3.3. Android Bootloader on SD Card

This application note contains steps to flash initial bootloaders from SD Card instead of using snagboot.

3.3.1. SD Card Creation

In order to flash the AM62Px board’s eMMC the fist time, a SD card containing the required bootloaders will have to be used to boot into U-Boot and use fastboot.


Make sure to use the same bootloaders as the release you are flashing. The latest release is 09.02.00. Identify the SD Card

To start, identify your SD card with:

$ sudo fdisk -l

In this example, the SD card will be: /dev/mmcblk0. Prepare the SD Card

The preparation of the SD Card is done via the flashall.sh script. Make sure to identify the board model, and the SD card path.

Then, run:

# If you are using binaries built locally
$ cd out/target/product/am62p


# If you are using pre-built binaries from SDK download page
$ cd AM62Px_09.02.00_emmc

$ sudo ./flashall.sh --board am62px-sk --bootloader --sdcard /dev/mmcblk0

3.3.2. eMMC flashing Flashing instructions

Once the build is complete, follow the steps below to flash the images to eMMC. Use the SD card created in previous step to get started.

Procedure is same whether the pre-built images from SDK download page is used or the images are built from source.

  1. Change the Boot Mode DIP switches to SD card boot mode:

Switch Label

SW2: 12345678

SW3: 12345678




  1. Insert the SD card into the AM62Px SK EVM.

  2. Ensure the device is plugged in with USB host and debug UART/serial debug

  3. Open a terminal debugger to view console output from the device:

    $ sudo picocom -b 115200 -r -l /dev/ttyUSB0
  4. Boot the board with SD card.

  5. Stop at U-Boot console (interrupt the auto-boot countdown) and do below commands to setup Android partition table:

    => env default -f -a; saveenv

Then, continue following the default flashing instructions from step 5.