TI-OpenThread 1.07.00 to 1.08.00

In this guide we will take the doorlock example application from the TI-OpenThread Stack version 1.07.00 (4.10 SDK) to work with the TI-OpenThread Stack version 1.08.00 (4.20 SDK). The doorlock is a MTD example, the migration will be very similar for FTD projects. I am showing off migrating a ti-cgt toolchain example (ccs).


The door_lock example was chosen for its simple nature, and because it shows off the issues we faced porting from the previous stack to this one. This guide is by no means exhaustive, your application may use different APIs or expect different behavior.

Switch Project to New SDK

Follow the instructions here to make the current project use the new SDK.

We will resolve issues specific to this migration below.

Updated OpenThread Functions

We need to change the function otPlatDiagProcess (in doorlock.c):

-void otPlatDiagProcess(otInstance *aInstance, int argc, char *argv[],
+otError otPlatDiagProcess(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t argc, char *argv[],
                    char *aOutput, size_t aOutputMaxLen)
+    return retval;

Change Library Include Paths

Due to new build location for libraries (e.g. libmbedcrypto*, libopenthread*), we need to modify the search paths for them: Right-click project → Properties → Build → ARM Linker → File Search Path. In the library search path section, change the following:




Figure 125. Update include paths