4.12. ICU

4.12.1. Introduction

This document describes the functionality, API and configuration of the AUTOSAR BSW module Icu.

Supported AUTOSAR Release : 4.3.1

Supported Configuration Variants : Pre-Compile & Post-Build

Vendor ID : ICU_VENDOR_ID (44)

Module ID : ICU_MODULE_ID (122)

Supported Platform : AM273x

The ICU module initializes, configures and controls the internal hardware to realize ICU driver as detailed in AUTOSAR BSW ICU Driver Specification. The ICU functionality is realized through the ECAP IP available on the device. Following section highlights key aspects of this implementation, which would be of interest to an integrator.

4.12.2. Functional Description

The ICU driver uses ECAP module to capture events. In AM273x we have a total of 3 instances of ICU ( MSS_I2C, RCSS_I2CA and RCSS_I2CB). The ICU driver provides the following features:

  1. Signal Measurements - High time, Low time, Period time, Duty cycle

  2. Edge Detection - Provide notification for each edge detected

  3. Edge Counting - Measure edge counts

  4. Edge Timestamping - Measure the absolute time when edges occur

##Clock Source to timers: Programming of clock source for the ICU module, is beyond the scope of this document. The driver expects that the user of this module has programmed required clock source. The example application demonstrates configuring clock sources for ECAP module

4.12.3. Configuration

The Icu Driver implementation supports pre as well as post compile configuration variants. The driver expects generated Icu_Cfg.h **to be present for selecting the variant. The associated Icu configuration generated files are **Icu_Cfg.c and Icu_PBcfg.c

By default Signal measurement mode is selected but if user want to change it to some other mode so in that case following operation they need to perform:

  1. Change the configuration from the EB tresos tool.

  2. So in case of icu, timestamp mode and edge detection mode also involve interupt callback to be registered.So by default we have given callback name in our application,with that name you can configure callback also in EB tresos.

  3. For Edge detection mode callback name is: Icu_SignalNotification_Channel1 For Timestamp mode callback name is : Icu_TimeStampNotification_Channel1

  4. Except this rest of the parameters can be configured as provided in EB plugin.




Signal Measurement Mode


Edge Detection Mode


TimeStamp Mode


Edge Count Mode


The following section details on the un-supported features and additional features added.

4.12.4. Variance / Deviation from the specification

APIs (listed below) related to wakeup capability are not supported as the hardware does not support.

  • Controlling Wakeup interrupts

  • Icu_SetMode()

  • Icu_DisableWakeup()

  • Icu_EnableWakeup()

  • Icu_CheckWakeup()

4.12.5. Implementation Specific Configurations

This driver implementation introduces below listed configurable options.





Value of the system clock freq.

Container Name





200 (default MHz clock)

Value Configuration Class






Used configure divider for the input clock This parameter could be used to divide this clock before it’s used to count.

Container Name





0 to 7

Value Configuration Class


4.12.6. Interrupt Configuration

The Driver doesn’t register any interrupts handler (ISR), it’s expected that consumer of this driver registers the required interrupt handler.

For every Icu channel with notification enabled, an ISR requires to be registered. The Interrupt number associated with instance of the ECAP is detailed in TRM (also, please refer the demo application). Please refer IcuApp() in Icu demo application.

Some of the ICU interrupts are not routed/mapped to this core, these interrupts would require additional programming to route these to this core. Please refer IcuApp() in Icu demo application.

4.12.7. Non Standard Service APIs

As noted from the previous MCAL implementation, some of the critical configuration registers could potentially be corrupted by other entities (s/w or h/w). One of the recommended detection methods would be to periodically read-back the configuration and confirm configuration is consistent. The service API defined below shall be implemented to enable this detection.



Service Name


Can potentially be turned OFF


Icu_RegisterReadback(Icu_ChannelType Channel,P2VAR(Icu_RegisterReadbackType, AUTOMATIC, ICU_APPL_DATA) RegRbPtr)

E_OK: Register read back has been done, E_NOT_OK: Register read back failed. Icu_RegisterReadbackType defines the type, that holds critical

Parameter in


Numeric identifier of the ICU channel





Non Reentrant


Parameter out


A pointer of type Icu_RegisterReadbackType, which holds the read back values.

Return value


E_OK or E_NOT_OK in case of Icu not initialized or NULL buffer pointer

4.12.8. Power-up

The driver doesn’t configure the functional clock and power for the timer modules. Its expected that SBL power-up the required modules. Please refer SBL documentation.

4.12.9. Build and Running the Example Application

Please follow steps detailed in section to build library or example.

ECAP based application name - icu_app

This application uses the PWM (Enhanced Pulse Width Module) to provide input to ECAP instance. The ECAP module (with ICU driver) will capture the signals provided as input.

4.12.10. Memory Mapping

Various objects of this implementation (e.g. variables, functions, constants) are defined under different sections. The linker command file defines separate section for these objects. When the driver is integrated, its expected that these sections are created and placed in appropriate memory locations. (Locations of these objects depend on the system design and performance needs)

Memory Mapping Sections




















4.12.11. Cache

This driver implementation has been validated with cache enabled. For optimal performance it’s recommended to place memmap sections in cache enabled memory area.

4.12.12. Dependencies on SW Modules

DET: This implementation depends on the DET in order to report development errors and can be turned OFF. Refer section (13) for detailed error codes.

4.12.13. File Structure

Driver implemented by : Icu.h, Icu_Irq.h, Icu.c, Icu_Priv.c ,Icu_Irq.c and Icu_Priv.h

Example application:

  • There is one example application provided: icu_app. Please refer to below directory structures.

  • Config files for icu_app are located along with other applications’ configs at /mcal_sitara_mcu/mcal/examples/config/Icu_Cfg and Icu_PBcfg can also be found as this location.

  • Icu_Cfg.h: Contains static configuration of this module.

  • Icu_Cfg.c: Shall implement the generated configuration for pre-compile variant.

  • Icu_PBcfg.c: Shall implement the generated configuration for post-build variant

  • IcuApp.c and IcuApp.h: Shall implement the start-up code sequence and register interrupts and also shall implement the example application that demonstrates the use of the driver.

4.12.14. Development Error Reporting

Development errors are reported to the DET using the service Det_ReportError(), when enabled. Error codes

Type of Error

Related Error code

Value (Hex)

API is called with invalid pointer



API service used with an invalid channel identifier or channel was not configured for the functionality of the called API



API service used with an invalid or not feasible activation



Init Function Failed



API service used with an invalid bugger size



API serice Icu_SetMode used with an invalid mode



API service used without module initialization



API serice Icu_SetMode is called while in running operation



API Icu_Init ervice is called and when the ICU driver and the Hardware are already Initialized



API Icu_StartTimeStamp is called and the parameter NotifyInterval is Invalid



API Icu_GetVersionInfo is called and the parameter versioninfo is invalid



Runtime Errors

Type of Error

Related Error code

Value (Hex)

API service Icu_StopTimestamp called on a channel which was not started or already stopped



4.12.15. API Description

The AUTOSAR BSW ICU Driver specification details the APIs required for Icu Driver. Please refer to (Refer to SWS of ICU ) for detailed API description. APIs related to wakeup capability are not implemented.

4.12.16. Example Application

In the IcuApp.c , following steps are there:

  1. Firstly the pin mux is initialized

  2. UART is enabled.

  3. After that EPWM is enabled , since the output of EPWM is used as an input to our ICU.

  4. After that the ICU is initialized

  5. So by default we have configured ICU in signal measurement mode, but if the user want to change then they need to change the configuration accordingly.

  6. By default we are using EPWM0 for our input to ICU.

  7. And we are taking ECAP0( ICU 0TH instance ) for the demonstration of our example.

  8. So now when we execute our example with default configuration we will be getting active time, period time and duty cycle as part of the signal measurement.

4.12.17. References

4.12.18. Document Revision History



Revision History


07 Aug 2023

Initial Version

4.12.19. TI Disclaimer

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