Lab 5: Basic Debugging of PRU Firmware


AM62x support for PRU debug from CCS is added in Sitara device support version 1.6.1. To check the version number of the currently installed Sitara device support, go Help > About Code Composer Studio > Installation Details > Installed Software > Sitara device support. The package can be updated from that menu, or from Help > Check for Updates. Debugging the PRU from CCS

This section demonstrates how to use different features in CCS to debug the PRU Firmware. Debugging C Code

This section is based on the c_code example. Before following these steps, build the c_code firmware, initialize the PRU from CCS, and load the c_code firmware into the PRU.

  1. Set up the debugging environment in CCS:

    • Select Window -> Show View -> Registers

    • Select Window -> Show View -> Memory Browser

    • Select Window -> Show View -> Disassembly

    • Select Window -> Show View -> Variables

    • Take note of where the windows have appeared. Some Views may be different tabs sharing the same window.

  2. In the Debug view, select the PRU core that has the firmware loaded. The core should say (Suspended - SW Breakpoint).

  3. Get familiar with important buttons in the debug interface. Hover the mouse over a button to see the button’s name.

    • “Resume” places the PRU firmware into a “running” state

    • “Suspend” pauses the PRU core. The PRU core must be paused in order to view memory values, edit variables, etc.

    • “Terminate” closes the debug session.

    • “Step Into” takes one step through the C code, and then pauses the PRU core. Note that a single step in C code may translate to several steps in the generated assembly code running on the PRU core. If there is a function, “Step Into” will jump into the function and pause at the first C instruction within the function.

    • “Step Over” takes one step through the C code, and then pauses the PRU core. Note that a single step in C code may translate to several steps in the generated assembly code running on the PRU core. If there is a function, “Step Over” will step over the function and pause at the first C instruction after the function.

    • “Restart” moves the Program Counter (PC) back to the program entry point. It does NOT actually reset the core under debug.

    • “Assembly Step Into” is like “Step Into”, but it steps to the next assembly instruction instead of stepping to the next line of C code.

    • “Assembly Step Over” is like “Step Over”,but it steps to the next assembly instruction instead of stepping to the next line of C code.

  4. If you clicked on any of the buttons in the previous step, click on “Restart” to get back to the program entry point.

  5. Use the “Step Over” or “Step Into” buttons to step through the PRU function to the beginning of the while loop.

Reading and modifying values in memory

Navigate to the Memory Brower window.

  1. Select Data_Memory.

  2. In the Enter location here box, type in the address for a (0x110). The value assigned to a should be stored there. The value assigned to b should be stored in 0x114, and 0x118 should hold the value for c.

  3. Step through the loop once. The value at 0x118 should now equal a + b.

  4. Double click the block of memory at 0x110 in the memory browser. Change the value to a new number (i.e., assign a new value to a). Press the enter key on the keyboard to save the new value of a.

  5. Step through the loop again. The value at 0x118 (i.e., c) should change.

Reading and modifying variable values

Navigate to the Variables window. Variables x, y, and z are defined here.


CCS 11.2 has a bug in the Variables window at the time of writing. The variables are stored in one location on the stack, but the CCS debugger thinks that the variables are stored in a different location. This bug does not affect PRU functionality, but it does mean that the Variables window is not useful for debugging. The bug is fixed in CCS 12.1 as per this e2e thread. Lab steps are written as if the Variables window is working properly. Workaround steps are documented as notes.

The Variables window shows the value of a variable, as well as the variable’s location in memory.

Variables x, y, and z should be saved to the stack.

Check the linker command file to see where the stack is located:

  1. Look in the upper right of the screen. CCS is currently in the “CCS Debug” perspective. Click on the “CCS Edit” perspective to exit the “CCS Debug” perspective.

  2. In the PRU project, open the linker command file.

    • AM64x example: Open AM64x_PRU0.cmd

  3. Scroll down to the SECTIONS { portion of the linker command file.

  4. The PSSP examples place .stack at the very beginning of the PRU data memory.

    • AM64x example:

      /* Specify the sections allocation into memory */
      SECTIONS {
          /* Forces _c_int00 to the start of PRU IRAM. Not necessary when loading
             an ELF file, but useful when loading a binary */
          .text:_c_int00*    >  0x0, PAGE 0
          .text              >  PRU_IMEM, PAGE 0
          .stack             >  PRU0_DMEM_0, PAGE 1

The stack will begin at address 0x0 in the PRU core’s data memory. But how large is the stack?

  1. Select Project -> Properties -> Build -> PRU Linker -> Basic Options

  2. The heap and stack sizes are blank. The default stack size is 0x100. If a different stack size is needed for the project, change it here.

  3. CCS notifies the user about the default stack size. After building the PRU project, check the Problems view. CCS will say that a default size of 0x100 was used for the stack.

Now we know that the stack has a size of 0x100 and begins at address 0x0 in the PRU data memory. Click the “CCS Debug” button in the upper right of the screen to return to the Debug perspective.

Make sure the Variables window is still visible. In the Memory Brower window:

  1. Select Data_Memory.

  2. In the Enter location here box, type in the address of the stack (0x0 by default).

  3. The variable values listed in the Variables view should be visible in the Memory Browser at the location listed in the Variables table:


    As of June 2022, the location of x, y, z in the stack does NOT match the location of x, y, and z in the variables view. For example, in my tests, x was stored in the stack at 0xF0, y was stored at 0xF4, and z was stored at 0xF8. However, the Variables view thought that x, y, and z were stored at 0x0, 0x4, and 0x8, respectively. Check whether the values of x, y, and z in the Variables view match the values of the variables in the main.c code. If they do not match, then variable values cannot be changed through the Variables view.

  4. Click on the Value cell of a variable in the Variables view. type a new number, and press the enter key on the keyboard. The value in the Memory Browser will change:


    If the Variables view bug happens, do NOT change the variable values in the Variables view. Instead, find the true location of the variables in the stack. An easy way to do this is to press the “Terminate” button to terminate the debug session. Power cycle the board, and start a new debug session. This will reset the PRU data memory. Then, watch the Memory Browser while stepping through the variable initialization. Note the memory address of each variable as it is initialized and its value is placed on the stack. Then, adjust variable values through the Memory Browser.

Reading and modifying register values

Navigate to the Registers window. Click on “Restart” to return to the program entry point.

  1. Expand the core registers dropdown.

  2. Step through the C code. The register values will change. PRU programs written in assembly code specify exactly which core register is doing what. However, for C code, the PRU compiler determines which values go in which registers.

  3. If needed, register values can be changed by clicking on the Value cell and typing in a new hexadecimal value.

Viewing and navigating assembly code

  1. Navigate to the Disassembly window. This window shows what assembly code was generated from the C code.

  2. Click the “Step Into” button several times. Note that the blue arrow representing the Program Counter (PC) in the main.c view matches the blue arrow representing the PC in the Disassembly view.

  3. Return to the Register window. Under Core Registers, select PC and change it to a different memory location. The PC arrows in main.c and the Disassembly view should jump to the new program counter location.


    Be careful when manually changing the Program Counter. The PRU firmware does not know when the PC value is manually changed, so register values, memory values, etc may be different from what the PRU firmware expects.

  4. Click on “Restart” to return to the program entry point.

  5. In the Disassembly view, notice how there can be multiple assembly instructions under a single line of C code. Click the “Step Into” button. The PC will jump forward to the next line of C code, instead of the next assembly instruction.

  6. Click the “Assembly Step Into” button. This button allows us to step from one assembly instruction to the next. There are also “Assembly Step Into” and “Assembly Step Over” buttons within the Disassembly view.


The disassembly instructions in the Getting Started Guide directly align with the C code because the PRU compiler is not performing any code optimization. If the PRU compiler performs software optimization for speed or memory size, the generated assembly may be organized differently from the original C code. If the PRU use case requires exact timing, we suggest writing the time sensitive code in assembly rather than C in order to give the developer complete control over the PRU instructions. Debugging Assembly Code

This section is based on the assembly_code example. Before following these steps, build the assembly_code firmware, initialize the PRU from CCS, and load the assembly_code firmware into the PRU.

  1. Set up the debugging environment in CCS:

    • Select Window -> Show View -> Registers

    • Select Window -> Show View -> Memory Browser

    • Select Window -> Show View -> Disassembly

    • Select Window -> Show View -> Variables

    • Take note of where the windows have appeared. Some Views may be different tabs sharing the same window.

  2. In the Debug view, select the PRU core that has the firmware loaded. The core should say (Suspended - SW Breakpoint).

  3. Get familiar with important buttons in the debug interface. Hover the mouse over a button to see the button’s name.

    • “Resume” places the PRU firmware into a “running” state

    • “Suspend” pauses the PRU core. The PRU core must be paused in order to view memory values, edit variables, etc.

    • “Terminate” closes the debug session.

    • “Restart” moves the Program Counter (PC) back to the program entry point. It does NOT actually reset the core under debug.

    • “Assembly Step Into” takes a single step to the next assembly instruction and pauses. If there is a subroutine or function, “Step Into” will jump into the subroutine or function and pause at the first assembly instruction within the subroutine or function.

    • “Assembly Step Over” takes a single step to the next assembly instruction and pauses. If there is a subroutine or function, “Step Into” will jump over the subroutine or function and pause at the first assembly instruction after the subroutine or function.

Reading and modifying values in memory

The assembly_code project does not read or modify values in memory. Refer to Debugging C Code for steps on how to read and modify memory values in the Memory Brower window.

Reading and modifying variable values

The assembly_code project does not read or modify variables. Refer to Debugging C Code for steps on how to read and modify variable values in the Variables window.

Reading and modifying register values

Navigate to the Registers window. Click on “Restart” to return to the program entry point.

  1. Expand the core registers dropdown.

  2. Step through the assembly code. The register values will change.

  3. If needed, register values can be changed by clicking on the Value cell and typing in a new hexadecimal value.

Before changing any register values, let’s take a closer look at exactly what the assembly code is doing.

Viewing and navigating assembly code

  1. Navigate to the Disassembly window. This window shows what processor instructions were generated from the assembly code.

  2. Click the “Assembly Step Into” button several times. Note that the blue arrow representing the Program Counter (PC) in the main.asm view matches the blue arrow representing the PC in the Disassembly view. One assembly instruction in main.asm will be related to one assembly instruction in the Disassembly window.

  3. Return to the Register window. Under Core Registers, select PC and change it to a different memory location. The PC arrows in main.c and the Disassembly view should jump to the new program counter location.


    Be careful when manually changing the Program Counter. The PRU firmware does not know when the PC value is manually changed, so register values, memory values, etc may be different from what the PRU firmware expects.

  4. Click on “Restart” to return to the program entry point.

  5. Click the “Assembly Step Into” button until the PC reaches the while_true function.

  6. Notice how the command ldi x_register, x was interpreted in the Disassembly view. x was converted into a static value of 1 instead of a variable that can be changed.

  7. Step all the way through the while_true loop. The value of R22 should update to equal R20 + R21.

  8. What if we want to change the values getting passed to the assembly instruction add z_register, x_register, y_register? The LDI commands will overwrite any value in R20 and R21 every while loop.

  9. Step until the PC is pointing to add z_register, x_register, y_register. At this point, the two LDI commands just executed. The very next PRU clock cycle, the ADD command will execute.

  10. Go to the Registers view and enter new values in for R20 and R21.

  11. Step one more time. R22 should update with the sum of the new values that were entered in. Stepping through the loop again should replace all register values with the values that were hardcoded in instruction memory. Debugging the PRU from Linux Core

This section is based on the c_code project. Before following these steps, build the c_code firmware, and use the sysfs interface to load the c_code firmware into the PRU.

CCS gives the developer many debug tools that Linux does not have access to (pausing code, stepping through instructions, viewing internal registers, etc). However, there are some basic tools that can be used to test firmware from Linux.

This section discusses using devmem2 to read and write values from memory.

Why is it useful for Linux to read from memory? The PRU cores do not have an output log like other remote cores. However, the PRU cores can write debug values to a known memory location (performing a similar function as print() commands for other cores).

It is useful for Linux to write to memory whenever the developer wants to pass information into the PRU.

For example, if the developer wants to inspect memory values at a certain point during the PRU execution, they could implement a breakpoint in their PRU firmware where the PRU waits for a value to be written to a known memory address before it continues running. That allows the developer to inspect memory values once the breakpoint has been reached, and then tell the PRU core to continue running once they have finished. Such a breakpoint may look like this:

/* breakpoint1 is at PRU data memory, address 0x110 */
#define breakpoint1  (*((volatile unsigned int *)0x110))


breakpoint1 = 0;
while( breakpoint1 != 1 ) {}

PRU firmware written in C can also use RPMsg to send messages to and from the PRU cores.

Determining the memory addresses to use

Variables a, b, and c are stored in the PRU data memory (DRAM) at addresses 0x110, 0x114, 0x118 respectively.

In order to read the variable values from Linux, use the processor’s Technical Reference Manual (TRM) to determine where the PRU DRAM is located. devmem2 uses the hardware addresses (not the kernel’s virtual addresses). Reference the TRM chapters for Memory Map and PRU to find the addresses.

  • AM335x example: PRU1

    • Memory Map > ARM Cortex-A8 Memory Map places the PRU_ICSS at address 0x4A30_0000.

    • PRU-ICSS > PRU-ICSS Memory Map Overview > Global Memory Map says that PRU1’s data memory (Data 8KB RAM 1) is at offset 0x0000_2000. Note that the global memory address for DRAM1 (i.e., the address that the ARM core uses to access that memory) is different from the local memory address for DRAM1 (PRU1 sees DRAM1 at offset 0x0000_0000 as per the Local Data Memory Map section).

    • Thus, a is at 0x4A30_2110, b is at 0x4A30_2114, and c is at 0x4A30_2118.

  • AM64x example: ICSSG1, PRU0

    • Memory Map > MAIN Domain Memory Map starts listing PRU_ICSSG1 at address 0x03008_0000. It also lists PRU_ICSSG1_DRAM0_SLV_RAM at address 0x03008_0000. However, let us double check the PRU chapter as well.

    • Processors and Accelerators > PRU_ICSSG > PRU_ICSSG Top Level Resources Functional Description > PRU_ICSSG Memory Maps > Global Memory Map says that PRU0’s data memory (Data 8KB RAM0) is at offset 0x0000_0000. Note that the global memory address for DRAM0 / DRAM1 (i.e., the address that the ARM core uses to access that memory) may be different from the local memory address for DRAM0 / DRAM1 (i.e., cores in slice 1 see DRAM1 at offset 0x0000_0000 as per the Local Data Memory Map section).

    • PRU_ICSSG shared memory is different from PRU-ICSS or PRU-SS. With PRU_ICSSG, data memory is shared between all PRU cores in a slice (i.e., PRU0, RTU0, TX_PRU0 all share DRAM0, while PRU1, RTU1, TX_PRU1 all share DRAM1). Check the linker command file to see how the DRAM is divided up between the cores. The PRU Getting Started Labs do not need to adjust the memory allocation in the linker command file. Reference <PSSP>/examples/am64x/RTU_MAC_Multiply_Accum for an example of modifying the memory allocation.

    • Thus, a is at 0x03008_0110, b is at 0x03008_0114, c is at 0x03008_0118

Reading and Writing from PRU memory

Use devmem2 to read the values with devmem2 0xADDRESS

  • AM335x example: PRU1, variable a

    # devmem2 0x4a30110
  • AM64x example: ICSSG1, PRU0, variable b

    # devmem2 0x030080114

Use devmem2 to read the values with devmem2 0xADDRESS w 0xVALUE. Write new values to a and b. Does the PRU update the value of c?

  • AM335x example: PRU1, variable a, writing 0x5

    # devmem2 0x4a30110 w 0x5
  • AM64x example: ICSSG1, PRU0, variable b, writing 0x6

    # devmem2 0x030080114 w 0x6