AM243x Motor Control SDK  09.02.00


first order filter library

This library is meant to be API backwards-compatible with existing software. It uses DCL (digital control library)'s DF11 compensator located in SDK's source/dcl folder.

Go to the source code of this file.


#define _FILTER_FO_Obj_   dcl_df11


typedef DCL_DF11 FILTER_FO_Obj
typedef DCL_DF11FILTER_FO_Handle


static float32_t FILTER_FO_get_a1 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle)
 Gets the first-order filter denominator coefficient a1. More...
static float32_t FILTER_FO_get_b0 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle)
 Gets the first-order filter numerator coefficient b0. More...
static float32_t FILTER_FO_get_b1 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle)
 Gets the first-order filter numerator coefficient b1. More...
static float32_t FILTER_FO_get_x1 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle)
 Gets the first-order filter input value at time sample n=-1. More...
static float32_t FILTER_FO_get_y1 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle)
 Gets the first-order filter output value at time sample n=-1. More...
void FILTER_FO_getDenCoeffs (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, float32_t *pa1)
 Gets the first-order filter denominator coefficients. More...
void FILTER_FO_getInitialConditions (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, float32_t *px1, float32_t *py1)
 Gets the initial conditions of the first-order filter. More...
void FILTER_FO_getNumCoeffs (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, float32_t *pb0, float32_t *pb1)
 Gets the first-order filter numerator coefficients. More...
FILTER_FO_Handle FILTER_FO_init (void *pMemory, const size_t numBytes)
 Initializes the first-order filter. More...
static float32_t FILTER_FO_run (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t inputValue)
 Runs a first-order filter of the form y[n] = b0*x[n] + b1*x[n-1] - a1*y[n-1]. More...
static float32_t FILTER_FO_run_form_0 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t inputValue)
 Runs a first-order filter of the form y[n] = b0*x[n] - a1*y[n-1]. More...
static void FILTER_FO_set_a1 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t a1)
 Sets the first-order filter denominator coefficient a1. More...
static void FILTER_FO_set_b0 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t b0)
 Sets the first-order filter numerator coefficient b0. More...
static void FILTER_FO_set_b1 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t b1)
 Sets the first-order filter numerator coefficient b1. More...
static void FILTER_FO_set_x1 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t x1)
 Sets the first-order filter input value at time sample n=-1. More...
static void FILTER_FO_set_y1 (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t y1)
 Sets the first-order filter output value at time sample n=-1. More...
void FILTER_FO_setDenCoeffs (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t a1)
 Sets the first-order filter denominator coefficients. More...
void FILTER_FO_setInitialConditions (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t d1, const float32_t d2)
 Sets the initial conditions of the first-order filter. More...
void FILTER_FO_setNumCoeffs (FILTER_FO_Handle handle, const float32_t b0, const float32_t b1)
 Sets the first-order filter numerator coefficients. More...