AM64x MCU+ SDK  10.01.00

Detailed Description

Enet UDMA TX Protocol Info structure.

It contains IPv4/IPv6 protcol information including checksum. This is copied to the CPPI RX control word (UDMA channel protocol specific info).

Data Fields

uint16_t chkSumResOffset
uint16_t chkSumStartByte
bool chkSumInv
uint16_t chkSumByteCnt

Field Documentation

◆ chkSumResOffset

uint16_t EnetUdma_TxProtoInfo::chkSumResOffset

Checksum result location - packet byte number where the checksum result will be placed in the outgoing packet. The first packet byte which is the first byte of the destination address is Byte 1

◆ chkSumStartByte

uint16_t EnetUdma_TxProtoInfo::chkSumStartByte

Checksum start byte - packet byte number to start the checksum calculation on. The first packet byte is Byte 1

◆ chkSumInv

bool EnetUdma_TxProtoInfo::chkSumInv

Flag to insert invalid checksum. When true a zero checksum value will be inverted and sent as FFFFh

◆ chkSumByteCnt

uint16_t EnetUdma_TxProtoInfo::chkSumByteCnt

Checksum byte count - number of bytes to calculate the checksum on. The outgoing Ethernet packet will have a checksum inserted when this value is non-zero