4. Deep learning models¶
Neural networks run on TI’s C7xMMA accelerator using the TI Deep Learning (TIDL) software. Development tools are available for different levels of expertise to help users implement and optimize deep neural network (DNN) models for the AM62Ax SoC.
Deep learning models and development can be broken down into multiple phases: Train, Compile, Evaluate, and Deploy. This can be intersected at various stages, allowing developers to begin as it best suites them.
For each task, there is a GUI-based (also called No Code or Low Code) tool available within Edge AI Studio and a programmatic / command line tool from the TI github
In each case, the goal is to acquire or generate a series of “Model Artifacts” that may be deployed to the AM62Ax SoC.
4.1. Pretrained Model Evaluation¶
TI Edge AI Model Zoo is a large collection of deep learning models validated to work on TI processors for Edge AI. It hosts several pre-trained and pre-compiled model artifacts for TI hardware.
There are multiple tools that can used to download or generate model artifacts for pretrained models. No/Low code approaches use Edge AI Studio to find or compile models from TI’s model zoo. Model Analyzer (part of Edge AI Studio) and edgeai-tidl-tools expose the programming interfaces used to generate these artifacts, allowing developers to understand and experiment with the tools. For these programmatic tools, validated out-of-box examples are available.
Precompiled model artifacts may be downloaded directly from the TI model zoo with a browser or by using the Model Downloader Tool directly in the SDK.
4.1.1. Model Downloader Tool¶
Use the Model Downloader Tool in the SDK to download more models on target as shown,
/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# ./download_models.sh
The script will launch an interactive menu showing the list of available,
pre-imported models for download. The downloaded models will be placed
under /opt/model_zoo/

Fig. 4.1 Model downloader tool menu option to download models¶
The script can also be used in a non-interactive way as shown below:
/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# ./download_models.sh --help
4.2. Model Training Tools¶
Models within the TI model zoo are used as a starting point for “Transfer Learning”, and may be retrained for custom use-cases on the developer’s dataset. This is considered a “Bring Your Own Data” or BYOD flow. Custom DNN architectures are not supported in BYOD. The set of Model Zoo models that are available for retraining is hand-picked to be an optimally performing subset of the entire Model Zoo.
Edge AI Studio Model Composer is an integrated environment to allow end to end development of AI application with all necessary stages including data collection, annotation, training, compilation and deployment of machine learning models. It is bundled with optimal models from model zoo for user to select at different performance points. It allows development flow of bring your own data (BYOD) with TI recommended models. Object detection, classification, and segmentation tasks are currntly supported.
EdgeAI-ModelMaker is an end-to-end model development tool that integrates dataset handling, model training and model compilation and provides a simple config file interface that is friendly to beginners. Model training and Model compilation tools are automatically installed as part of the setup of the ModelMaker. This tool can accept annotated datasets from another tool (including Model Composer) as explained in its documentation. The output of ModelMaker is a trained and compiled DNN model artifact package that has all the required side information to be consumed by this SDK. Training code is open source and available for modification as necessary.
4.3. Import Custom Models¶
The Processor SDK Linux Edge AI for AM62Ax supports importing pre-trained custom models to run inference on target using the “Bring Your Own Model” or BYOM flow.
Most experienced Edge AI developers will use this flow on their own models, since they may already have trained models with acceptable accuracy. For best performance, it is important that all layers are supported – see the set of supported layer/operators here
A developer will need to bring their model in ONNX or TFLITE format, information about preprocessing (channel ordering, mean/scale values, input resolution), and a small set of images for running calibration (part of quantization) and accuracy validation. Object detection models like YOLO-based architectures also require a “PROTOTXT” file describing the detection head’s architecture.
It is recommended to validate the entire flow with simple file-based examples provided in Edge AI TIDL tools. Note that this compilation or ‘import’ step of the BYOM flow is handled on an x86 PC or server. The AM62Ax SoC cannot natively compile a model for itself.
This compilation is an important step, and there are many settings used to alter and optimize the resulting model artifacts. Please refer to the TIDL User Options for the full list of settings. These settings are applicable in each of the BYOM tools, since they all use the same underlying Python open source runtimes (ONNX, Tensorflow Lite, TVM) with TIDL backend. Please view documentation in the corresponding tools for their exact usage, although common documentation and debugging guidance is found in the edgeai-tidl-tools documentation. This documentation also describes additional features like model optimization, quantization-aware training, how to use multiple C7x cores (if applicable), and more.
4.4. Model Artifacts and Deployments¶
The SDK makes use of pre-compiled DNN (Deep Neural Network) models and performs inference using various OSRT (open source runtime) such as TFLite runtime, ONNX runtime and Neo AI-DLR (related to TVM).
Model deployment can be performed in several ways – Please view the Sample Apps page for more details on deploying within a live application.
In order to infer a DNN, SDK expects the DNN and associated artifacts in the below directory structure.
├── param.yaml
├── dataset.yaml
├── artifacts
│ ├── 264_tidl_io_1.bin
│ ├── 264_tidl_net.bin
│ ├── 264_tidl_net.bin.layer_info.txt
│ ├── 264_tidl_net.bin_netLog.txt
│ ├── 264_tidl_net.bin.svg
│ ├── allowedNode.txt
│ └── runtimes_visualization.svg
└── model
└── ssd_mobilenet_v2_300_float.tflite
4.4.1. DNN directory structure¶
Each DNN must have the following 4 components:
model: This directory contains the DNN being targeted to infer
artifacts: This directory contains the artifacts generated after the compilation of DNN for SDK. These artifacts can be generated and validated with simple file based examples provided in Edge AI TIDL Tools
param.yaml: A configuration file in yaml format to provide basic information about DNN, and associated pre and post processing parameters
dataset.yaml: A configuration file in yaml format needed for only classification and detection. It contains the mapping from output key to actual labels.
4.4.2. Param file format¶
Each DNN has its own pre-process, inference and post-process parameters to get the correct output. This information is typically available in the training software that was used to train the model. In order to convey this information to the SDK in a standardized fashion, we have defined a set of parameters that describe these operations. These parameters are in the param.yaml file.
Please see sample yaml files for various tasks such as image classification, semantic segmentation and object detection in edgeai-benchmark examples. Descriptions of various parameters are also in the yaml files. If users want to bring their own model to the SDK, then they need to prepare this information for the model compilation / import procedure.