EtherCAT Slave1.12.02
Application Callbacks


Set of optional user callbacks used by the Stack.


typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBUsrApplicationMainLoop_t) (void *pAppMainLoopCtxt_p)
 User defined function. Called as application MainLoop in MainLoop. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBUsrApplicationRun_t) (void *pAppRunCtxt_p)
 User defined function. Called as "application run" in MainLoop. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBStackError_t) (void *pAppRunCtxt_p, uint32_t errorCode_p, uint8_t fatal_p, uint8_t numOfParam_p, va_list arg_p)
 Called on severe Stack error (OSAL_error) More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBMsrmt_t) (void *pMsrmtCtxt_p, uint32_t measureChannel_p, bool channelOn_p)
 Called on severe Stack error (OSAL_error) More...
typedef EC_API_SLV_EUserRetCodes_t(* EC_API_SLV_CBStartMbxHandler_t) (void *pContext_p)
 User defined function. Called when mailbox handler is started. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBStopMbxHandler_t) (void *pContext_p)
 User defined function. Called when mailbox handler is stopped. More...
typedef EC_API_SLV_EUserRetCodes_t(* EC_API_SLV_CBStartInputHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t *pIntMask_p)
 User defined function. Called when input handler is started. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBStopInputHandler_t) (void *pContext_p)
 User defined function. Called when input handler is stopped. More...
typedef EC_API_SLV_EUserRetCodes_t(* EC_API_SLV_CBStartOutputHandler_t) (void *pContext_p)
 User defined function. Called when output handler is started. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBStopOutputHandler_t) (void *pContext_p)
 User defined function. Called when ouput handler is stopped. More...
typedef void *(* EC_API_SLV_CBPreSeqInputPD_t) (void *pContext_p, uint32_t length_p)
 Register external Input Process Data Buffer. More...
typedef void *(* EC_API_SLV_CBPreSeqOutputPD_t) (void *pContext_p, uint32_t length_p)
 Register external Output Process Data Buffer. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBPostSeqInputPD_t) (void *pContext_p, void *pData_p, uint32_t length_p)
 Register external Release Input Process Data Buffer Function. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBPostSeqOutputPD_t) (void *pContext_p, void *pData_p, uint32_t length_p)
 Register external Release Output Process Data Buffer Function. More...
typedef uint32_t(* EC_API_SLV_PDO_CBAssignmentChanges_t) (void *pContext_p, bool rx_p, uint8_t count_p, uint16_t *pPdoIndexArray_p)
 Inform about PDO assignment changes. More...
typedef uint32_t(* EC_API_SLV_PDO_CBMappingChanges_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t pdoIndex_p, uint8_t count_p, EC_SLV_API_PDO_SEntryMap_t *pPdoMap_p)
 Inform about PDO mapping changes. More...
typedef uint8_t(* EC_API_SLV_CBObjRead_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subindex_p, uint32_t length_p, uint16_t *pData_p, uint8_t completeAccess_p)
 Callback trigered by a SDO Upload operation. More...
typedef uint8_t(* EC_API_SLV_CBObjWrite_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subindex_p, uint32_t length_p, uint16_t *pData_p, uint8_t completeAccess_p)
 Callback trigered by a SDO Download operation. More...
typedef bool(* EC_API_SLV_EoE_CBReceiveHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t *pData_p, uint16_t length_p)
 User defined EoE receive function. Called when an EoE frame is received. More...
typedef bool(* EC_API_SLV_EoE_CBSettingIndHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t *pMac_p, uint16_t *pIp_p, uint16_t *pSubNet_p, uint16_t *pDefaultGateway_p, uint16_t *pDnsIp_p)
 EoE Settings Indication callback proxy. More...
typedef uint16_t(* EC_API_SLV_AoE_CBRquestHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t port_p, uint16_t cmdId_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subIndex_p, bool completeAccess_p, uint32_t dataLen_p)
 AoE Communication Request Handler. More...
typedef uint32_t(* EC_API_SLV_FoE_CBOpenFileHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, const char *pName_p, uint16_t nameLen_p, bool isRead_p, uint32_t password_p)
 User defined FoE receive function. Called when an FoE frame is received. More...
typedef uint32_t(* EC_API_SLV_FoE_CBReadFileHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t *pData_p, uint16_t foeMaxSendBlockSize_p, uint32_t offset_p)
 Read FoE File callback. More...
typedef uint32_t(* EC_API_SLV_FoE_CBWriteFileHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t *pData_p, uint16_t size_p)
 Write FoE File callback. More...
typedef uint32_t(* EC_API_SLV_FoE_CBCloseFileHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint32_t errorCode_p)
 Close FoE File callback. More...
typedef EC_API_EError_t(* EC_API_SLV_FoE_CBFwUpdateHandler_t) (void *pContext_p)
 FoE Handle Firmware update callback. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBSystemRebootHandler_t) (void *pContext_p)
 Handle System Reboot. More...
typedef uint16_t(* EC_API_SLV_AoE_CBReadRequestHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t port_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subIndex_p, bool completeAccess_p, uint32_t *pLength_p, uint16_t *pData_p)
 AoE Communication Read Request Handler. More...
typedef uint16_t(* EC_API_SLV_AoE_CBWriteRequestHandler_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t port_p, uint16_t index_p, uint8_t subIndex_p, bool completeAccess_p, uint32_t *pLength_p, uint16_t *pData_p)
 AoE Communication Write Request Handler. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_SoE_CBSend_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t *pSoEService_p, uint16_t *pSoEFlags_p, void **pData_p, uint16_t *pLen_p)
 Send SoE message to master. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_SoE_CBRecv_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t soEService_p, uint16_t soEFlags_p, void *pData_p, uint16_t *pLen_p)
 Recevice SoE message from Master. More...
typedef uint8_t(* EC_API_SLV_SoE_CBNofReq_t) (void *pContext_p)
 Master requests a notification. Application should send an Emergency message. More...
typedef bool(* EC_API_SLV_CiA402_CBUsrApplSM_t) (void *pAppRunCtxt_p)
 User defined function. Called as "application Cia402 StateMachine" in MainLoop. More...
typedef uint16_t(* EC_API_SLV_CiA402_CBUsrApplSetDict_t) (void *pContext_p)
 Configure CiA402 Object Dictionary. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CiA402_CBUsrApplSetDictValues_t) (void *pContext_p)
 Set default values for the CiA402 Objects. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CiA402_CBUsrApplApplication_t) (void *pContext_p)
 User application slot (control) More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CiA402_CBUsrApplLocalError_t) (void *pContext_p, uint16_t errorCode_p)
 User application local error. More...
typedef bool(* EC_API_SLV_CBEepromLoad_t) (void *pContext_p, void *pEeprom_p, uint32_t *pLength_p)
 Load EEPROM from memory. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBEepromWrite_t) (void *pContext_p, void *pEeprom_p, uint32_t length_p)
 Write EEPROM to memory. More...
typedef void(* EC_API_SLV_CBInitFlash_t) (void *pContext_p)
 Init flash memory block to load and store eeprom content. More...