3.7. Android Multimedia (Video encode/decode)

This application note describes video encoding using the onboard Wave5 chip found in the Texas Instruments AM62Px SoC.


Currently, only decode is supported. Video encode is still done via software encoding.

The Wave5 hardware is implemented via:

  • the wave5 driver, located in ~/09_02_00/ti-kernel-aosp/common/drivers/media/platform/chips-media/wave5/

  • a firmware located in ~/09_02_00/ti-aosp-14/vendor/ti/vendor/ti/am62x/firmware/vendor/firmware/cnm/

The userspace associated component is based on the AOSP-provided v4l2_codec2 HAL. The source can be found in ~/09_02_00/ti-aosp-14/external/v4l2_codec2.

3.7.1. Testing Using atest

Android provides all kind of tests to test the media framework. We can run a sample playback via atest from a development tree.

# Standard Android build commands
$ cd ${YOUR_PATH}/ti-aosp-14
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ lunch am62p-userdebug

# install the required media files, downloads from network
$ cts/tests/tests/media/player/
$ ./copy_media.sh
$ cd -

# run the playback test
$ atest android.media.player.cts.MediaPlayerTest#testLocalVideo_MP4_H264_480x360_500kbps_25fps_AAC_Stereo_128kbps_44110Hz

3.7.2. Debugging tips List available codecs

dumpsys can be used to list the available codecs on an Android system. To check that the v4l2 codecs are available, run:

$ adb shell dumpsys media.player | grep -A 10 v4l2
  Decoder "c2.v4l2.avc.decoder" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "codec2::default"
    rank: 128
    profile/levels: [
          1/65536 (Baseline/5.2),
  Decoder "c2.v4l2.hevc.decoder" supports
    aliases: []
    attributes: 0xa: [
      encoder: 0,
      vendor: 1,
      software-only: 0,
      hw-accelerated: 1 ]
    owner: "codec2::default"
    rank: 128
    profile/levels: [
          1/524288 (Main/High 5.2), Verbose logcat logging

The logs in logcat from v4l2_codec2 are not very verbose by default. To enable more logs, v4l2_codec2 should be rebuild. It’s possible to enable all logs with:

$ cd ~/src/ti-aosp-14/external/v4l2_codec2
$ sed -i 's#//\#define LOG_NDEBUG 0#\#define LOG_NDEBUG 0#' *.cpp