AM62Px MCU+ SDK  10.01.00
Cpsw_SetInterVlanRouteMultiEgressInArgs Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Data Fields

uint32_t numEgressPorts
Cpsw_InterVlanEgressPortCfg egressCfg [CPSW_ALE_NUM_MAC_PORTS]
Cpsw_InterVlanRouteIngressPktMatchCfg inPktMatchCfg

Field Documentation

◆ numEgressPorts

uint32_t Cpsw_SetInterVlanRouteMultiEgressInArgs::numEgressPorts

Number of egress ports the packet needs to be routed to

◆ egressCfg

Cpsw_InterVlanEgressPortCfg Cpsw_SetInterVlanRouteMultiEgressInArgs::egressCfg[CPSW_ALE_NUM_MAC_PORTS]

Egress packet modification configuration for the interVLAN route for each port the packet will be routed to. numEgressPorts determine number of valid entries in this table

◆ inPktMatchCfg

Cpsw_InterVlanRouteIngressPktMatchCfg Cpsw_SetInterVlanRouteMultiEgressInArgs::inPktMatchCfg

Ingress packet match criteria for the interVLAN route. If the packet matches the given criteria and the destination port of the packet is host port then the interVLAN route will take effect