AM263x Digital Power SDK  09.01.00

Detailed Description

Defines the data logging (DATALOG) object.

Data Fields

int32_t cntr
 Variable: Data log counter. More...
int32_t size
 Parameter: Maximum data buffer. More...
int32_t skipCount
 used for prescalar counter More...
int32_t preScalar
 Parameter: How many datalog update to be skipped. More...
int32_t status
 Status of auto trigger type state machine. More...
int32_t trigger
 Trigger value used for Auto triger type. More...
bool flag_enableLogData
 Manual trigger usage - For datalog to be initiated always to be true. More...
bool flag_enableLogOneShot
 Manual trigger usage - For datalog once this need to be true. More...

Field Documentation

◆ cntr

int32_t DATALOG_Obj::cntr

Variable: Data log counter.

◆ size

int32_t DATALOG_Obj::size

Parameter: Maximum data buffer.

◆ skipCount

int32_t DATALOG_Obj::skipCount

used for prescalar counter

◆ preScalar

int32_t DATALOG_Obj::preScalar

Parameter: How many datalog update to be skipped.

◆ status

int32_t DATALOG_Obj::status

Status of auto trigger type state machine.

◆ trigger

int32_t DATALOG_Obj::trigger

Trigger value used for Auto triger type.

◆ flag_enableLogData

bool DATALOG_Obj::flag_enableLogData

Manual trigger usage - For datalog to be initiated always to be true.

◆ flag_enableLogOneShot

bool DATALOG_Obj::flag_enableLogOneShot

Manual trigger usage - For datalog once this need to be true.