IQMathLibrary  1.0
_IQNfunctions Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for _IQNfunctions:


file  _atoIQN.c
 Functions to convert a string to an IQN number.
file  _IQNasin_acos.c
 Functions to compute the inverse sine of the input and return the result, in radians.
file  _IQNatan2.c
 Functions to compute the 4-quadrant arctangent of the input and return the result.
file  _IQNdiv.c
 Functions to divide two values of IQN type.
file  _IQNexp.c
 Functions to compute the exponential of the input and return the result.
file  _IQNfrac.c
 Functions to return the fractional portion of the input.
file  _IQNlog.c
 Functions to compute the base-e logarithm of an IQN number.
file  _IQNmpy.c
 Functions to multiply two values of IQN type.
file  _IQNmpyIQX.c
 Functions to multiply two IQ numbers in different IQ formats, returning the product in a third IQ format. The result is neither rounded nor saturated, so if the product is greater than the minimum or maximum values for the given output IQ format, the return value will wrap around and produce inaccurate results.
file  _IQNrmpy.c
 Functions to multiply two IQ numbers, returning the product in IQ format. The result is rounded but not saturated, so if the product is greater than the minimum or maximum values for the given IQ format, the return value wraps around and produces inaccurate results.
file  _IQNrsmpy.c
 Functions to multiply two IQ numbers, returning the product in IQ format. The result is rounded and saturated, so if the product is greater than the minimum or maximum values for the given IQ format, the return value is saturated to the minimum or maximum value for the given IQ format (as appropriate).
file  _IQNsin_cos.c
 Functions to compute the sine and cosine of the input and return the result.
file  _IQNsqrt.c
 Functions to compute square root, inverse square root and the magnitude of two IQN inputs.
file  _IQNtoa.c
 Functions to convert an IQ number to a string.
file  _IQNtoF.c
 Functions to convert IQN type to floating point.
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