_TX is submitted.
359  *
360  * ### Using the RF CMD_HID_TX without trigger #
361  * The example below does not use the CMD_HID_TRIGGER_TX, since the
362  * queues are committed to the command before the RF_cmdTxHID is submitted.
363  * The radio will evaluate the TX queue as containing data and proceed to start the
364  * transmission.
365  * The radio will continue to send packets and receive ACK's as long as there are
366  * enough space in the queues to allow reception of ACK's, TX queue is filled and
367  * retramission count is below the threshold, and no other error has occured.
368  * The command will terminate if the RX queue ran out of free entries,
369  * or the maximum number of retransmissions (RF_cmdTxHID.maxRetrans) was done,
370  * or the CMD_STOP/CMD_ABORT command was submitted,
371  * or any error occured.
372  * If the TX queue runs out of valid entires, the radio will enter the same wait state
373  * as if command is submitted without committed TX queues.
374  * @code
375  * // Initialize the radio
376  * RF_Params rfParams;
377  * RF_Params_init(&rfParams);
378  *
379  * // Open the radio and submit setup command
380  * RF_Handle rfHandle = RF_open(pObj, &RF_hid, (RF_RadioSetup *)&RF_cmdRadioSetup, NULL);
381  * RF_runCmd(rfHandle, (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdFs, RF_PriorityNormal, NULL, 0);
382  * // Initialize the queues
383  * rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *txEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *)txEntry1;
384  * txEntry->pNextEntry = txEntry2;
385  * txEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
386  * txEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
387  * txEntry->config.irqIntv = 0;
388  * txEntry->config.lenSz = 0;
389  * txEntry->config.type = 0;
390  * txEntry->length = 10; // Set the appropriate length here
391  *
392  * txEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *)txEntry2;
393  * txEntry->pNextEntry = txEntry1;
394  * txEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
395  * txEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
396  * txEntry->config.irqIntv = 0;
397  * txEntry->config.lenSz = 0;
398  * txEntry->config.type = 0;
399  * txEntry->length = 10; // Set the appropriate length here
400  * txQ.pCurrEntry = txEntry1;
401  * txQ.pLastEntry = NULL;
402  *
403  * rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *rxEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)rxEntry1;
404  * rxEntry->pNextEntry = rxEntry2;
405  * rxEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
406  * rxEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
407  * rxEntry->config.lenSz = 1;
408  * rxEntry->length = BUFFER_LEN-8;
409  *
410  * rxEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)rxEntry2;
411  * rxEntry->pNextEntry = rxEntry1;
412  * rxEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
413  * rxEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
414  * rxEntry->config.lenSz = 1;
415  * rxEntry->length = BUFFER_LEN-8;
416  * rxQ.pCurrEntry = rxEntry1;
417  * rxQ.pLastEntry = NULL;
418  *
419  * // Commit the queues and statistics to the TX command
420  * RF_cmdTxHID.pPkt = (uint8_t*)&txQ;
421  * RF_cmdTxHID.pRxQueue = &rxQ;
422  * RF_cmdTxHID.pOutput = &rxTxStatistics;
423  *
424  * // Submit the command and handle the queue fill/empty in the hidTxCb callback
425  * RF_runCmd(rfHandle,
426  * (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdTxHID,
427  * RF_PriorityNormal,
428  * &hidTxCb,
429  * RF_EventTxDone | RF_EventTxEntryDone | RF_EventRxEntryDone | RF_EventLastCmdDone);
430  * @endcode
431  *
432  *
433  * ### Using the RF CMD_HID_TX with trigger #
434  * The example below is using the CMD_HID_TRIGGER_TX to trigger the transmission of
435  * the TX packet and ACK reception.
436  * The setup for the command is the same as for the example without the trigger, with
437  * the only difference being that the queues are commited to the command after it has
438  * been submitted.
439  * This is a way to enable faster TX start up, compared to regular command submission.
440  *
441  * The example below is using the same data as the above.
442  * The transmission is then triggered 500 usec after CMD_HID_TX command submission.
443  * The delta between RF_runCmd(..., RF_cmdTxHID, ...) and TX start without trigger
444  * is greater than delta between RF_runDirectCmd(rfHandle, CMD_TRIGGER_HID_TX) and
445  * TX start, but will consume more power.
446  *
447  * @code
448  * // Initialize the radio
449  * RF_Params rfParams;
450  * RF_Params_init(&rfParams);
451  *
452  * // Open the radio and submit setup command
453  * RF_Handle rfHandle = RF_open(pObj, &RF_hid, (RF_RadioSetup *)&RF_cmdRadioSetup, NULL);
454  * RF_runCmd(rfHandle, (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdFs, RF_PriorityNormal, NULL, 0);
455  * // Initialize the queues
456  * rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *txEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *)txEntry1;
457  * txEntry->pNextEntry = txEntry2;
458  * txEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
459  * txEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
460  * txEntry->config.irqIntv = 0;
461  * txEntry->config.lenSz = 0;
462  * txEntry->config.type = 0;
463  * txEntry->length = 10; // Set the appropriate length here
464  *
465  * txEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *)txEntry2;
466  * txEntry->pNextEntry = txEntry1;
467  * txEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
468  * txEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
469  * txEntry->config.irqIntv = 0;
470  * txEntry->config.lenSz = 0;
471  * txEntry->config.type = 0;
472  * txEntry->length = 10; // Set the appropriate length here
473  * txQ.pCurrEntry = txEntry1;
474  * txQ.pLastEntry = NULL;
475  *
476  * rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *rxEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)rxEntry1;
477  * rxEntry->pNextEntry = rxEntry2;
478  * rxEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
479  * rxEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
480  * rxEntry->config.lenSz = 1;
481  * rxEntry->length = BUFFER_LEN-8;
482  *
483  * rxEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)rxEntry2;
484  * rxEntry->pNextEntry = rxEntry1;
485  * rxEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
486  * rxEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
487  * rxEntry->config.lenSz = 1;
488  * rxEntry->length = BUFFER_LEN-8;
489  * rxQ.pCurrEntry = rxEntry1;
490  * rxQ.pLastEntry = NULL;
491  *
492  * RF_cmdTxHID.pRxQueue = &rxQ;
493  * RF_cmdTxHID.pOutput = &rxTxStatistics;
494  *
495  * // Submit the command and handle the queue fill/empty in the hidTxCb callback
496  * RF_CmdHandle ch = RF_postCmd(rfHandle,
497  * (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdTxHID,
498  * RF_PriorityNormal,
499  * &hidTxCb,
500  * RF_EventTxDone | RF_EventTxEntryDone | RF_EventRxEntryDone | RF_EventLastCmdDone);
501  * // Wait 500 usec
502  * usleep(500);
503  *
504  * // Commit the queues and statistics to the TX command
505  * RF_cmdTxHID.pPkt = (uint8_t*)&txQ;
506  *
507  * // Submit the trigger
508  * RF_runDirectCmd(rfHandle, CMD_TRIGGER_HID_TX);
509  *
510  * // Pend on the command end.
511  * RF_pendCmd(rfHandle, ch, RF_EventCmdDone);
512  *
513  * @endcode
514  *
515  *
516  *
517  * ### Using the RF CMD_HID_RX command #
518  * The CMD_HID_RX is not using the trigger as done with the CMD_HID_TX, instead
519  * the reception is handled by the startTrigger.
520  *
521  * The TX queues are used for sending the ACK's, and the TX queue to use is decided
522  * by the address entry, meaning that it's possible to have different TX queues for
523  * different received addresses, allowing for different ACK's for different addresses.
524  *
525  * If pktConf.bIncludeAddr is zero, meaning that no address is sent, the address entry
526  * used will be the first entry that matches the received sync word with the sync word
527  * ID in the address entry.
528  *
529  * The command will terminate if the RX queue is full, CMD_STOP/CMD_ABORT is being sent
530  * or if any error occured.
531  *
532  * An example of the CMD_HID_RX is shown below.
533  * @code
534  * // Initialize the radio
535  * RF_Params rfParams;
536  * RF_Params_init(&rfParams);
537  *
538  * // Open the radio and submit setup command
539  * RF_Handle rfHandle = RF_open(pObj, &RF_hid, (RF_RadioSetup *)&RF_cmdRadioSetup, NULL);
540  * RF_runCmd(rfHandle, (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdFs, RF_PriorityNormal, NULL, 0);
541  * // Initialize the queues
542  * rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *txEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *)txEntry1;
543  * txEntry->pNextEntry = txEntry2;
544  * txEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
545  * txEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
546  * txEntry->config.irqIntv = 0;
547  * txEntry->config.lenSz = 0;
548  * txEntry->config.type = 0;
549  * txEntry->length = 10; // Set the appropriate length here
550  *
551  * txEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *)txEntry2;
552  * txEntry->pNextEntry = txEntry1;
553  * txEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
554  * txEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
555  * txEntry->config.irqIntv = 0;
556  * txEntry->config.lenSz = 0;
557  * txEntry->config.type = 0;
558  * txEntry->length = 10; // Set the appropriate length here
559  *
560  * rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t *rxEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)rxEntry1;
561  * rxEntry->pNextEntry = rxEntry2;
562  * rxEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
563  * rxEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
564  * rxEntry->config.lenSz = 1;
565  * rxEntry->length = BUFFER_LEN-8;
566  *
567  * rxEntry = (rfc_dataEntryGeneral_t*)rxEntry2;
568  * rxEntry->pNextEntry = rxEntry1;
569  * rxEntry->status = DATA_ENTRY_PENDING;
570  * rxEntry->config.type = DATA_ENTRY_TYPE_GEN;
571  * rxEntry->config.lenSz = 1;
572  * rxEntry->length = BUFFER_LEN-8;
573  * rxQ.pCurrEntry = rxEntry1;
574  * rxQ.pLastEntry = NULL;
575  *
576  * // Attach the TX queue to the address entry. Used for ACK's
577  * addrEntry.pTxQueue = &txQ;
578  * RF_cmdRxHID.pAddrEntry = &addrEntry;
579  * RF_cmdRxHID.pRxQueue = &rxQ;
580  * RF_cmdRxHID.pOutput = &rxTxStatistics;
581  *
582  * // Submit the command and handle the queue fill/empty in the hidRxCb callback
583  * RF_runCmd(rfHandle,
584  * (RF_Op*)&RF_cmdRxHID,
585  * RF_PriorityNormal,
586  * &hidRxCb,
587  * RF_EventTxDone | RF_EventTxEntryDone | RF_EventRxEntryDone | RF_EventLastCmdDone);
588  * @endcode
589  *
590  *
591  * <hr>
592  *
593  * ============================================================================
594  */
595 #ifndef __HID_CMD_H
596 #define __HID_CMD_H
598 #ifndef __RFC_STRUCT
599 #define __RFC_STRUCT
600 #endif
602 #ifndef __RFC_STRUCT_ATTR
603 #if defined(__GNUC__)
604 #define __RFC_STRUCT_ATTR __attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
605 #elif defined(__TI_ARM__)
606 #define __RFC_STRUCT_ATTR __attribute__ ((__packed__,aligned (4)))
607 #else
608 #define __RFC_STRUCT_ATTR
609 #endif
610 #endif
618 #include <stdint.h>
619 #include "rf_mailbox.h"
620 #include "rf_common_cmd.h"
630 #define CMD_HID_TX 0x5801
633  uint16_t commandNo;
634  uint16_t status;
635  rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp;
639  struct {
640  uint8_t triggerType:4;
641  uint8_t bEnaCmd:1;
642  uint8_t triggerNo:2;
644  uint8_t pastTrig:1;
645  } startTrigger;
647  struct {
648  uint8_t rule:4;
649  uint8_t nSkip:4;
650  } condition;
651  struct {
652  uint8_t bFsOff:1;
653  uint8_t bAutoRetransmit:1;
655  uint8_t bVarLen:1;
657  uint8_t hdrMode:1;
659  uint8_t bIncludeAddr:1;
661  uint8_t hdrConf:2;
663  uint8_t bFixedTxLen:1;
667  } pktConf;
670  struct {
671  uint8_t bAutoFlushIgnored:1;
672  uint8_t bAutoFlushCrcErr:1;
673  uint8_t bIncludeAddr:1;
674  uint8_t bIncludeHdr:1;
675  uint8_t bIncludeCrc:1;
676  uint8_t bAppendRssi:1;
677  uint8_t bAppendStatus:1;
678  uint8_t bAppendTimestamp:1;
679  } rxConf;
680  uint32_t syncWord;
681  uint8_t address;
682  uint8_t seqNo;
683  uint8_t maxAckLen;
684  uint8_t pktLen;
685  uint8_t maxRetrans;
686  struct {
687  uint8_t noAckVal:2;
688  uint8_t bAlwaysAutoRetransmit:1;
692  } noAckMode;
694  uint16_t retransDelay;
695  uint8_t* pPkt;
704 #define CMD_HID_RX 0x5802
707  uint16_t commandNo;
708  uint16_t status;
709  rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp;
713  struct {
714  uint8_t triggerType:4;
715  uint8_t bEnaCmd:1;
716  uint8_t triggerNo:2;
718  uint8_t pastTrig:1;
719  } startTrigger;
721  struct {
722  uint8_t rule:4;
723  uint8_t nSkip:4;
724  } condition;
725  struct {
726  uint8_t bFsOff:1;
727  uint8_t bRepeatOk:1;
729  uint8_t bRepeatNok:1;
731  uint8_t hdrMode:1;
733  uint8_t bIncludeAddr:1;
735  uint8_t hdrConf:2;
737  } pktConf;
741  struct {
742  uint8_t bAutoFlushIgnored:1;
743  uint8_t bAutoFlushCrcErr:1;
744  uint8_t bIncludeAddr:1;
745  uint8_t bIncludeHdr:1;
746  uint8_t bIncludeCrc:1;
747  uint8_t bAppendRssi:1;
748  uint8_t bAppendStatus:1;
749  uint8_t bAppendTimestamp:1;
750  } rxConf;
751  uint32_t syncWord0;
752  uint32_t syncWord1;
753  uint8_t numAddr;
754  uint8_t __dummy0;
755  uint8_t __dummy1;
756  struct {
757  uint8_t triggerType:4;
758  uint8_t bEnaCmd:1;
759  uint8_t triggerNo:2;
761  uint8_t pastTrig:1;
762  } endTrigger;
777  struct {
778  uint8_t ena0:1;
779  uint8_t ena1:1;
781  uint8_t autoAckMode:2;
783  uint8_t bVarLen:1;
787  uint8_t bFixedTxLen:1;
789  } addrConfig;
792  uint8_t maxPktLen;
793  uint8_t address;
794  struct {
795  uint8_t bValid:1;
796  uint8_t seq:2;
799  uint8_t ackSeq:2;
800  uint8_t bAckPayloadSent:1;
801  } seqStat;
804  uint16_t crcVal;
814  uint8_t nTx;
815  uint8_t nRxOk;
816  uint8_t nRxNok;
817  uint8_t nRxIgnored;
818  uint8_t nRxBufFull;
819  uint8_t nRxAborted;
820  uint8_t __dummy0;
821  int8_t lastRssi;
832  struct {
833  uint8_t addrInd:5;
834  uint8_t syncWordId:1;
835  uint8_t bIgnore:1;
836  uint8_t bCrcErr:1;
837  } status;
844 #endif
uint8_t seqNo
Sequence number to use for next packet.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:682
uint16_t crcVal
CRC value (last two bytes if more than 2 CRC bytes) of last successfully received packet...
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:804
ratmr_t timeStamp
Time stamp of last received packet.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:822
ratmr_t startTime
Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of startTrigger)
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:712
uint8_t __dummy0
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:754
uint8_t pktLen
Length of transmitted packet.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:684
uint8_t nTx
Number of packets or acknowledgements transmitted.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:814
uint8_t maxAckLen
Maximum length of ACKs.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:683
uint8_t nRxNok
Number of packets that have been received with CRC error.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:816
uint8_t numAddr
Number of address entries.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:753
uint16_t commandNo
The command ID number 0x5802.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:707
dataQueue_t * pRxQueue
Pointer to receive queue.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:766
HID Transmit Command with Auto Retransmission.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:632
uint16_t commandNo
The command ID number 0x5801.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:633
ratmr_t endTime
Time used together with endTrigger for ending the operation.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:764
uint8_t __dummy0
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:820
uint16_t retransDelay
Number of RAT ticks from start of transmission of a packet to retransmission.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:694
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:608
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:831
uint8_t nRxAborted
Number of packets not received due to device address mismatch, invalid length, or abort command...
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:819
uint8_t nRxIgnored
Number of packets ignored as retransmissions or empty ACKs.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:817
int8_t lastRssi
RSSI of last received packet.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:821
uint16_t status
An integer telling the status of the command. This value is updated by the radio CPU during operation...
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:708
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:813
uint8_t __dummy1
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:755
rfc_hidRxTxOutput_t * pOutput
Pointer to output structure.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:767
uint8_t nRxBufFull
Number of packets that have been received and discarded due to lack of buffer space.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:818
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:776
uint32_t syncWord0
Sync word to listen for.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:751
uint8_t * pPkt
Pointer to transmit queue for packets.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:695
uint8_t maxPktLen
Packet length for fixed length, maximum packet length for variable length.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:792
#define __RFC_STRUCT
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:599
uint32_t syncWord1
Alternative sync word if non-zero.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:752
uint8_t nRxOk
Number of packets that have been received with CRC OK.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:815
ratmr_t startTime
Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of startTrigger)
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:638
uint32_t ratmr_t
Type definition for RAT.
Definition: cc13x2_cc26x2/driverlib/rf_mailbox.h:57
dataQueue_t * pTxQueue
Pointer to transmit queue for acknowledgements in use for the address.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:803
uint16_t status
An integer telling the status of the command. This value is updated by the radio CPU during operation...
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:634
rfc_hidRxTxOutput_t * pOutput
Pointer to output structure.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:697
HID Recieve Command with Auto Ack.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:706
uint32_t syncWord
Sync word to send.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:680
rfc_hidAddrEntry_t * pAddrEntry
Pointer to array of address entries.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:765
Type definition for a data queue.
Definition: cc13x2_cc26x2/driverlib/rf_mailbox.h:62
dataQueue_t * pRxQueue
Pointer to receive queue for ACKs.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:696
uint8_t address
Address byte.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:681
Definition: cc13x2_cc26x2/driverlib/rf_common_cmd.h:122
uint8_t address
Address byte of packet.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:793
uint8_t maxRetrans
Maximum number of retransmissions.
Definition: rf_hid_cmd.h:685
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