SysConfig Migration

If you have an existing CC13x2 or CC26x2 software project and you want to start developing with SysConfig, follow the steps below. This guide assumes you have a stack project from the SimpleLink CC13x2 or CC26x2 2.40 SDK or newer. If this is not the case, please look at the Stack Porting Guides to see how to update to SimpleLink CC13x2 or CC26x2 2.40 SDK.


If you are starting development with a fresh project, you don’t need to migrate from non-SysConfig to SysConfig-enabled project. In SimpleLink CC13x2 / 26x2 SDK v. 2.40 and later, SysConfig-enabled projects are found in the syscfg_preview folder.

1. Add a .syscfg File to Your Project

In this guide, we will start with a Z-Stack project, then apply necessary changes to start using SysConfig.

You can use the standalone SysConfig tool to make this file. Please see the SysConfig Standalone Installer Download Page.

  • Choose the “Start a new Design” option. Choose your device, part and package. For the product path, add the following for your SDK: {SDK_INSTALL_DIR}\.metadata\product.json.
  • Add an RF stack according to your existing project (Z-Stack). Add any TI Drivers configuration that your project requires. If applicable, add one or more Radio Configuration. You can find guidelines for configuring each of these in the Get started with SysConfig chapter.
  • Save the file and add it to your project.

If you are using CCS, you can add the file by dragging it into your CCS workspace. When you add the file, the following dialog box will appear and allow you to add SysConfig to your project:


If you are using IAR, follow the steps in Using SysConfig with IAR Workbench before you add the .syscfg file. The steps for adding the file are as follows:

  • Include the .syscfg file you want to use in the project (right click on the project → Add Files → Navigate to the .syscfg file and add it).
  • Create a custom build step: Right click on project → Options → Custom Build → Populate the following:
Option Populate with the following:
File Name Extensions .syscfg
Command Line $SYSCONFIG_ROOT$/nw/nw.exe $SYSCONFIG_ROOT$/dist/cli.js -o $PROJ_DIR$ -s “$ COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13X2_26X2_SDK_INSTALL_DIR$/.metadata/product.json” –compiler iar $FILE_PATH$
Output files (one per line) SysConfig_Generated_Files.ipcf
Run this tool before all other tools Checked

2. Add SysConfig Options

If you are using CCS, open the Project Properties and do the following:

  • In System Configuration Tool → Basic Options → Name of the board file (-b, –board), set it to /ti/boards/.meta/<BOARD_NAME>. (E.g., if you are using a CC1312R LaunchPad, set the name to /ti/boards/.meta/CC1312R1_LAUNCHXL). It is not necessary to set the name of the device.
  • In System Configuration Tool → Basic Options → Root system config meta data file in a product or SDK (-s, –product), add ${COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13X2_26X2_SDK_INSTALL_DIR}/.metadata/product.json.

3. Remove Board Files From Your Project

These are not needed as the board configuration is done in SysConfig. E.g. if you are using a CC1352R LaunchPad, delete the Board.h, CC1352R1_LAUNCHXL.h, and CC1352R1_LAUNCHXL.c from the project. If your project contains board files ending with *_fxns.c or *.cmd, don’t delete them.

You can see how to configure your board files and TI driver instances with SysConfig in Configure The Board Files with SysConfig. If you’re not exactly sure what peripherals are on your board and you have a TI development board, you can check the .syscfg file from an existing syscfg project for your board. E.g. if you’re using a CC26X2R LaunchPad board, you can check the .syscfg file in one of the projects in ${COM_TI_SIMPLELINK_CC13X2_26X2_SDK_INSTALL_DIR} /examples/rtos/CC26X2R1_LAUNCHXL.

4. Migrate Configuration Header File

ti_zstack_config.h contains build configuration settings. The values of these defines depend on the saved SysConfig GUI settings. Note that GPD examples have a completely separate set of configurables compared to all other examples, but they are still generated to default/sysconfig/ti_zstack_config.h. Below is a list of the correspondence between SysConfig configurable name and ti_zstack_config.h define names.

Non-GPD examples:

Submodule Configuration Definition
Power Management Power Mode of Operation RFD_RCVC_ALWAYS_ON
Power Management Minimal Poll Period (ms) MINIMUM_APP_POLL_RATE
Power Management Poll Period (ms) POLL_RATE
Power Management Queued Message Poll Period (ms) QUEUED_POLL_RATE
Power Management Data Response Poll Period (ms) RESPONSE_POLL_RATE
Power Management Rejoin Message Poll Period REJOIN_POLL_RATE
Radio Primary Channels DEFAULT_CHANLIST
Radio Secondary Channels SECONDARY_CHANLIST
Radio Transmit Power TXPOWER
Network Set Extended PAN ID to Extended Address SET_EPID_AS_EXT_ADDR
Network Default Network Key DEFAULT_KEY
Network Distributed Global Link Key DISTRIBUTED_GLOBAL_LINK_KEY
Network Network Maximum Device List NWK_MAX_DEVICE_LIST
Advanced/Routing Route Expiry Time ROUTE_EXPIRY_TIME
Advanced/Routing Network Indirect Message Timeout(s) NWK_INDIRECT_MSG_TIMEOUT
Advanced/Routing Max Route Request Entires MAX_RREQ_ENTRIES
Advanced/Packet Sending APS ACK Wait Duration for Polled Devices (ms) APSC_ACK_WAIT_DURATION_POLLED
Advanced/Packet Sending MAC Frame Attempts APSC_MAX_FRAME_RETRIES
Advanced/Packet Sending NWK Data Retries NWK_MAX_DATA_RETRIES
Advanced/Max Table Sizes Group Table Size APS_MAX_GROUPS
Advanced/Max Table Sizes Routing Table Size MAX_RTG_ENTRIES
Advanced/Max Table Sizes Binding Table Size NWK_MAX_BINDING_ENTRIES

GPD examples:

Submodule Configuration Definition
Radio Channel GPD_CHANNEL
Advanced Radio TX Power (dBm) TXPOWER
Network Green Power Device Type DEVICE_ID
Network Green Power Device ID Type GPD_APP_ID
Network Green Power Device ID GPD_ID
Security Data Frame Security Level GP_SECURITY_LEVEL
Security Data Frame Security Key Type EXT_OPT_KEY_TYPE
Security Data Frame Security Key GP_SECURITY_KEY
Advanced Data Frame Retries GPDF_FRAME_DUPLICATES
Advanced Auto-commissioning AUTO_COMMISSIONING
Advanced Radio Receive After Transmit RX_AFTER_TX
Advanced Sequence Number Capability SEQUENCE_NUMBER_CAP

SysConfig should already come with the standard defaults for both TI-Driver and Z-Stack configurations. Once all values have been defined inside of SysConfig, building the project will generate the ti_zstack_config.h file. When you have eventually built the project with SysConfig enabled, you will find the SysConfig-built version of ti_zstack_config.h in the output default/sysconfig folder of the project.


Currently, manually changing the CCS/IAR project creation files (projectspec/ewp, etc.) could have unseen side effects. An easier path may be to import one of the Z-Stack SysConfig examples and migrate your application accordingly.