TI Ethernet Low Level Driver abstract APIs.
void | LLDEnetCfgInit (LLDEnetCfg_t *cfg) |
| Initializes the LLDEnetCfg_t structure. More...
LLDEnet_t * | LLDEnetOpen (LLDEnetCfg_t *cfg) |
| Opens an instance of LLDEnet. More...
void | LLDEnetClose (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet) |
| Closes an instance of LLDEnet. More...
int | LLDEnetFilter (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, uint8_t *dstMacAddr, uint32_t vlanId, uint32_t ethType) |
| Filter RX packets by using the destination MAC address and VLAN ID. More...
int | LLDEnetAllocMac (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, uint8_t *srcMacAddr) |
| Allocates a source MAC address. More...
void | LLDEnetFreeMac (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, uint8_t *srcMacAddr) |
| Frees a previously allocated MAC address. More...
int | LLDEnetSend (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, LLDEnetFrame_t *frame) |
| Sends an Ethernet frame using LLDEnet. More...
int | LLDEnetSendMulti (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, LLDEnetFrame_t *frames, uint32_t nFrames) |
| Sends multiple Ethernet frames using LLDEnet. More...
int | LLDEnetRecv (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, LLDEnetFrame_t *frame) |
| Receives an Ethernet frame using LLDEnet. More...
int | LLDEnetRecvZeroCopy (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, void(*LLDEnetRecvCb)(LLDEnetFrame_t *frame, void *cbArg), void *cbArg) |
| Receives an Ethernet frame using LLDEnet in the Zero-Copy way. More...
bool | LLDEnetIsPortUp (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, uint8_t portNum) |
| Checks if the specified port is up. More...
int | LLDEnetGetLinkInfo (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, uint8_t portNum, uint32_t *speed, uint32_t *duplex) |
| Retrieves the link speed and duplex information for the specified port. More...
int | LLDEnetSetTxNotifyCb (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, void(*txNotifyCb)(void *arg), void *arg) |
| Sets the transmit notification callback function for LLDEnet. More...
int | LLDEnetSetRxNotifyCb (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, void(*rxNotifyCb)(void *arg), void *arg) |
| Sets the receive notification callback function for LLDEnet. More...
int | LLDEnetSetDefaultRxDataCb (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet, void(*rxDefaultDataCb)(void *data, int size, int port, void *arg), void *arg) |
| Sets the receive data callback function for LLDEnet when filter does not match. This callback is supported only when using the RX DMA shared channel. Currently, only Sitara AM273x is supported for this feature. More...
bool | LLDEnetIsRxTsInPkt (LLDEnet_t *hLLDEnet) |
| Checks the receive packet timestamping mode. More...